Package io.ebean

Class Pairs

  • public final class Pairs
    extends Object
    Holds a list of value object pairs.

    This feature is to enable use of L2 cache with complex natural keys with findList() queries in cases where the IN clause is not a single property but instead a pair of properties.

    These queries can have predicates that can be translated into a list of complex natural keys such that the L2 cache can be hit with these keys to obtain some or all of the beans from L2 cache rather than the DB.

       // where a bean is annotated with a complex
       // natural key made of several properties
    • Constructor Detail

      • Pairs

        public Pairs​(String property0,
                     String property1)
        Create with 2 property names.
        property0 - The property of the first value
        property1 - The property of the second value