Class FieldInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FieldInfo
    extends Object
    implements Comparable<FieldInfo>
    Holds metadata about fields of a class encountered during a scan. All values are taken directly out of the classfile for the class.
    • Field Detail

      • scanResult

        protected transient ScanResult scanResult
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        The name of the field.
      • getClassInfo

        public ClassInfo getClassInfo()
        The ClassInfo object for the declaring class (i.e. the class that declares this field).
      • getModifierStr

        public String getModifierStr()
        Get the field modifiers as a string, e.g. "public static final". For the modifier bits, call getModifiers().
        The field modifiers, as a string.
      • isPublic

        public boolean isPublic()
        Returns true if this field is public.
        True if the field is public.
      • isStatic

        public boolean isStatic()
        Returns true if this field is static.
        True if the field is static.
      • isFinal

        public boolean isFinal()
        Returns true if this field is final.
        True if the field is final.
      • isTransient

        public boolean isTransient()
        Returns true if this field is a transient field.
        True if the field is transient.
      • getModifiers

        public int getModifiers()
        Returns the modifier bits for the field.
        The modifier bits.
      • getTypeDescriptor

        public TypeSignature getTypeDescriptor()
        Returns the parsed type descriptor for the field, if available.
        The parsed type descriptor for the field, if available, else returns null.
      • getTypeSignature

        public TypeSignature getTypeSignature()
        Returns the parsed type signature for the field, if available.
        The parsed type signature for the field, if available, else returns null.
      • getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptor

        public TypeSignature getTypeSignatureOrTypeDescriptor()
        Returns the type signature for the field, possibly including type parameters. If the type signature is null, indicating that no type signature information is available for this field, returns the type descriptor instead.
        The parsed type signature for the field, or if not available, the parsed type descriptor for the field.
      • getConstantInitializerValue

        public Object getConstantInitializerValue()
        Returns the constant initializer value of a constant final field. Requires ClassGraph.enableStaticFinalFieldConstantInitializerValues() to have been called.
        The initializer value, if this is a static final field, and has a constant initializer value, or null if none.
      • getAnnotationInfo

        public AnnotationInfoList getAnnotationInfo()
        Get a list of annotations on this field, along with any annotation parameter values, wrapped in AnnotationInfo objects.
        A list of annotations on this field, along with any annotation parameter values, wrapped in AnnotationInfo objects, or the empty list if none.
      • getAnnotationInfo

        public AnnotationInfo getAnnotationInfo​(String annotationName)
        Get a the named annotation on this field, or null if the field does not have the named annotation.
        annotationName - The annotation name.
        An AnnotationInfo object representing the named annotation on this field, or null if the field does not have the named annotation.
      • hasAnnotation

        public boolean hasAnnotation​(String annotationName)
        annotationName - The name of an annotation.
        true if this field has the named annotation.
      • getClassName

        protected String getClassName()
        Returns the name of the declaring class, so that super.getClassInfo() returns the ClassInfo object for the declaring class.
        The class name.
      • getClassNamesFromTypeDescriptors

        protected void getClassNamesFromTypeDescriptors​(Set<String> classNames)
        Get the names of any classes in the type descriptor or type signature.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Use class name and field name for equals().
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Use hash code of class name and field name.
        hashCode in class Object