Interface DatabaseSchema<I extends DataCollectionId>

Type Parameters:
I - The type of DataCollectionId used by a given implementation
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
HistorizedRelationalDatabaseSchema, RelationalDatabaseSchema

public interface DatabaseSchema<I extends DataCollectionId> extends AutoCloseable
The schema of a database. Provides information about the structures of the tables (collections etc.) it contains.
Gunnar Morling
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • schemaFor

      DataCollectionSchema schemaFor(I id)
    • tableInformationComplete

      boolean tableInformationComplete()
      Indicates whether or not table names are guaranteed to be fully present, regardless of whether or not a snapshot has been performed.
      boolean indicating if table names are present
    • assureNonEmptySchema

      default void assureNonEmptySchema()
    • isHistorized

      boolean isHistorized()
      Whether this schema is historized (i.e. a history of all schema changes is kept which is recovered upon connector restart) or not.