Interface ClassLoaderHandler

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  ClassLoaderHandler.DelegationOrder
      The delegation order configuration for a given ClassLoader instance (this is usually PARENT_FIRST for most ClassLoaders, but this can be overridden by some ClassLoaders, e.g.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ClassLoaderHandler.DelegationOrder getDelegationOrder​(ClassLoader classLoaderInstance)
      The delegation order configuration for a given ClassLoader instance (this is usually PARENT_FIRST for most ClassLoaders, since you don't generally want to be able to override system classes with user classes, but this can be overridden by some ClassLoaders, e.g.
      ClassLoader getEmbeddedClassLoader​(ClassLoader outerClassLoaderInstance)
      If this ClassLoader delegates directly to an embedded classloader instance, return it here, otherwise return null.
      void handle​(ScanSpec scanSpec, ClassLoader classLoader, ClasspathOrder classpathOrderOut, LogNode log)
      Determine if a given ClassLoader can be handled (meaning that its classpath elements can be extracted from it), and if it can, extract the classpath elements from the ClassLoader and register them with the ClasspathFinder using classpathFinder.addClasspathElement(pathElement) or classpathFinder.addClasspathElements(path).
      String[] handledClassLoaders()
      The fully-qualified names of handled classloader classes.
    • Method Detail

      • handledClassLoaders

        String[] handledClassLoaders()
        The fully-qualified names of handled classloader classes.
        The names of ClassLoaders that this ClassLoaderHandler can handle.
      • getEmbeddedClassLoader

        ClassLoader getEmbeddedClassLoader​(ClassLoader outerClassLoaderInstance)
        If this ClassLoader delegates directly to an embedded classloader instance, return it here, otherwise return null.
        outerClassLoaderInstance - The outer ClassLoader instance to check for an embedded ClassLoader.
        The embedded ClassLoader to use instead of the outer ClassLoader, or null to use the outer ClassLoader.
      • getDelegationOrder

        ClassLoaderHandler.DelegationOrder getDelegationOrder​(ClassLoader classLoaderInstance)
        The delegation order configuration for a given ClassLoader instance (this is usually PARENT_FIRST for most ClassLoaders, since you don't generally want to be able to override system classes with user classes, but this can be overridden by some ClassLoaders, e.g. WebSphere).
        classLoaderInstance - The ClassLoader to get the delegation order for.
        The delegation order for the given ClassLoader.
      • handle

        void handle​(ScanSpec scanSpec,
                    ClassLoader classLoader,
                    ClasspathOrder classpathOrderOut,
                    LogNode log)
             throws Exception
        Determine if a given ClassLoader can be handled (meaning that its classpath elements can be extracted from it), and if it can, extract the classpath elements from the ClassLoader and register them with the ClasspathFinder using classpathFinder.addClasspathElement(pathElement) or classpathFinder.addClasspathElements(path).
        scanSpec - the scanning specification, in case it is needed, e.g. this could be used to reduce the number of classpath elements returned in cases where it is very costly for a given classloader to return the entire classpath. (The ScanSpec can be safely ignored, however, and the returned paths will be filtered by ClassGraph.)
        classLoader - The ClassLoader class to attempt to handle. If you can't directly use instanceof (because you are using introspection so that your ClassLoaderHandler implementation can be added to the upstream ClassGraph project), you should iterate through the ClassLoader's superclass lineage to ensure subclasses of the target ClassLoader are correctly detected.
        classpathOrderOut - The ClasspathOrder to register any discovered classpath elements with.
        log - A logger instance -- if this is non-null, write debug information using log.log("message").
        Exception - If anything goes wrong while fetching classpath elements.