Interface SnapshotQuery

All Superinterfaces:
Configurable, Service

public interface SnapshotQuery extends Configurable, Service
SnapshotQuery is used to determine the query used during data snapshot
Mario Fiore Vitale
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    snapshotQuery(String tableId, List<String> snapshotSelectColumns)
    Generate a valid query string for the specified table, or an empty Optional to skip snapshotting this table (but that table will still be streamed from)

    Methods inherited from interface io.debezium.spi.common.Configurable

  • Method Details

    • name

      String name()
      the name of the snapshot lock.
    • snapshotQuery

      Optional<String> snapshotQuery(String tableId, List<String> snapshotSelectColumns)
      Generate a valid query string for the specified table, or an empty Optional to skip snapshotting this table (but that table will still be streamed from)
      tableId - the table to generate a query for
      snapshotSelectColumns - the columns to be used in the snapshot select based on the column include/exclude filters
      a valid query string, or none to skip snapshotting this table