Package io.github.cfraser.graphit


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class AcyclicException(edge: Edge<*>) : GraphException

AcyclicException is thrown when a path between the vertices would violate the acyclic constraint in the graph.

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data class BasicEdge<V : Any>(val source: V, val target: V) : Edge<V>

BasicEdge is an Edge implementation that only stores the source and target vertices.

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class BreadthFirst<V : Any>(vertex: V) : TraversalStrategy<V>

BreadthFirst represents a breadth-first search of the Graph, beginning at the vertex.

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class DepthFirst<V : Any>(vertex: V) : TraversalStrategy<V>

DepthFirst represents a depth-first search of the Graph, beginning at the vertex.

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interface Edge<V : Any>

An Edge connects source and target vertices in a Graph.

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class EdgeAlreadyExists(edge: Edge<*>) : GraphException

EdgeAlreadyExists is thrown when an edge between the vertices already exists in the graph.

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interface EdgeDsl<V : Any>

EdgeDsl empowers the fluent construction of Edge types.

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class EdgeNotFound(source: Any, target: Any) : GraphException

EdgeNotFound is thrown when an edge between the vertices is not found in the graph.

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enum Feature : Enum<Feature>

Feature describes the qualities supported and enforced by a Graph. A Graph may have any combination of feature(s) or none.

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interface Generic<T : Any>

Generic specifies that the edges in a Graph contain arbitrary attributes.

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data class GenericEdge<V : Any, T : Any>(    val source: V,     val target: V,     val attributes: T) : Edge<V> , Generic<T>

GenericEdge is an Edge implementation which enables the storage of arbitrary attributes, in addition to the source and target vertices.

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interface Graph<V : Any, E : Edge<V>>

Graph is a generic immutable graph data structure consisting of vertices and edges.

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interface GraphBuilder<V : Any, E : Edge<V>> : EdgeDsl<V>

GraphBuilder enables the addition of vertices and edges to a Graph.

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sealed class GraphException : RuntimeException

GraphException is the base RuntimeException type representing erroneous Graph operations.

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object LoopException : GraphException

LoopException is thrown when an edge connects a vertex to itself.

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class NoPathExists(source: Any, target: Any) : GraphException

NoPathExists is thrown when no path between the vertices exists in the graph.

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sealed class TraversalStrategy<V : Any>

TraversalStrategy determines the order in which the vertices in a Graph are traversed.

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object UndirectedException : GraphException

UndirectedException is thrown when an undirected graph attempts to find strongly connected components.

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class VertexNotFound(vertex: Any) : GraphException

VertexNotFound is thrown when an expected vertex is not found in the graph.

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typealias Vertices<V> = Pair<V, V>

Vertices is a vertex Pair which may, or may not, be connected by an Edge.

In a directed Graph, the order of the Vertices is consequential. Specifically, the Pair.first corresponds to the Edge.source, while Pair.second corresponds to the

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interface Weighted

Weighted specifies that the edges in a Graph are weighted.

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data class WeightedEdge<V : Any>(    val source: V,     val target: V,     val weight: Int) : Edge<V> , Weighted

WeightedEdge is an Edge implementation that captures a weight for the source to target connection.

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data class WeightedGenericEdge<V : Any, T : Any>(    val source: V,     val target: V,     val weight: Int,     val attributes: T) : Edge<V> , Weighted, Generic<T>

WeightedGenericEdge is an Edge implementation that is a combination of WeightedEdge and GenericEdge.


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fun <V : Any, E : Edge<V>> buildGraph(vararg features: Feature = arrayOf(), builder: GraphBuilder<V, E>.() -> Unit): Graph<V, E>

Build a Graph instance.


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val Graph<*, *>.isAcyclic: Boolean

isAcyclic returns true if Feature.ACYCLIC is in the Graph.features.

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val Graph<*, *>.isDirected: Boolean

isDirected returns true if Feature.DIRECTED is in the Graph.features.

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val Graph<*, *>.isUndirected: Boolean

isUndirected returns true if Feature.DIRECTED is not in the Graph.features.