Class ColumnMappers.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class ColumnMappers.Builder extends Object
A builder of Selectors.
Randall Hauch
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • map

      public ColumnMappers.Builder map(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, ColumnMapper mapper)
      Set a mapping function for the columns with fully-qualified names that match the given comma-separated list of regular expression patterns.
      fullyQualifiedColumnNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified column names; may not be null
      mapper - the column mapping function that will be used to map actual values into values used in the output record; null if an existing mapping function should be removed
      this object so that methods can be chained together; never null
    • fullyQualifiedColumnName

      public String fullyQualifiedColumnName(TableId tableId, Column column)
    • mappedTableColumnName

      public String mappedTableColumnName(TableId tableId, Column column)
    • mapByDatatype

      public ColumnMappers.Builder mapByDatatype(String columnDatatypes, ColumnMapper mapper)
    • fullyQualifiedColumnDatatype

      public String fullyQualifiedColumnDatatype(TableId tableId, Column column)
    • mappedTableColumnDatatype

      public String mappedTableColumnDatatype(TableId tableId, Column column)
    • map

      public ColumnMappers.Builder map(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, Class<ColumnMapper> mapperClass)
      Set a mapping function for the columns with fully-qualified names that match the given comma-separated list of regular expression patterns.
      fullyQualifiedColumnNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified column names; may not be null
      mapperClass - the Java class that implements BiFunction<Column, Object, Object> and that will be used to map actual values into values used in the output record; may not be null
      this object so that methods can be chained together; never null
    • map

      public ColumnMappers.Builder map(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, Class<ColumnMapper> mapperClass, Configuration config)
      Set a mapping function for the columns with fully-qualified names that match the given comma-separated list of regular expression patterns.
      fullyQualifiedColumnNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified column names; may not be null
      mapperClass - the Java class that implements BiFunction<Column, Object, Object> and that will be used to map actual values into values used in the output record; may not be null
      config - the configuration to pass to the ColumnMapper instance; may be null
      this object so that methods can be chained together; never null
    • truncateStrings

      public ColumnMappers.Builder truncateStrings(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, int maxLength)
      Truncate to a maximum length the string values for each of the columns with the fully-qualified names. Only columns String values can be truncated.
      fullyQualifiedColumnNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified column names; may not be null
      maxLength - the maximum number of characters to appear in the value
      this object so that methods can be chained together; never null
    • maskStrings

      public ColumnMappers.Builder maskStrings(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, int numberOfChars)
      Use a string of the specified number of '*' characters to mask the string values for each of the columns with fully-qualified names that match the given comma-separated list of regular expression patterns.
      fullyQualifiedColumnNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified column names; may not be null
      numberOfChars - the number of mask characters to be used in the mask value
      this object so that methods can be chained together; never null
    • maskStrings

      public ColumnMappers.Builder maskStrings(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, int numberOfChars, char maskChar)
      Use a string of the specified number of characters to mask the string values for each of the columns with fully-qualified names that match the given comma-separated list of regular expression patterns.
      fullyQualifiedColumnNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified column names; may not be null
      numberOfChars - the number of mask characters to be used in the mask value
      maskChar - the character to be used; may not be null
      this object so that methods can be chained together; never null
    • maskStrings

      public ColumnMappers.Builder maskStrings(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, String maskValue)
      Use the specified string to mask the string values for each of the columns with fully-qualified names that match the given comma-separated list of regular expression patterns.
      fullyQualifiedColumnNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified column names; may not be null
      maskValue - the value to be used in place of the actual value; may not be null
      this object so that methods can be chained together; never null
    • maskStringsByHashing

      public ColumnMappers.Builder maskStringsByHashing(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, String hashAlgorithm, String salt)
    • maskStringsByHashingV2

      public ColumnMappers.Builder maskStringsByHashingV2(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, String hashAlgorithm, String salt)
    • propagateSourceTypeToSchemaParameter

      public ColumnMappers.Builder propagateSourceTypeToSchemaParameter(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, String value)
    • propagateSourceTypeToSchemaParameterByDatatype

      public ColumnMappers.Builder propagateSourceTypeToSchemaParameterByDatatype(String columnDatatypes, String value)
    • map

      public ColumnMappers.Builder map(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, String mapperClassName)
      Set a mapping function for the columns with fully-qualified names that match the given comma-separated list of regular expression patterns.
      fullyQualifiedColumnNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified column names; may not be null
      mapperClassName - the name of the Java class that implements BiFunction<Column, Object, Object> and that will be used to map actual values into values used in the output record; null if an existing mapping function should be removed
      this object so that methods can be chained together; never null
    • map

      public ColumnMappers.Builder map(String fullyQualifiedColumnNames, String mapperClassName, Configuration config)
      Set a mapping function for the columns with fully-qualified names that match the given comma-separated list of regular expression patterns.
      fullyQualifiedColumnNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified column names; may not be null
      mapperClassName - the name of the Java class that implements BiFunction<Column, Object, Object> and that will be used to map actual values into values used in the output record; null if an existing mapping function should be removed
      config - the configuration to pass to the ColumnMapper instance; may be null
      this object so that methods can be chained together; never null
    • build

      public ColumnMappers build()
      Build the Predicate that determines whether a table identified by a given TableId is to be included.
      the table selection predicate; never null
    • mappedTableId

      private TableId mappedTableId(TableId tableId)