Class BindParams.Param

    • Constructor Detail

      • Param

        public Param()
        Construct a Parameter.
    • Method Detail

      • isInParam

        public boolean isInParam()
        Return true if this is an In parameter that needs to be bound before execution.
      • isOutParam

        public boolean isOutParam()
        Return true if this is an out parameter that needs to be registered before execution.
      • getType

        public int getType()
        Return the jdbc type of this parameter. Used for registering Out parameters and setting NULL In parameters.
      • setOutType

        public void setOutType​(int type)
        Set the Out parameter type.
      • setEncryptionKey

        public void setEncryptionKey​(Object in)
        Set an encryption key (which can not be logged).
      • setInNullType

        public void setInNullType​(int type)
        Specify that the In parameter is NULL and the specific type that it is.
      • getOutValue

        public Object getOutValue()
        Return the OUT value that was retrieved. This value is set after CallableStatement was executed.
      • getInValue

        public Object getInValue()
        Return the In value. If this is null, then the type should be used to specify the type of the null.
      • setOutValue

        public void setOutValue​(Object out)
        Set the OUT value returned by a CallableStatement after it has executed.
      • isEncryptionKey

        public boolean isEncryptionKey()
        If true do not include this value in a transaction log.