Class ConfigOverride

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    ConfigOverrideRandomPorts, ConfigOverrideValue

    public abstract class ConfigOverride
    extends Object
    An override for a field in dropwizard configuration intended for use with DropwizardAppExtension.

    Given a configuration file containing

         - type: http
           port: 8000
         - type: http
           port: 8001
       loggers: INFO
    • ConfigOverride.config("debug", "true") will add a top level field named "debug" mapped to the string "true".
    • ConfigOverride.config("server.applicationConnectors[0].type", "https") will change the sole application connector to have type "https" instead of type "http".
    • ConfigOverride.config("\\.example\\.bar", "DEBUG") will add a logger with the name "" configured for debug logging.
    • ConfigOverride.randomPorts() will change the ports of the default applicationConnectors and adminConnectors to 0 so the tests start with random ports.