trait ContextTranslateMacro[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy] extends ContextTranslateProto[Dialect, Naming]
Type members
Value members
Abstract methods
Concrete methods
Internal API that cannot be made private due to how inline functions
Internal API that cannot be made private due to how inline functions
inline def translate[T](inline quoted: Quoted[Query[T]], inline prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[String]
inline def translate[T](inline quoted: Quoted[T], inline prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[String]
inline def translate[E](inline quoted: Quoted[Action[E]], inline prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[String]
inline def translate[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, T]], inline prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[String]
inline def translate[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): TranslateResult[List[String]]
inline def translate[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], inline prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[List[String]]
inline def translate[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): TranslateResult[List[String]]
inline def translate[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], inline prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[List[String]]
Inherited methods
def translateBatchQueryEndpoint(groups: List[<none>], prettyPrint: Boolean)(executionInfo: ExecutionInfo, dc: TranslateRunner): TranslateResult[List[String]]
- Inherited from:
- ContextTranslateProto
def translateBatchQueryReturningEndpoint(groups: List[<none>], prettyPrint: Boolean)(executionInfo: ExecutionInfo, dc: TranslateRunner): TranslateResult[List[String]]
- Inherited from:
- ContextTranslateProto
def translateQueryEndpoint[T](statement: String, prepare: <none>, extractor: <none>[T], prettyPrint: Boolean)(executionInfo: ExecutionInfo, dc: TranslateRunner): TranslateResult[String]
- Inherited from:
- ContextTranslateProto