- Source
- all.scala
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait ApiSyntaxtrait MetaStreamsSyntaxtrait ReadsSyntaxtrait StreamsSyntaxtrait StringSyntaxclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Known subtypes
object all.type
Members list
Inherited extensions
Sets cache control in scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration for a stream and returns sec.api.WriteResult with current positions of the stream after a successful operation. Failure to fulfill the expected state is manifested by raising sec.api.exceptions.WrongExpectedState.
Sets cache control in scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration for a stream and returns sec.api.WriteResult with current positions of the stream after a successful operation. Failure to fulfill the expected state is manifested by raising sec.api.exceptions.WrongExpectedState.
Value parameters
- cacheControl
the cache control scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration value for data in the stream. Valid values are scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration greater or equal to 1 second. An InvalidInput exception is raised for invalid input value.
- expectedState
the state that the stream is expected to in. See StreamState for details.
- id
the id of the stream.
- Inherited from:
- MetaStreamsSyntax
- Source
- metastreams.scala
Sets max age in scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration for a stream and returns sec.api.WriteResult with current positions of the stream after a successful operation. Failure to fulfill the expected state is manifested by raising sec.api.exceptions.WrongExpectedState.
Sets max age in scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration for a stream and returns sec.api.WriteResult with current positions of the stream after a successful operation. Failure to fulfill the expected state is manifested by raising sec.api.exceptions.WrongExpectedState.
Value parameters
- age
the max age scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration value for data in the stream. Valid values are scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration greater or equal to 1 second. An InvalidInput exception is raised for invalid input value.
- expectedState
the state that the stream is expected to in. See StreamState for details.
- id
the id of the stream.
- Inherited from:
- MetaStreamsSyntax
- Source
- metastreams.scala
Sets truncated before in Long for a stream and returns sec.api.WriteResult with current positions of the stream after a successful operation. Failure to fulfill the expected state is manifested by raising sec.api.exceptions.WrongExpectedState.
Sets truncated before in Long for a stream and returns sec.api.WriteResult with current positions of the stream after a successful operation. Failure to fulfill the expected state is manifested by raising sec.api.exceptions.WrongExpectedState.
Value parameters
- expectedState
the state that the stream is expected to in. See StreamState for details.
- id
the id of the stream.
- truncatedBefore
the truncated before scala.Long value for data in the stream. Valid values are scala.Long greater or equal to 0L. An InvalidInput exception is raised for invalid input value.
- Inherited from:
- MetaStreamsSyntax
- Source
- metastreams.scala
Sets max count in scala.Int for a stream and returns sec.api.WriteResult with current positions of the stream after a successful operation. Failure to fulfill the expected state is manifested by raising sec.api.exceptions.WrongExpectedState.
Sets max count in scala.Int for a stream and returns sec.api.WriteResult with current positions of the stream after a successful operation. Failure to fulfill the expected state is manifested by raising sec.api.exceptions.WrongExpectedState.
Value parameters
- count
the max count scala.Int value for data in the stream. Valid values are greater or equal to 1. An InvalidInput exception is raised for invalid input value.
- expectedState
the state that the stream is expected to in. See StreamState for details.
- id
the id of the stream.
- Inherited from:
- MetaStreamsSyntax
- Source
- metastreams.scala
Read sec.api.AllMessage messages backwards from the global stream, sec.StreamId.All.
Read sec.api.AllMessage messages backwards from the global stream, sec.StreamId.All.
Value parameters
- from
log position to read from.
- maxCount
limits maximum events returned.
- resolveLinkTos
whether to resolve EventType.LinkTo events automatically.
- Returns
a fs2.Stream that emits sec.api.AllMessage values.
- Inherited from:
- ReadsSyntax
- Source
- reads.scala
Read sec.api.AllMessage messages forwards from the global stream, sec.StreamId.All.
Read sec.api.AllMessage messages forwards from the global stream, sec.StreamId.All.
Value parameters
- from
log position to read from.
- maxCount
limits maximum events returned.
- resolveLinkTos
whether to resolve EventType.LinkTo events automatically.
- Returns
a fs2.Stream that emits sec.api.AllMessage values.
- Inherited from:
- ReadsSyntax
- Source
- reads.scala
Read sec.api.StreamMessage messages backwards from an individual stream.
Read sec.api.StreamMessage messages backwards from an individual stream.
Value parameters
- from
stream position to read from.
- maxCount
limits maximum events returned.
- resolveLinkTos
whether to resolve EventType.LinkTo events automatically.
- streamId
the id of the stream to read from.
- Returns
a fs2.Stream that emits sec.api.StreamMessage values.
- Inherited from:
- ReadsSyntax
- Source
- reads.scala
Read sec.api.StreamMessage messages forwards from an individual stream.
Read sec.api.StreamMessage messages forwards from an individual stream.
Value parameters
- from
stream position to read from.
- maxCount
limits maximum events returned.
- resolveLinkTos
whether to resolve EventType.LinkTo events automatically.
- streamId
the id of the stream to read from.
- Returns
a fs2.Stream that emits sec.api.StreamMessage values.
- Inherited from:
- ReadsSyntax
- Source
- reads.scala
Read events backwards from the global stream, sec.StreamId.All.
Read events backwards from the global stream, sec.StreamId.All.
Value parameters
- from
log position to read from.
- maxCount
limits maximum events returned.
- resolveLinkTos
whether to resolve EventType.LinkTo events automatically.
- Returns
a fs2.Stream that emits Event values.
- Inherited from:
- StreamsSyntax
- Source
- streams.scala
Read events forwards from the global stream, sec.StreamId.All.
Read events forwards from the global stream, sec.StreamId.All.
Value parameters
- from
log position to read from.
- maxCount
limits maximum events returned.
- resolveLinkTos
whether to resolve EventType.LinkTo events automatically.
- Returns
a fs2.Stream that emits Event values.
- Inherited from:
- StreamsSyntax
- Source
- streams.scala
Read events backwards from an individual stream. A sec.api.exceptions.StreamNotFound is raised when the stream does not exist.
Read events backwards from an individual stream. A sec.api.exceptions.StreamNotFound is raised when the stream does not exist.
Value parameters
- from
stream position to read from.
- maxCount
limits maximum events returned.
- resolveLinkTos
whether to resolve EventType.LinkTo events automatically.
- streamId
the id of the stream to read from.
- Returns
a fs2.Stream that emits Event values.
- Inherited from:
- StreamsSyntax
- Source
- streams.scala
Read events forwards from an individual stream. A sec.api.exceptions.StreamNotFound is raised when the stream does not exist.
Read events forwards from an individual stream. A sec.api.exceptions.StreamNotFound is raised when the stream does not exist.
Value parameters
- from
stream position to read from.
- maxCount
limits maximum events returned.
- resolveLinkTos
whether to resolve EventType.LinkTo events automatically.
- streamId
the id of the stream to read from.
- Returns
a fs2.Stream that emits Event values.
- Inherited from:
- StreamsSyntax
- Source
- streams.scala
Subscribes to the global stream, StreamId.All using a subscription filter without resolving EventType.LinkTo events.
Subscribes to the global stream, StreamId.All using a subscription filter without resolving EventType.LinkTo events.
Value parameters
- exclusiveFrom
log position to start from. Use scala.None to subscribe from the beginning.
- filterOptions
to use when subscribing - See sec.api.SubscriptionFilterOptions.
- Returns
a fs2.Stream that emits either sec.api.Checkpoint or Event values. How frequent sec.api.Checkpoint is emitted depends on @filterOptions.
- Inherited from:
- StreamsSyntax
- Source
- streams.scala
Subscribes to the global stream, StreamId.All without resolving EventType.LinkTo events.
Subscribes to the global stream, StreamId.All without resolving EventType.LinkTo events.
Value parameters
- exclusiveFrom
position to start from. Use scala.None to subscribe from the beginning.
- Returns
a fs2.Stream that emits Event values.
- Inherited from:
- StreamsSyntax
- Source
- streams.scala
Subscribes to an individual stream without resolving EventType.LinkTo events.
Subscribes to an individual stream without resolving EventType.LinkTo events.
Value parameters
- exclusiveFrom
stream position to start from. Use scala.None to subscribe from the beginning.
- streamId
the id of the stream to subscribe to.
- Returns
a fs2.Stream that emits Event values.
- Inherited from:
- StreamsSyntax
- Source
- streams.scala
- Inherited from:
- StringSyntax
- Source
- std.scala