case class ActionParser(root: Parser[Ast])(qctx: Quotes) extends SpecificClause[Action[_], Ast] with Assignments with PropertyParser
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait PropertyParser
trait Assignments
class Clause[Ast]
trait Idents
trait QuatMaking
trait QuatMakingBase
trait Delegated[Ast]
trait PartialFunction[Expr[_], Ast]
trait Expr[_] => Ast
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Type members
Inherited classlikes
Value members
Concrete methods
def combineAndCheckAndParse[T, A <: Ast](first: Expr[T], others: Seq[Expr[T]])(checkClause: Expr[_] => Unit)(parseClause: Expr[_] => A)(`evidence$2`: Type[T]): Seq[A]