
trait Event[P <: PositionInfo]

A persisted event in EventStoreDB. There are two variants:

  • EventRecord An event in an event stream.
  • ResolvedEvent A special event that contains a link and a linked event record.
Type Params

Tells whether the event is retrieved from the global stream PositionInfo.Global or from an individual stream PositionInfo.Local.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class EventRecord[P]
class ResolvedEvent[P]

Value members

Concrete methods

def created: ZonedDateTime
Implicitly added by EventOps

The creation date of the event in java.time.ZonedDateTime.

The creation date of the event in java.time.ZonedDateTime.

Implicitly added by EventOps

The payload of the event.

The payload of the event.

def fold[A](f: EventRecord[P] => A, g: ResolvedEvent[P] => A): A
Implicitly added by EventOps
Implicitly added by EventOps

The actual event record of this event. There are two options. Either the record points to a normal event or a resolved event.

The actual event record of this event. There are two options. Either the record points to a normal event or a resolved event.

def render: String
Implicitly added by EventOps
Implicitly added by EventOps

The stream identifier of the stream the event belongs to.

The stream identifier of the stream the event belongs to.

Implicitly added by EventOps

The stream position of the event in its stream.

The stream position of the event in its stream.

Concrete fields

val e: Event[P]
Implicitly added by EventOps