

Drives execution of Quoted blocks i.e. Queries etc... from the context.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


class RunQuery[I, T, ResultRow, PrepareRow, Session, D <: Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy, Ctx <: Context[_, _], Res](quotedOp: Expr[Quoted[QAC[_, _]]], contextOperation: Expr[Single[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]], fetchSize: Expr[Option[Int]], wrap: Expr[OuterSelectWrap])(implicit evidence$81: Type[I], evidence$82: Type[T], evidence$83: Type[ResultRow], evidence$84: Type[PrepareRow], evidence$85: Type[Session], evidence$86: Type[D], evidence$87: Type[N], evidence$88: Type[Ctx], evidence$89: Type[Res], val qctx: Quotes, QAC: Type[QAC[_, _]])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

inline def apply[I, T, DecodeT, ResultRow, PrepareRow, Session, D <: Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy, Ctx <: Context[_, _], Res](ctx: Single[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res])(inline quotedOp: Quoted[QAC[_, _]], fetchSize: Option[Int], inline wrap: OuterSelectWrap): Res
def applyImpl[I : Type, T : Type, DecodeT : Type, ResultRow : Type, PrepareRow : Type, Session : Type, D <: Idiom : Type, N <: NamingStrategy : Type, Ctx <: Context[_, _] : Type, Res : Type](quotedOp: Expr[Quoted[QAC[_, _]]], ctx: Expr[Single[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]], fetchSize: Expr[Option[Int]], wrap: Expr[OuterSelectWrap])(implicit evidence$90: Type[I], evidence$91: Type[T], evidence$92: Type[DecodeT], evidence$93: Type[ResultRow], evidence$94: Type[PrepareRow], evidence$95: Type[Session], evidence$96: Type[D], evidence$97: Type[N], evidence$98: Type[Ctx], evidence$99: Type[Res], qctx: Quotes): Expr[Res]