Package com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation

package com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
  • Class
    This is for marking which server event should run in asynchronous mode.
    Autowiring feature enables you to inject the object dependency implicitly, and it internally uses setter or constructor injection.
    This annotation helps you inject the object dependency like Autowired does.
    Using AutowiredQualifier annotation with Autowired or AutowiredAcceptNull annotation.
    Dummy default class
    This annotation can be only used inside a class annotated by BeanFactory.
    Declares this annotation for a class which contains Bean annotated methods.
    Declares this annotation for the root class which works as the entry point of the application.
    A class annotated by this annotation will allow modifying the client's behavior.
    A class annotated by this annotation is considered as a candidate for the auto-detection when using annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning.
    This annotation is specific to server' events, it is also considered as a candidate for the auto-detection when using annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning.
    Declares a component as a Restful Controller.
    Declares a component as a Restful Mapping.
    This annotation is specific to server' configuration, it is also considered as a candidate for the auto-detection when using annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning.
    A class annotated by this annotation will allow modifying the server's behavior.