Class ArrayTypeSignature

public class ArrayTypeSignature extends ReferenceTypeSignature
An array type signature.
  • Method Details

    • getTypeSignatureStr

      public String getTypeSignatureStr()
      Get the raw array type signature string, e.g. "[[I".
      the raw array type signature string.
    • getElementTypeSignature

      public TypeSignature getElementTypeSignature()
      Get the type signature of the innermost element type of the array.
      The type signature of the innermost element type.
    • getNumDimensions

      public int getNumDimensions()
      Get the number of dimensions of the array.
      The number of dimensions of the array.
    • getNestedType

      public TypeSignature getNestedType()
      Get the nested type, which is another ArrayTypeSignature with one dimension fewer, if this array has 2 or more dimensions, otherwise this returns the element type.
      The nested type.
    • getTypeAnnotationInfo

      public AnnotationInfoList getTypeAnnotationInfo()
      Get a list of AnnotationInfo objects for the type annotations on this array type, or null if none.
      getTypeAnnotationInfo in class TypeSignature
      a list of AnnotationInfo objects for the type annotations of on this array type, or null if none.
      See Also:
    • getArrayClassInfo

      public ArrayClassInfo getArrayClassInfo()
      Return an ArrayClassInfo instance for the array class, cast to its superclass.
      the ArrayClassInfo instance.
    • loadElementClass

      public Class<?> loadElementClass(boolean ignoreExceptions)
      Get a Class<?> reference for the innermost array element type. Causes the ClassLoader to load the class, if it is not already loaded.
      ignoreExceptions - Whether or not to ignore exceptions.
      a Class<?> reference for the innermost array element type. Also works for arrays of primitive element type.
    • loadElementClass

      public Class<?> loadElementClass()
      Get a Class<?> reference for the array element type. Causes the ClassLoader to load the element class, if it is not already loaded.
      a Class<?> reference for the array element type. Also works for arrays of primitive element type.
    • loadClass

      public Class<?> loadClass(boolean ignoreExceptions)
      Obtain a Class<?> reference for the array class named by this ArrayClassInfo object. Causes the ClassLoader to load the element class, if it is not already loaded.
      ignoreExceptions - Whether or not to ignore exceptions.
      The class reference, or null, if ignoreExceptions is true and there was an exception or error loading the class.
      IllegalArgumentException - if ignoreExceptions is false and there were problems loading the class.
    • loadClass

      public Class<?> loadClass()
      Obtain a Class<?> reference for the array class named by this ArrayClassInfo object. Causes the ClassLoader to load the element class, if it is not already loaded.
      The class reference.
      IllegalArgumentException - if there were problems loading the class.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • equalsIgnoringTypeParams

      public boolean equalsIgnoringTypeParams(TypeSignature other)
      Description copied from class: TypeSignature
      Compare base types, ignoring generic type parameters.
      Specified by:
      equalsIgnoringTypeParams in class TypeSignature
      other - the other TypeSignature to compare to.
      True if the two TypeSignature objects are equal, ignoring type parameters.
    • toStringWithSimpleNames

      public String toStringWithSimpleNames()
      Render to string, using only simple names for classes.
      the string representation, using simple names for classes.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Render to string.
      toString in class Object
      the string representation.