Class VersionedZipEntry

    • Field Detail

      • version

        public final int version
        The version code (>= 9), or 8 for the base layer or a non-versioned jar (whether JDK 7 or 8 compatible).
      • unversionedPath

        public final String unversionedPath
        The ZipEntry path with any "META-INF/versions/{version}" version prefix (and/or Spring-Boot "BOOT-INF/classes/" prefix) stripped.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VersionedZipEntry

        public VersionedZipEntry​(ZipEntry zipEntry,
                                 int version,
                                 String unversionedPath)
        A versioned ZipEntry.
        zipEntry - The ZipEntry.
        version - The multi-release jar version number (for a ZipEntry path of "META-INF/versions/{version}", or 8 for the base layer.
        unversionedPath - The unversioned path (i.e. ZipEntry.getName() with the version path prefix stripped).