



package dirs

Type Members

  1. final class BaseDirectories extends AnyRef

    BaseDirectories provides paths of user-invisible standard directories, following the conventions of the operating system the library is running on.

    BaseDirectories provides paths of user-invisible standard directories, following the conventions of the operating system the library is running on.

    To compute the location of cache, config or data directories for individual projects or applications, use ProjectDirectories instead.


    All examples on this page are computed with a user named Alice.

    Example of ProjectDirectories#configDir value in different operating systems:

    • Linux/BSD: /home/alice/.config
    • macOS: /Users/Alice/Library/Preferences
    • Windows: C:UsersAliceAppDataRoaming
  2. trait GetWinDirs extends AnyRef
  3. final class ProjectDirectories extends AnyRef

    ProjectDirectories computes the location of cache, config or data directories for a specific application, which are derived from the standard directories and the name of the project/organization.

    ProjectDirectories computes the location of cache, config or data directories for a specific application, which are derived from the standard directories and the name of the project/organization.


    All examples on this page are computed with a user named Alice, and a ProjectDirectories instance created with the following information:

    ProjectDirectories.from("com", "Foo Corp", "Bar App")

    Example of ProjectDirectories#configDir value in different operating systems:

    • Linux/BSD: /home/alice/.config/barapp
    • macOS: /Users/Alice/Library/Preferences/com.Foo-Corp.Bar-App
    • Windows: C:UsersAliceAppDataRoamingFoo CorpBar App
  4. class UnsupportedOperatingSystemException extends UnsupportedOperationException
  5. final class UserDirectories extends AnyRef

    UserDirectories provides paths of user-facing standard directories, following the conventions of the operating system the library is running on.

    UserDirectories provides paths of user-facing standard directories, following the conventions of the operating system the library is running on.


    All examples on this page are computed with a user named Alice.

    Example of UserDirectories#audioDir value in different operating systems:

    • Linux/BSD: /home/alice/Music
    • macOS: /Users/Alice/Music
    • Windows: C:UsersAliceMusic
