Class Application<T extends Configuration>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of configuration class for this application

    public abstract class Application<T extends Configuration>
    extends Object
    The base class for Dropwizard applications. Because the default constructor will be inherited by all subclasses, {BootstrapLogging.bootstrap()} will always be invoked. The log level used during the bootstrap process can be configured by {Application} subclasses by overriding {#bootstrapLogLevel}.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Application

        protected Application()
    • Method Detail

      • bootstrapLogLevel

        protected ch.qos.logback.classic.Level bootstrapLogLevel()
        The log level at which to bootstrap logging on application startup.
      • bootstrapLogging

        protected void bootstrapLogging()
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name of the application.
        the application's name
      • initialize

        public void initialize​(Bootstrap<T> bootstrap)
        Initializes the application bootstrap.
        bootstrap - the application bootstrap
      • run

        public abstract void run​(T configuration,
                                 Environment environment)
                          throws Exception
        When the application runs, this is called after the ConfiguredBundles are run. Override it to add providers, resources, etc. for your application.
        configuration - the parsed Configuration object
        environment - the application's Environment
        Exception - if something goes wrong
      • run

        public void run​(String... arguments)
                 throws Exception
        Parses command-line arguments and runs the application. Call this method from a public static void main entry point in your application.
        arguments - the command-line arguments
        Exception - if something goes wrong
      • addDefaultCommands

        protected void addDefaultCommands​(Bootstrap<T> bootstrap)
        Called by run(String...) to add the standard "server" and "check" commands
        bootstrap - the bootstrap instance
      • onFatalError

        protected void onFatalError​(Throwable t)
        Called by run(String...) to indicate there was a fatal error running the requested command. The default implementation calls System.exit(int) with a non-zero status code to terminate the application.
        t - The Throwable instance which caused the command to fail.