
package json

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By Inheritance
  1. json
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait IntoJacksonJsonParser[F[_], -S] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass for "source" types that can be passed to a com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory to create a com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser (wrapped as a Resource) which can be used as the underlying JsonEvent source for spac JsonParsers.

    Typeclass for "source" types that can be passed to a com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory to create a com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser (wrapped as a Resource) which can be used as the underlying JsonEvent source for spac JsonParsers.


    An effect type, e.g. cats.effect.IO used to represent the opening and closing of the underlying parser


    The source type, e.g. File, String, Resource[F, Reader], or Resource[F, InputStream]

  2. type JsonContextMatcher[+C] = ContextMatcher[JsonStackElem, C]
  3. type JsonParser[+Out] = Parser[JsonEvent, Out]
  4. type JsonSplitter[+C] = Splitter[JsonEvent, C]
  5. type JsonTransformer[+Out] = Transformer[JsonEvent, Out]

Value Members

  1. val JsonParser: ParserApplyWithBoundInput[JsonEvent]
  2. val JsonSplitter: SplitterApplyWithBoundInput[JsonEvent]
  3. val JsonTransformer: TransformerApplyWithBoundInput[JsonEvent]
  4. def anyField: JsonContextMatcher[String]
  5. def anyIndex: JsonContextMatcher[Int]
  6. def field[A](contextFromName: (String) => Option[A]): JsonContextMatcher[A]
  7. implicit def field(name: String): JsonContextMatcher[Unit]
  8. def fieldWhere(f: (String) => Boolean): JsonContextMatcher[String]
  9. def index[A](contextFromIndex: (Int) => Option[A]): JsonContextMatcher[A]
  10. def index(i: Int): JsonContextMatcher[Unit]
  11. def indexWhere(f: (Int) => Boolean): JsonContextMatcher[Int]
  12. implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveBoolean: JsonParser[Boolean]
  13. implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveDouble: JsonParser[Double]
  14. implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveFloat: JsonParser[Float]
  15. implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveInt: JsonParser[Int]
  16. implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveLong: JsonParser[Long]
  17. implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveNull: JsonParser[None.type]
  18. implicit val jsonParserForPrimitiveString: JsonParser[String]
  19. object IntoJacksonJsonParser

  20. object JacksonSource

    Provides helpers for creating fs2.Stream and Iterator instances of JsonEvent from various underlying event sources, using the Jackson library as the underlying event parser.

    Provides helpers for creating fs2.Stream and Iterator instances of JsonEvent from various underlying event sources, using the Jackson library as the underlying event parser.

    The helpers in this object operate in terms of the IntoJacksonJsonParser typeclass, which defines logic for using a source value to construct a Jackson JsonParser in a Resource. From there, the helpers take care of converting the jackson parser/event model to the spac JsonEvent model.

    For example:

    val file = new File("./stuff.json")
    val jsonStream: Stream[IO, JsonEvent] = JacksonSource[IO](file)
  21. object JacksonSupport

    Provides implicits that allow various data sources to be passed to a JsonParser's parse method, using the Jackson library's classes as the underlying JSON event generator.

    Provides implicits that allow various data sources to be passed to a JsonParser's parse method, using the Jackson library's classes as the underlying JSON event generator.

    By default, a Parsable instance is made available for the following types:

    • String
    • Resource[F,] (where F belongs to Sync)
    • Resource[F,] (where F belongs to Sync)

    A rough outline of the implicit derivation is:

    Source => Resource[F, JacksonJsonParser] => Stream[F, JsonEvent] => Parsable[Source]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

