


package coursier

Mainly pulls definitions from coursier.core, sometimes with default arguments.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. coursier
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Package Members

  1. package core
  2. package graph

    This package offers various ways of walking the dependency graph of Resolutions.

  3. package ivy
  4. package maven
  5. package util

Type Members

  1. type Artifact = coursier.core.Artifact
  2. type Attributes = coursier.core.Attributes
  3. type Dependency = coursier.core.Dependency
  4. type Info = coursier.core.Info
  5. type MavenRepository = coursier.maven.MavenRepository
  6. type Module = coursier.core.Module
  7. type ModuleName = coursier.core.ModuleName
  8. type ModuleVersion = (coursier.core.Module, String)
  9. type Organization = coursier.core.Organization
  10. type Profile = coursier.core.Profile
  11. type Project = coursier.core.Project
  12. type ProjectCache = Map[ModuleVersion, (Source, Project)]
  13. type Repository = coursier.core.Repository
  14. type Resolution = coursier.core.Resolution
  15. implicit final class ResolutionExtensions extends AnyVal
  16. type ResolutionProcess = coursier.core.ResolutionProcess

Value Members

  1. val Artifact: coursier.core.Artifact.type
  2. val Info: coursier.core.Info.type
  3. val MavenRepository: coursier.maven.MavenRepository.type
  4. val ModuleName: coursier.core.ModuleName.type
  5. val Organization: coursier.core.Organization.type
  6. val Profile: coursier.core.Profile.type
  7. val Project: coursier.core.Project.type
  8. val Repository: coursier.core.Repository.type
  9. val ResolutionProcess: coursier.core.ResolutionProcess.type
  10. implicit def dependencyString(sc: StringContext): SafeDependency
  11. implicit def ivyRepositoryString(sc: StringContext): SafeIvyRepository
  12. implicit def mavenRepositoryString(sc: StringContext): SafeMavenRepository
  13. implicit def moduleNameString(sc: StringContext): SafeModuleName
  14. implicit def moduleString(sc: StringContext): SafeModule
  15. implicit def organizationString(sc: StringContext): SafeOrganization
  16. object Attributes extends Serializable
  17. object Dependency extends Serializable
  18. object Module extends Serializable
  19. object Resolution extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
