Interface SchemaNameAdjuster.ReplacementOccurred

Enclosing interface:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface @ThreadSafe public static interface SchemaNameAdjuster.ReplacementOccurred
Function used to report that an original value was replaced with an Avro-compatible string.
  • Method Details

    • accept

      void accept(String original, String replacement, String conflictsWithOriginal)
      Accept that the original value was not Avro-compatible and was replaced.
      original - the original value
      replacement - the replacement value
      conflictsWithOriginal - the other original value that resulted in the same replacement; may be null if there is no conflict
    • firstTimeOnly

      default SchemaNameAdjuster.ReplacementOccurred firstTimeOnly()
      Create a new function that calls this function only the first time it sees each unique original, and ignores subsequent calls for originals it has already seen.
      the new function; never null
    • andThen

      Create a new function that calls this function and then calls the next function.
      next - the function to call after this function; may be null
      the new function; never null