
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


AbstractClientCommandHandler<P extends Player> - Class in com.tenio.core.command.client
The base class for all self defined commands.
AbstractClientCommandHandler() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.command.client.AbstractClientCommandHandler
AbstractController - Class in com.tenio.core.controller
The abstracted class for a controller.
AbstractController(EventManager) - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
AbstractHandler - Class in com.tenio.core.handler
This class provides all the necessary APIs for a logic game handling.
AbstractHandler() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.handler.AbstractHandler
AbstractIoHandler - Class in
The abstract IO handler.
AbstractIoHandler(EventManager) - Constructor for class
AbstractManager - Class in com.tenio.core.manager
The abstraction for a manager class.
AbstractManager(EventManager) - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.manager.AbstractManager
AbstractSystemCommandHandler - Class in com.tenio.core.command.system
The base class for all self defined commands.
AbstractSystemCommandHandler() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.command.system.AbstractSystemCommandHandler
AbstractSystemTask - Class in com.tenio.core.schedule.task
The abstract task for system related schedule.
AbstractSystemTask(EventManager) - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.AbstractSystemTask
AbstractTask - Class in com.tenio.core.schedule.task
The abstract task.
AbstractTask() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.AbstractTask
AbstractWriterHandler - Class in
The abstract writer handler.
AbstractWriterHandler() - Constructor for class
AbstractZeroEngine - Class in
The abstract engine.
AbstractZeroEngine(EventManager) - Constructor for class
acceptDatagramChannel(DatagramChannel) - Method in class
acceptDatagramChannel(DatagramChannel) - Method in interface
The UDP datagram is a connectionless protocol, we don't need to create bi-direction connection, that why it's not necessary to register it to acceptable selector.
acceptSocketChannel(SocketChannel) - Method in class
acceptSocketChannel(SocketChannel) - Method in interface
When a new coming socket connected to the server, and it is accepted by the acceptor.
ACCESS_DATAGRAM_CHANNEL_REQUEST_VALIDATION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server validates a UDP channel accessing request from a player.
ACCESS_DATAGRAM_CHANNEL_REQUEST_VALIDATION_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server responds a UDP channel accessing request from a player.
AccessDatagramChannelResult - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.result
The results when a connection tried to associate with a player.
activate() - Method in class
activate() - Method in interface
Activates the session (To be able to perform actions, such as reading or writing data).
ACTIVATION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.Player.Field
The player activation status.
addBannedAddress(String) - Method in interface
Appends an IP address into the banned list.
addBannedAddress(String) - Method in class
addDatagramForSession(DatagramChannel, int, Session) - Method in interface
Allows a session to use datagram (UDP) channel for communication.
addDatagramForSession(DatagramChannel, int, Session) - Method in class
addDroppedPackets(int) - Method in class
addDroppedPackets(int) - Method in interface
Increases the total number of dropped packets which violated the session's policies and is not able to send to client side.
AddedDuplicatedClientCommandException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When a command which existed on the server is added again.
AddedDuplicatedClientCommandException(Short, AbstractClientCommandHandler) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.AddedDuplicatedClientCommandException
When a command which existed on the server is added again.
AddedDuplicatedCommandException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When a command which existed on the server is added again.
AddedDuplicatedCommandException(String, AbstractSystemCommandHandler) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.AddedDuplicatedCommandException
When a command which existed on the server is added again.
AddedDuplicatedPlayerException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When a player is added into a room which is already existed.
AddedDuplicatedPlayerException(Player, Room) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.AddedDuplicatedPlayerException
AddedDuplicatedRoomException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When a room which existed on the server is added again.
AddedDuplicatedRoomException(Room) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.AddedDuplicatedRoomException
When a room which existed on the server is added again.
addPlayer(Player) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
addPlayer(Player) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Adds a new player in to the management list.
addPlayer(Player) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Adds a player to the room without indicating any slot position, and it joins as role of a "participant".
addPlayer(Player, boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Adds a player to the room without indicating any slot position.
addPlayer(Player, boolean, int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Adds a player to the room.
addPlayer(Player, String, boolean, int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
addPlayer(Player, String, boolean, int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Adds a player to the room.
addReadBytes(long) - Method in class
addReadBytes(long) - Method in interface
Increases the total number of binaries which the session receives from client side.
addRoom(Room) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
addRoom(Room) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Adds a new room to the server.
addRoom(Room, InitialRoomSetting, Player) - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
addRoom(Room, InitialRoomSetting, Player) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Adds a new room to the server.
addRoomWithOwner(Room, InitialRoomSetting, Player) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
addRoomWithOwner(Room, InitialRoomSetting, Player) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Adds a new room to the server.
addWrittenBytes(long) - Method in class
addWrittenBytes(long) - Method in interface
Increases the total number of binaries which the session sends to client side.
allocateBuffer(int) - Method in class
allocateBuffer(int) - Method in interface
Allocates a byte buffer capacity.
api() - Method in class com.tenio.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Retrieves the server supported API responsible object.
ApiResponse - Class in
This class helps convert a map of data to standard response.
appendUdpPort(int) - Method in class
Appends a new port into the list.
ApplicationLauncher - Class in com.tenio.core
The application will start from here.
applyPolicy(PacketQueue, Packet) - Method in class
applyPolicy(PacketQueue, Packet) - Method in interface
Applies policies on a queue whenever a new packet is added into it.
array() - Method in class com.tenio.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Retrieves a zero array instance when the DataType in use is DataType.ZERO.
assess() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.setting.ConfigurationAssessment
Asynchronous - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
This is for marking which server event should run in asynchronous mode.
AutoCleanOrphanSessionTask - Class in com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal
For a session which is no longer associated to any player (orphan), this task will scan in period time and force them to disconnect.
AutoDisconnectPlayerTask - Class in com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal
For a player which is in IDLE mode, that means for a long time without receiving or sending any data from the server or from a client.
AutoRemoveRoomTask - Class in com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal
To remove the empty room (a room without any players) in period time.
Autowired - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
Autowiring feature enables you to inject the object dependency implicitly, and it internally uses setter or constructor injection.
AutowiredAcceptNull - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
This annotation helps you inject the object dependency like Autowired does.
AutowiredQualifier - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
Using AutowiredQualifier annotation with Autowired or AutowiredAcceptNull annotation.
AutowiredQualifier.DEFAULT - Class in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
Dummy default class


BAN - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
When a connection is removed from the server in purpose and its IP address is also listed in the black list.
BAN - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerDisconnectMode
When a player is removed from the server in purpose and its IP address is also listed in the black list.
banPlayer(Player, String, PlayerBanMode, int, int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Prevents a player from logging on the server.
BaseIoHandler - Interface in
The base IO handler.
Bean - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
This annotation can be only used inside a class annotated by BeanFactory.
BeanFactory - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
Declares this annotation for a class which contains Bean annotated methods.
BIG_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class
The data size is considered as big size.
BINARY - Enum constant in enum class
The data type is binary.
BinaryPacketCompressor - Interface in
The APIs designed for compressing binary packets.
BinaryPacketDecoder - Interface in
The APIs designed for decoding binary packets.
BinaryPacketEncoder - Interface in
The APIs designed for binary packet encoding.
BinaryPacketEncryptor - Interface in
The APIs designed for encrypting and decrypting packets.
BOOSTER_MODE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpProfile
The highly efficient transport.
Bootstrap - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
Declares this annotation for the root class which works as the entry point of the application.
BootstrapHandler - Class in com.tenio.core.bootstrap
This class provides instances for the events handler and the configuration setups.
BootstrapHandler() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.BootstrapHandler
Bootstrapper - Class in com.tenio.core.bootstrap
The creation of a boostrap.
build() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting.Builder
BY_ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerBanMode
Bans a player by using its IP address.
BY_NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerBanMode
Bans a player by using its unique player's name.


CcuReportTask - Class in com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal
To retrieve the CCU in period time.
changeRoomCapacity(Room, int, int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
changeRoomCapacity(Room, int, int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Updates a room's capacity.
changeRoomName(Room, String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
changeRoomName(Room, String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Updates a room's name.
changeRoomPassword(Room, String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
changeRoomPassword(Room, String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Updates a room's password.
channelActive(SocketChannel, SelectionKey) - Method in class
channelActive(SocketChannel, SelectionKey) - Method in interface
When the first connection signal sent from client side to the server via socket (TCP) channel then this method is invoked.
channelActiveIn(Session) - Method in class
channelActiveIn(Session) - Method in interface
When a new KCP channel is established in a session.
channelException(DatagramChannel, Exception) - Method in interface
When any exception occurred on the Datagram channel then this method is invoked.
channelException(DatagramChannel, Exception) - Method in class
channelException(SocketChannel, Exception) - Method in class
channelException(SocketChannel, Exception) - Method in interface
When any exception occurred on the socket (TCP) channel then this method is invoked.
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class
channelInactive(SocketChannel) - Method in class
channelInactive(SocketChannel) - Method in interface
When a disconnection signal sent from client side to the server via socket (TCP) channel then this method is invoked.
channelInactiveIn(Session) - Method in class
channelInactiveIn(Session) - Method in interface
When a new KCP channel is removed from a session.
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class
channelRead(DatagramChannel, SocketAddress, DataCollection) - Method in interface
When a new message comes from client side then this method is invoked.
channelRead(DatagramChannel, SocketAddress, DataCollection) - Method in class
Check(long) - Method in class
Determine when should you invoke ikcp_update: returns when you should invoke ikcp_update in millisec, if there is no ikcp_input/_send calling.
CLASS_CONNECTION_FILTER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Class: Declares conditions for connection filter handling.
CLASS_PACKET_COMPRESSOR - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Class: Declares a class for packet compression handling.
CLASS_PACKET_DECODER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Class: Declares a class for packet decoded handling.
CLASS_PACKET_ENCODER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Class: Declares a class for packet encoder handling.
CLASS_PACKET_ENCRYPTOR - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Class: Declares a class for packet encryption handling.
CLASS_PACKET_QUEUE_POLICY - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Class: Declares a set of rules for a packet queue handling.
clazz() - Element in annotation interface com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation.AutowiredQualifier
Declares the name should be used to distinguish implementations.
clean() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
clean() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Wipes out all the player's information.
clear() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.client.ClientCommandManager
Clears all the list of commands.
clear() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.SystemCommandManager
Clear all settings.
clear() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
clear() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Removes all players from the list.
clear() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Removes all rooms from the management list.
clear() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Clears all information related to the room.
clear() - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventHandler
Clear all events and these handlers.
clear() - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventManager
Clear all subscribers and these corresponding events.
clear() - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventProducer
Clear all events and these handlers.
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in interface
Clears all packets from the queue.
clearProperties() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
clearProperties() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
clearProperties() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Removes all properties of the player.
clearProperties() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Removes all properties of the room.
clientCommand() - Method in class com.tenio.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Retrieves a management object of self-defined user commands.
ClientCommand - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
A class annotated by this annotation will allow modifying the client's behavior.
ClientCommandManager - Class in com.tenio.core.command.client
The commands' management class.
ClientCommandManager() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.command.client.ClientCommandManager
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in interface
Retrieves the Packet's clone instance.
close() - Method in interface
Closes the session, disconnects the connection between client side and the server in all default modes.
close(ConnectionDisconnectMode, PlayerDisconnectMode) - Method in class
close(ConnectionDisconnectMode, PlayerDisconnectMode) - Method in interface
Closes the session, disconnects the connection between client side and the server.
CodecUtility - Class in
The utility class provides methods to work with packet and binary data.
com.tenio.core - package com.tenio.core
com.tenio.core.api - package com.tenio.core.api
com.tenio.core.api.implement - package com.tenio.core.api.implement
com.tenio.core.bootstrap - package com.tenio.core.bootstrap
com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation - package com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
com.tenio.core.bootstrap.configuration - package com.tenio.core.bootstrap.configuration
com.tenio.core.bootstrap.injector - package com.tenio.core.bootstrap.injector
com.tenio.core.command.client - package com.tenio.core.command.client
com.tenio.core.command.system - package com.tenio.core.command.system
com.tenio.core.command.system.implement - package com.tenio.core.command.system.implement
com.tenio.core.configuration - package com.tenio.core.configuration
com.tenio.core.configuration.constant - package com.tenio.core.configuration.constant
com.tenio.core.configuration.define - package com.tenio.core.configuration.define
com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp - package com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp
com.tenio.core.configuration.setting - package com.tenio.core.configuration.setting
com.tenio.core.controller - package com.tenio.core.controller
com.tenio.core.entity - package com.tenio.core.entity
com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode - package com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode
com.tenio.core.entity.define.result - package com.tenio.core.entity.define.result - package
com.tenio.core.entity.implement - package com.tenio.core.entity.implement
com.tenio.core.entity.manager - package com.tenio.core.entity.manager
com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement - package com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement
com.tenio.core.entity.setting - package com.tenio.core.entity.setting
com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy - package com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy
com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement - package com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement
com.tenio.core.event - package com.tenio.core.event
com.tenio.core.event.handler - package com.tenio.core.event.handler
com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement - package com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement
com.tenio.core.event.implement - package com.tenio.core.event.implement
com.tenio.core.exception - package com.tenio.core.exception
com.tenio.core.handler - package com.tenio.core.handler
com.tenio.core.handler.event - package com.tenio.core.handler.event
com.tenio.core.manager - package com.tenio.core.manager
com.tenio.core.monitoring.define - package com.tenio.core.monitoring.define
com.tenio.core.monitoring.system - package com.tenio.core.monitoring.system - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
com.tenio.core.schedule - package com.tenio.core.schedule
com.tenio.core.schedule.task - package com.tenio.core.schedule.task
com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal - package com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal
com.tenio.core.schedule.task.kcp - package com.tenio.core.schedule.task.kcp
com.tenio.core.server - package com.tenio.core.server
com.tenio.core.server.service - package com.tenio.core.server.service
com.tenio.core.server.setting - package com.tenio.core.server.setting
com.tenio.core.service - package com.tenio.core.service
com.tenio.core.utility - package com.tenio.core.utility
Command() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting.Command
CommandUtility - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.utility
The class provides utility methods to work with commands.
compare(Request, Request) - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.RequestComparator
compareTo(Packet) - Method in class
Component - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
A class annotated by this annotation is considered as a candidate for the auto-detection when using annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning.
compress(byte[]) - Method in interface
Compresses an array of binary size into another smaller one.
compress(byte[]) - Method in class
COMPRESSION - Enum constant in enum class
The data is compressed.
ConfigurationAssessment - Class in com.tenio.core.server.setting
Asserting the configuration files.
ConfigurationException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When something went wrong with the server configuration file.
ConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.ConfigurationException
Creates a new exception.
ConfigurationHandler - Class in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.configuration
This class provides an instance of the server's configuration.
ConfigurationHandler() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.configuration.ConfigurationHandler
CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server responds a connection request from client side.
CONNECTION_LOST - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerDisconnectMode
When a player's connection is lost and the reason comes from the client side.
ConnectionDisconnectMode - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode
All modes associated with the connection disconnected phase.
ConnectionEstablishedResult - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.result
The results when a connection tried to establish itself on the server.
ConnectionEventHandler - Class in com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement
Dispatching all events related to connections.
ConnectionEventHandler() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement.ConnectionEventHandler
ConnectionFilter - Interface in
Provides APIs for working with the connection filter.
containsKcp() - Method in class
containsKcp() - Method in interface
Determines if the session has a KCP instance for communication.
containsPlayerName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
containsPlayerName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
containsPlayerName(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Determines whether the management list contains a player by checking its name.
containsPlayerName(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Determines whether a player is present in the room.
containsProperty(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
containsProperty(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
containsProperty(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Determines whether a property is available for the player.
containsProperty(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Determines whether a property is available for the room.
containsRoomId(long) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
containsRoomId(long) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Determines whether a room is in the management list by looking for its unique ID.
containsRoomName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
containsRoomName(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Determines whether a room is in the management list by looking for its name.
containsSession() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
containsSession() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Determines whether the player contains a session.
containsUdp() - Method in class
containsUdp() - Method in interface
Determines whether the session is able to use the server UDP channel for communication.
CONTENT - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.constant.Trademark
The trademark content.
CONTENT_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.constant.CoreConstant
The HTTP response with content type in JSON.
CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.constant.CoreConstant
The HTTP response with content type in text.
continueWriteInterestOp(Session) - Method in class
continueWriteInterestOp(Session) - Method in interface
In reading phase (the reader engine), it set higher priority to continually put the session for sending all left packets first.
Controller - Interface in com.tenio.core.controller
All supported APIs for a controller.
CoreConfiguration - Class in com.tenio.core.configuration
This server needs some basic configuration to start running.
CoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.configuration.CoreConfiguration
CoreConfigurationType - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.configuration.define
This server needs some basic configuration to start running.
CoreConstant - Class in com.tenio.core.configuration.constant
This class holds constant values for the module.
countRunningThreads() - Method in class com.tenio.core.monitoring.system.SystemMonitoring
Retrieves the number of running threads.
CreatedRoomException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When something went wrong while creating a new room.
CreatedRoomException(String, RoomCreatedResult) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.CreatedRoomException
Creates a new exception.
createPacketSocketHandler() - Method in class
createPacketSocketHandler() - Method in interface
Initializes all processed to handle packet receives from clients side.
createPlayer(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
createPlayer(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Creates a new player without session and adds it in to the management list.
createPlayerWithSession(String, Session) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
createPlayerWithSession(String, Session) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Creates a new player with session and adds it in to the management list.
createRoom(InitialRoomSetting) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Creates a new room on the server without an owner.
createRoom(InitialRoomSetting) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Creates a new room without an owner and adds it to the server.
createRoom(InitialRoomSetting, Player) - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
createRoom(InitialRoomSetting, Player) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Creates a new room on the server.
createRoomWithOwner(InitialRoomSetting, Player) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
createRoomWithOwner(InitialRoomSetting, Player) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Creates a new room with an owner and adds it to the server.
createSocketSession(SocketChannel, SelectionKey) - Method in interface
Creates a new socket (TCP) session and adds it to the management list.
createSocketSession(SocketChannel, SelectionKey) - Method in class
createWebSocketSession(Channel) - Method in interface
Creates a new WebSocket session and adds it to the management list.
createWebSocketSession(Channel) - Method in class


DATA_SERIALIZATION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets the data serialization mechanism is in use, currently, there are 2 types supported: (internal) zero and msgpack.
DATAGRAM_CHANNEL_READ_MESSAGE_FIRST_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When a message sent to the sever from client side via datagram channel at the first time, this event is triggered.
DatagramIoHandler - Interface in
The Datagram IO handler.
DatagramIoHandlerImpl - Class in
The implementation for datagram IO handler.
DatagramRequestImpl - Class in
Request implementation for Datagram channels.
DatagramWriterHandler - Class in
The Datagram writing handler.
dataType - Variable in class
Data Serialization Type.
deactivate() - Method in class
deactivate() - Method in interface
Deactivates the session (Not be able to perform actions, such as reading or writing data).
DeadlockScanTask - Class in com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal
To detect deadlock in period time.
decode(Session, byte[]) - Method in interface
Decodes data from clients side sent by session.
decode(Session, byte[]) - Method in class
decodeFirstHeaderByte(byte) - Static method in class
Decoding the header byte to find the packet header setting.
decrypt(byte[]) - Method in interface
Decrypts the binary data in a packet.
decrypt(byte[]) - Method in class
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
When the player manually disconnect the connection.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerDisconnectMode
When a player manually disconnect from the server.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerLeaveRoomMode
When a player leaves the room as its desire.
DEFAULT() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation.AutowiredQualifier.DEFAULT
DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP_PACKAGE - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.constant.CoreConstant
The default bootstrap package name using for the bootstrap to scan all classes inside it.
DEFAULT_COMMAND_PACKAGE - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.constant.CoreConstant
The default commands package.
DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.constant.CoreConstant
The server's default configuration file name.
DEFAULT_EVENT_PACKAGE - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.constant.CoreConstant
The default events package name using for the bootstrap to scan all event interfaces inside it.
DEFAULT_KEY_UDP_CONVEY_ID - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.constant.CoreConstant
The default key value which carries the convey ID.
DEFAULT_KEY_UDP_MESSAGE_DATA - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.constant.CoreConstant
The default data value which carries message (array, map).
DEFAULT_REST_CONTROLLER_PACKAGE - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.constant.CoreConstant
The default restful controllers package.
DEFAULT_SLOT - Static variable in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
The value indicates that a player owns a default slot position value in the room.
DefaultBinaryPacketCompressor - Class in
The default implementation of the binary packet compressor.
DefaultBinaryPacketCompressor() - Constructor for class
DefaultBinaryPacketDecoder - Class in
The default implementation for the binary packet decoding.
DefaultBinaryPacketDecoder() - Constructor for class
DefaultBinaryPacketEncoder - Class in
The default implementation for the binary packet encoding.
DefaultBinaryPacketEncoder() - Constructor for class
DefaultBinaryPacketEncryptor - Class in
The default implementation for the binary packet encryption.
DefaultBinaryPacketEncryptor() - Constructor for class
DefaultConnectionFilter - Class in
The default implementation for the connection filter.
DefaultConnectionFilter() - Constructor for class
DefaultPacketQueuePolicy - Class in
The default implementation of the packet queue policy.
DefaultPacketQueuePolicy() - Constructor for class
DefaultRoomCredentialValidatedStrategy - Class in com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement
The default implementation for the strategy.
DefaultRoomCredentialValidatedStrategy() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement.DefaultRoomCredentialValidatedStrategy
DefaultRoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy - Class in com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement
The default implementation for the strategy.
DefaultRoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement.DefaultRoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class
DEPORTATION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.Player.Field
The player deportation status.
description() - Element in annotation interface com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation.SystemCommand
Retrieves the command's description.
DISCONNECT_PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When a player is going to disconnect from the server.
dispatch(Object...) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.event.Subscriber
To dispatch results from one event.
doAnotherPing() - Method in class
It is just another ping method.
DOING - Enum constant in enum class
The session is trying to associate with a Player.
DONE - Enum constant in enum class
The session is associated with a Player.
doPing() - Method in class
A ping method.
DUPLICATED_PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerJoinedRoomResult
The player fails to join room cause there is a same player already in the room.
DUPLICATED_PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerLoggedInResult
The player fails to log in the server because it is already in.
DuplicatedBeanCreationException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When it is adding a duplicated bean, which share the same class type and name.
DuplicatedBeanCreationException(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.DuplicatedBeanCreationException


emit(ServerEvent, Object...) - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventManager
Emit an event with its parameters.
emit(ServerEvent, Object...) - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventProducer
Emit an event with its parameters.
emit(ServerEvent, T...) - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventHandler
Emit an event with its parameters.
emit(T...) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.event.Emitter
To invoke an event.
emitEvent(ServerEvent, Object...) - Method in interface
Emits an event on the server.
emitEvent(ServerEvent, Object...) - Method in class
Emitter<T> - Interface in com.tenio.core.event
This function interface provides one method for invoking an event.
EMPTY_DATAGRAM_CONVEY_ID - Static variable in interface
The default UDP convey ID.
EmptyUdpChannelsException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When an available Udp channel port is requested, but the list is empty.
EmptyUdpChannelsException() - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.EmptyUdpChannelsException
encode(Packet) - Method in interface
Encodes a packet to send to clients side.
encode(Packet) - Method in class
encodeFirstHeaderByte(PacketHeader) - Static method in class
Encoding the packet header setting to a byte value.
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in interface
Encrypts the binary data in a packet.
encrypt(byte[]) - Method in class
encrypted() - Method in class
encrypted() - Method in interface
Allows the sending content to be encrypted.
ENCRYPTION - Enum constant in enum class
The data is encrypted.
enqueuePacket(Packet) - Method in class
enqueuePacket(Packet) - Method in interface
Enqueue a packet from the packet queue to process.
enqueueRequest(Request) - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
enqueueRequest(Request) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.controller.Controller
Enqueue a request from a request queue for processing.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
error(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
Forms a response in case of error.
EventAccessDatagramChannelRequestValidation - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When a player attempts to connect to UDP channel to send and receive messages.
EventAccessDatagramChannelRequestValidationResult<P extends Player> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When the server responds to the request from client side which requires using the UDP channel.
EventConnectionEstablishedResult - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When a connection requests to establish itself on the server, and the server returns a result.
EventDisconnectPlayer<P extends Player> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When a player is disconnected.
EventFetchedBandwidthInfo - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
Fetches the bandwidth information on the server.
EventFetchedCcuInfo - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
Fetches the CCU information on the server.
EventHandler - Class in com.tenio.core.event.handler
Dispatching all events in the server.
EventHandler<T> - Class in com.tenio.core.event.implement
This class for handling events and these subscribers.
EventHandler - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
This annotation is specific to server' events, it is also considered as a candidate for the auto-detection when using annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning.
EventHandler() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.event.handler.EventHandler
EventHandler() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventHandler
eventManager - Variable in class com.tenio.core.manager.AbstractManager
The event manager.
eventManager - Variable in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.AbstractSystemTask
The event manager.
EventManager - Class in com.tenio.core.event.implement
This class for managing events and these subscribers.
EventPlayerAfterLeftRoom<P extends Player,R extends Room> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When a player left its current room.
EventPlayerBeforeLeaveRoom<P extends Player,R extends Room> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
The event occurs before a player leave its current room.
EventPlayerJoinedRoomResult<P extends Player,R extends Room> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When a player tried to join a room.
EventPlayerLoggedinResult<P extends Player> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
Returns the result when a player tried to log in the server.
EventPlayerReconnectedResult<P extends Player> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
Returns the result when a player tried to reconnect to the server.
EventPlayerReconnectRequestHandle<P extends Player> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When a player sends a request to reconnect to the server.
EventProducer - Class in com.tenio.core.event.implement
Only for creating an event handler object.
EventProducer() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventProducer
EventReceivedMessageFromPlayer<P extends Player> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When the server receives a message from a player.
EventRoomCreatedResult<R extends Room> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
Returns the result when the server attempts to create a new room.
EventRoomWillBeRemoved<R extends Room> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
The event occurs before a room is eliminated.
EventSendMessageToPlayer<P extends Player> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When the server sends a message to a player.
EventServerException - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
Something went wrong on the server.
EventServerInitialization - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When the server is initialized.
EventServerTeardown - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When the server is on shutting down phase.
EventSocketConnectionRefused - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When a connection is refused to establish itself on the server.
EventSubscriber - Class in com.tenio.core.event.implement
An instance which creates a mapping between a server event type with its corresponding subscriber.
EventSwitchParticipantToSpectatorResult<P extends Player,R extends Room> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
Returns the result when a participant tries to change to be a spectator.
EventSwitchSpectatorToParticipantResult<P extends Player,R extends Room> - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
Returns the result when a spectator tries to change to be a participant.
EventSystemMonitoring - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
Monitoring the system information.
EventWebSocketConnectionRefused - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When a connection is refused to establish itself on the server.
EventWriteMessageToConnection - Interface in com.tenio.core.handler.event
When the server sends a packet to a connection.
EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerLoggedInResult
The player fails to log in the server because of any exception.
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class
execute(List<String>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.AbstractSystemCommandHandler
It is called when the server invokes a command.
execute(List<String>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.implement.HelpCommand
execute(List<String>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.implement.InfoCommand
execute(List<String>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.implement.ServerCommand
execute(List<String>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.implement.UnBanAddressCommand
execute(P, DataCollection) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.client.AbstractClientCommandHandler
It is called when the server invokes a command.


FETCHED_BANDWIDTH_INFO - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server provides information regarding bandwidth.
FETCHED_CCU_INFO - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server provides information regarding CCU.
freeSlotWhenPlayerLeft(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement.DefaultRoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
freeSlotWhenPlayerLeft(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.RoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
Frees a participant's slot when the player left the room.


GET - Enum constant in enum class
getAnnotations() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.SystemCommandManager
Retrieves the annotations map.
getAnnotationsAsList() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.SystemCommandManager
Retrieves the annotations list.
getApi() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Retrieves a server APIs object which provides all supporting APIs on the server.
getApi() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
getBannedAddresses() - Method in interface
Retrieves all banned IP addresses.
getBannedAddresses() - Method in class
getBean(Class<T>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.injector.Injector
Retrieves an instance by using its corresponding declared interface.
getBodyJson(HttpServletRequest) - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.utility.HttpUtility
Retrieves a JSON body from coming request.
getBodyText(HttpServletRequest) - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.utility.HttpUtility
Retrieves a JSON body content of a request.
getBootstrapHandler() - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.Bootstrapper
Retrieves an instance of bootstrap handler.
getBuffer() - Method in class
Retrieves a ByteBuffer instance to read/write packet's data.
getBuffer() - Method in class
getBuffer() - Method in interface
Retrieves a byte buffer which a socket can read/write binaries data from/down.
getByValue(int) - Static method in enum class
Retrieves the header type by using its value.
getByValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Retrieves a configuration type by using its value.
getByValue(String) - Static method in enum class
Retrieves the REST method by looking at its value.
getByValue(String) - Static method in enum class
Retrieves the transportation type by looking at its value.
getCapacity() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getCapacity() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves the total number of entities allowed to be in the room (participants and spectators).
getClientAddress() - Method in class
getClientAddress() - Method in interface
Retrieves IP address information of the client side which is using the TCP/WebSocket session for communication.
getClientCommandManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.BootstrapHandler
Retrieves a client commands' manager.
getClientCommandManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.injector.Injector
Retrieves the client command manager.
getClientCommandManager() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Retrieves a management object of self-defined user commands.
getClientCommandManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
getClientPort() - Method in class
getClientPort() - Method in interface
Retrieves port number of the client side which is using the TCP/WebSocket session for communication.
getCommand() - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting
Retrieves the command section.
getCommandManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.client.AbstractClientCommandHandler
Retrieves the client command manager.
getCommandManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.AbstractSystemCommandHandler
Retrieves the system command manager.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.configuration.ConfigurationHandler
Retrieves a configuration instance for the server.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Retrieves the current server's configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
getConfigurationHandler() - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.BootstrapHandler
Retrieves a configuration setups.
getCongestionControl() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpProfile
Whether disable the flow control.
getContent() - Method in class
getContent() - Method in interface
Retrieves an array of binaries data that is carried by the response.
getCpuUsage() - Method in class com.tenio.core.monitoring.system.SystemMonitoring
Retrieves the CPU usage.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class
getCreatedTime() - Method in interface
Retrieves the creation time of packet in milliseconds.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class
getCreatedTime() - Method in interface
Retrieves the creation time of session.
getCreatedTimestamp() - Method in class
getCreatedTimestamp() - Method in class
getCreatedTimestamp() - Method in interface
Retrieves the creation timestamp in milliseconds.
getCurrentAvailableUdpPort() - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
getCurrentAvailableUdpPort() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Retrieves the current available UDP port.
getCurrentAvailableUdpPort() - Method in class
Retrieves the current available UDP port, applies the "round-robin" algorithm.
getCurrentRoom() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getCurrentRoom() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the current room which the player is in.
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in interface
Retrieves data of binaries conveyed by the packet.
getData() - Method in class
Retrieves the response content in case of success.
getData() - Method in class
Retrieves the current processing data in the packet.
getDatagramChannel() - Method in class
getDatagramChannel() - Method in interface
Retrieves a UDP channel that the session is able to use.
getDatagramIoHandler() - Method in class
getDatagramIoHandler() - Method in interface
Retrieves the Datagram IO handler.
getDatagramRemoteSocketAddress() - Method in class
getDatagramRemoteSocketAddress() - Method in interface
Retrieves the remote address associating to the client side whenever the server receives message from him.
getDataType() - Method in class
getDataType() - Method in interface
Retrieves the data serialization type.
getDataType() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Retrieves the data serialization type.
getDataType() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
getDescription() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.AbstractSystemCommandHandler
Retrieves the command description.
getDroppedPackets() - Method in class
getDroppedPackets() - Method in interface
Retrieves the total number of dropped packets which violated the session's policies and is not able to send to client side.
getError() - Method in class
Retrieves the response content in case of error.
getEvent() - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventSubscriber
Retrieves a server event that is subscribed.
getEvent() - Method in class
getEvent() - Method in class
getEvent() - Method in interface
Retrieves the server event associating to the request.
getEventHandler() - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.BootstrapHandler
Retrieves an events handler.
getEventHandler() - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventProducer
Retrieves an event handler.
getEventManager() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Retrieves a event manager object which manages all events supporting on the server.
getEventManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
getExpectedLength() - Method in class
Retrieves the expected length of packet's data.
getFastResend() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpProfile
Whether enable fast retransmit mode.
getFragmentBuffer() - Method in class
getFragmentBuffer() - Method in interface
Retrieves the rest of sending binaries from the packet's data.
getFreeMemory() - Method in class com.tenio.core.monitoring.system.SystemMonitoring
Retrieves the rest of free memory that the JVM allowed using.
getFreePlayerSlotInRoom() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement.DefaultRoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
getFreePlayerSlotInRoom() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.RoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
Retrieves a free slot available for a participant in the room.
getFullClientIpAddress() - Method in class
getFullClientIpAddress() - Method in interface
Retrieves full IP address information of the client side which is using the TCP/WebSocket session for communication.
getFullServerIpAddress() - Method in class
getFullServerIpAddress() - Method in interface
Retrieves full IP address information of the server which is using the TCP/WebSocket session for communication.
getHandler(Short) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.client.ClientCommandManager
Returns a handler by its code
getHandler(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.SystemCommandManager
Returns a handler by its label
getHandlers() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.client.ClientCommandManager
Retrieves a map of all registered commands.
getHandlers() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.SystemCommandManager
Retrieves all handlers.
getHandlersAsList() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.client.ClientCommandManager
Returns a list of all registered commands.
getHandlersAsList() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.SystemCommandManager
Returns a list of all registered commands.
getId() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getId() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves the room's unique ID in the management list, on the server.
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in interface
Retrieves the unique ID of packet.
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in interface
Retrieves the unique ID of request.
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in interface
Retrieves the unique ID of session.
getInactivatedTime() - Method in class
getInactivatedTime() - Method in interface
Retrieves how long since the session is inactivated.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
Preventing Singleton object instantiation from outside and creates multiple instance if two thread access this method simultaneously.
getKcpIoHandler() - Method in class
Retrieves interfaces for KCP behaviors.
getLabel() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.AbstractSystemCommandHandler
Retrieves the command label.
getLastActivityTime() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getLastActivityTime() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the last activity time of player.
getLastActivityTime() - Method in class
getLastActivityTime() - Method in interface
Retrieves the last activity time of session.
getLastJoinedRoomTime() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getLastJoinedRoomTime() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the last time the player left its room.
getLastLoggedInTime() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getLastLoggedInTime() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the last logged in time in milliseconds of the player on the server.
getLastReadTime() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getLastReadTime() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the last time when the player receives the last byte of data.
getLastReadTime() - Method in class
getLastReadTime() - Method in interface
Retrieves the last time when the session receives the last byte of data from client side.
getLastWriteTime() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getLastWriteTime() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the last time when player sends the last byte of data.
getLastWriteTime() - Method in class
getLastWriteTime() - Method in interface
Retrieves the last time when session sends the last byte of data to client side.
getLocalAddress() - Method in interface
Retrieves the current local address (the source).
getLocalAddress() - Method in class
getLocalPort() - Method in interface
Retrieves the current local port (the source).
getLocalPort() - Method in class
getMaxBufferSize() - Method in class
getMaxBufferSize() - Method in interface
Retrieves the maximum value of buffer size.
getMaxConnectionsPerIp() - Method in interface
Retrieves the maximum number of connection allowed in a particular IP address.
getMaxConnectionsPerIp() - Method in class
getMaxIdleTimeInSeconds() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getMaxIdleTimeInSeconds() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
getMaxIdleTimeInSeconds() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Retrieves the maximum time in seconds which allows the player to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data).
getMaxIdleTimeInSeconds() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the maximum time in seconds which allows the player to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data).
getMaxIdleTimeInSeconds() - Method in class
getMaxIdleTimeInSeconds() - Method in interface
Retrieves the maximum time in seconds which allows the session to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data).
getMaxIdleTimeNeverDeportedInSeconds() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getMaxIdleTimeNeverDeportedInSeconds() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
getMaxIdleTimeNeverDeportedInSeconds() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Retrieves the maximum time in seconds which allows the player to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data) in case of never deported selection.
getMaxIdleTimeNeverDeportedInSeconds() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the maximum time in seconds which allows the player to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data) in case of never deported selection.
getMaxParticipants() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getMaxParticipants() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves the maximum number of participants allowing in the room.
getMaxParticipants() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting
Retrieves the maximum number of participants allowing in the room.
getMaxRequestQueueSize() - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
getMaxRequestQueueSize() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.controller.Controller
Retrieves the maximum size of a request queue.
getMaxRooms() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
getMaxRooms() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Retrieves the maximum number of rooms on the server.
getMaxSize() - Method in class
getMaxSize() - Method in interface
Retrieves the maximum allowed size of queue.
getMaxSpectators() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getMaxSpectators() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves the maximum number of spectators allowing in the room.
getMaxSpectators() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting
Retrieves the maximum number of spectators allowing in the room.
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in interface
Retrieves the request message.
getMtu() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpProfile
The MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit).
getName() - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
getName() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getName() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getName() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the player's name which should be unique in the management list and on the server.
getName() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves the room's name.
getName() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting
Retrieves the room's name.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface
Retrieves the session's name.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
getName() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
getName() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.service.Service
Retrieves the service's name.
getNetworkReaderStatistic() - Method in interface
Retrieves a network reader statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the receiving data from clients.
getNetworkReaderStatistic() - Method in class
getNetworkReaderStatistic() - Method in class
getNetworkReaderStatistic() - Method in interface
Retrieves a network reader statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the receiving data from clients.
getNetworkWriterStatistic() - Method in interface
Retrieves a network writer statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the sending data from the network.
getNetworkWriterStatistic() - Method in class
getNetworkWriterStatistic() - Method in class
getNetworkWriterStatistic() - Method in class
getNetworkWriterStatistic() - Method in interface
Retrieves a network writer statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the sending data from the network.
getNetworkWriterStatistic() - Method in interface
Retrieves a network writer statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the sending data from the network.
getNoDelay() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpProfile
Whether enable nodelay mode.
getNonSessionRecipientPlayers() - Method in class
getNonSessionRecipientPlayers() - Method in interface
Retrieves a collection of non session recipient players.
getOriginalSize() - Method in class
getOriginalSize() - Method in interface
Retrieves the real size of packet's data in bytes.
getOwner() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getOwner() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves the room's owner.
getOwnerRoom() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
getOwnerRoom() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Retrieves a room of the management list.
getPacketHeader() - Method in class
Retrieves a packet's header.
getPacketQueue() - Method in class
getPacketQueue() - Method in interface
Retrieves a packet queue of session which is using to send messages to clients side.
getPacketReadState() - Method in class
getPacketReadState() - Method in interface
Retrieves the current processing state on a packet.
getPacketReadState() - Method in class
Retrieves the current reading state for a processing packet.
getParticipantCount() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getParticipantCount() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves the current number of participants in the room.
getPassword() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getPassword() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves the room's password.
getPassword() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting
Retrieves the room's password.
getPath() - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting.Plugin
Retrieves the plugin executable file's path.
getPendingPacket() - Method in class
getPendingPacket() - Method in interface
Retrieves the pending process packet.
getPercentageUsed() - Method in class
getPercentageUsed() - Method in interface
Retrieves the current usage of queue.
getPercentageUsedRequestQueue() - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
getPercentageUsedRequestQueue() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.controller.Controller
Retrieves the current percentage using of a request queue.
getPlayer() - Method in exception com.tenio.core.exception.AddedDuplicatedPlayerException
Retrieves the player.
getPlayerByName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
getPlayerByName(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Retrieves a player on the server by using its name.
getPlayerByName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getPlayerByName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
getPlayerByName(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Retrieves a player by using its name.
getPlayerByName(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves a player by using its name.
getPlayerCount() - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
getPlayerCount() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Fetches the current number of players activating on the server.
getPlayerCount() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
getPlayerCount() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Retrieves the current number of players in the management list.
getPlayerIterator() - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
getPlayerIterator() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Retrieves an iterator for the global player management list on the server.
getPlayerIterator() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getPlayerIterator() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
getPlayerIterator() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Retrieves an iterator for a player management list.
getPlayerIterator() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves an iterator for a player management list.
getPlayerManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getPlayerManager() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves a player manager for the room.
getPlayerManager() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Retrieves a player manager object which manages all players on the server.
getPlayerManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
getPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves a strategy to generate slot positions in the room.
getPlayerSlotInCurrentRoom() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getPlayerSlotInCurrentRoom() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the player's slot in its room.
getPlugin() - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting
Retrieves the plugin section.
getPriority() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in interface
Retrieves the priority of packet.
getPriority() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in interface
Retrieves the priority of request.
getPriority() - Method in interface
Retrieves the current priority of response.
getProcessedPacket() - Method in class
getProcessedPacket() - Method in interface
Retrieves the current processing packet.
getProperties() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting
Retrieves default properties for the room.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves a property belongs to the player.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves a property belongs to the room.
getReadBytes() - Method in class
getReadBytes() - Method in interface
Retrieves the total number of binaries which the session receives from client side.
getReadBytes() - Method in class
Retrieves the current number of received bytes data from client sides.
getReadDroppedPackets() - Method in class
Retrieves the current number of dropped packets which are refused to handle.
getReadMessages() - Method in class
getReadMessages() - Method in interface
Retrieves the total number of messages which the session receives from client side.
getReadonlyParticipantsList() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getReadonlyParticipantsList() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves a read-only list of participants in a player management list.
getReadonlyPlayersList() - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
getReadonlyPlayersList() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Retrieves a read-only global player management list on the server.
getReadonlyPlayersList() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getReadonlyPlayersList() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
getReadonlyPlayersList() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Retrieves a read-only player management list.
getReadonlyPlayersList() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves a read-only player management list.
getReadonlyRoomsList() - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
getReadonlyRoomsList() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Retrieves a read-only global room management list on the server.
getReadonlyRoomsList() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
getReadonlyRoomsList() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Retrieves a read-only room management list.
getReadonlyRoomsListByName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
getReadonlyRoomsListByName(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Retrieves a read-only room management list by searching with the room's name.
getReadonlySessionsList() - Method in interface
Retrieves a fresh copy of current sessions' list.
getReadonlySessionsList() - Method in class
getReadonlySpectatorsList() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getReadonlySpectatorsList() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves a read-only list of spectators in a player management list.
getReadPackets() - Method in class
Retrieves the current number of received packets from clients side.
getReceiveWindowSize() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpProfile
Setups the max receiving window size in packets, it is similar to TCP SO_RECVBUF, but the TCP one is in bytes, while the Window Size is in packets.
getRecipientDatagramSessions() - Method in class
getRecipientDatagramSessions() - Method in interface
Retrieves a collection of recipient socket sessions which receives packets by datagram channel.
getRecipientPlayers() - Method in class
getRecipientPlayers() - Method in interface
Retrieves a collection of recipient players.
getRecipients() - Method in class
getRecipients() - Method in interface
Retrieves a collection of sessions which play roles as recipients.
getRecipientSocketSessions() - Method in class
getRecipientSocketSessions() - Method in interface
Retrieves a collection of recipient socket sessions.
getRecipientWebSocketSessions() - Method in class
getRecipientWebSocketSessions() - Method in interface
Retrieves a collection of recipient WebSocket sessions.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in interface
Retrieves the current remote address (the destination).
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class
getRemoteSocketAddress() - Method in class
getRemoteSocketAddress() - Method in class
getRemoteSocketAddress() - Method in interface
Retrieves the remote address associating to the client side whenever the server receives message from him.
getResult() - Method in exception com.tenio.core.exception.CreatedRoomException
Retrieves the room creation result.
getResult() - Method in exception com.tenio.core.exception.PlayerJoinedRoomException
Retrieves a result when a player tried to get in a room.
getResult() - Method in exception com.tenio.core.exception.SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomException
Retrieves the switching result.
getRoleInRoom() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getRoleInRoom() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves a player role when the player joins room.
getRoom() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement.DefaultRoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
getRoom() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.RoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
Retrieves the room which is applying this strategy.
getRoom() - Method in exception com.tenio.core.exception.AddedDuplicatedPlayerException
Retrieves the room.
getRoomById(long) - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
getRoomById(long) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Retrieves a room instance by using its ID.
getRoomById(long) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
getRoomById(long) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Retrieves a room instance by looking for its unique ID.
getRoomCount() - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
getRoomCount() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Fetches the current number of rooms on the server.
getRoomCount() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
getRoomCount() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Fetches the current number of rooms in the management list.
getRoomCredentialValidatedStrategy() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getRoomCredentialValidatedStrategy() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves a strategy to validate credentials used to allow players get in the room.
getRoomCredentialValidatedStrategy() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting
Retrieves the room credential validation strategy.
getRoomIterator() - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
getRoomIterator() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Retrieves an iterator for the room management list on the server.
getRoomIterator() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
getRoomIterator() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Retrieves an iterator for a room management list.
getRoomManager() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Retrieves a room manager object which manages all rooms on the server.
getRoomManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
getRoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting
Retrieves the participant slot generation strategy in the room.
getRoomRemoveMode() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getRoomRemoveMode() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves the rule applied to room to remove it.
getRoomRemoveMode() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting
Retrieves the room removing mode.
getSelectionKey() - Method in class
getSelectionKey() - Method in interface
Retrieves a selection key for socket (TCP) channel, which is using to switch between channels.
getSender() - Method in class
getSender() - Method in class
getSender() - Method in interface
Retrieves the sender of request.
getSendWindowSize() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpProfile
Setups the max sending window size in packets, it is similar to TCP SO_SNDBUF, but the TCP one is in bytes, while the Window Size is in packets.
getServerAddress() - Method in class
getServerAddress() - Method in interface
Retrieves IP address information of the server which is using the TCP/WebSocket session for communication.
getServerContext() - Method in class
Retrieves the server context.
getServerPort() - Method in class
getServerPort() - Method in interface
Retrieves port number of the server which is using the TCP/WebSocket session for communication.
getServletBeansMap() - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.injector.Injector
Retrieves servlet beans.
getServletMap() - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.BootstrapHandler
Retrieves servlet configuration.
getSession() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getSession() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the player's session.
getSessionByDatagram(int) - Method in interface
Retrieves a socket (TCP) session from the management list.
getSessionByDatagram(int) - Method in class
getSessionBySocket(SocketChannel) - Method in interface
Retrieves a socket (TCP) session from the management list.
getSessionBySocket(SocketChannel) - Method in class
getSessionByWebSocket(Channel) - Method in interface
Retrieves a WebSocket session from the management list.
getSessionByWebSocket(Channel) - Method in class
getSessionCount() - Method in interface
Retrieves the current number of sessions in the management list.
getSessionCount() - Method in class
getSessionIterator() - Method in interface
Retrieves an iterator for a session management list.
getSessionIterator() - Method in class
getSessionManager() - Method in class
getSessionManager() - Method in interface
Retrieves the session manager instance.
getSessionManager() - Method in interface
Retrieves the session manager instance.
getSessionManager() - Method in class
getSessionManager() - Method in class
getSessionManager() - Method in interface
Retrieves the Session Manager.
getSessionTicketsQueue() - Method in class
getSessionTicketsQueue() - Method in interface
Retrieves a blocking queue of all sessions.
getSize() - Method in class
getSize() - Method in interface
Retrieves the current size of queue.
getSocketChannel() - Method in class
getSocketChannel() - Method in interface
Retrieves a socket (TCP) channel, which is using to communicate via TCP protocol.
getSocketIoHandler() - Method in class
getSocketIoHandler() - Method in interface
Retrieves the socket IO handler.
getSpectatorCount() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getSpectatorCount() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves the current number of spectators in the room.
getStartedTime() - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
getStartedTime() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Retrieves the time when server starts in milliseconds.
getStartedTime() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Retrieves the time when server starts in milliseconds.
getStartedTime() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
getState() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
getState() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
getState() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Retrieves the player's current state.
getState() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Retrieves the current room's state.
getStatus() - Method in class
Retrieves the status.
getSubscriber() - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventSubscriber
Retrieves a server event subscriber.
getSystemCommandManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.BootstrapHandler
Retrieves a system commands' manager.
getSystemCommandManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.injector.Injector
Retrieves the system command manager.
getThreadPoolSize() - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
getThreadPoolSize() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.controller.Controller
Retrieves the thread pool size using for processes.
getThreadPoolSize() - Method in class
getThreadPoolSize() - Method in interface
Retrieves the thread pool size.
getTimestamp() - Method in class
Retrieves the creation timestamp.
getTotalMemory() - Method in class com.tenio.core.monitoring.system.SystemMonitoring
Retrieves the total memory that the JVM allowed using.
getTransportType() - Method in class
getTransportType() - Method in interface
Retrieves the transportation type of packet.
getTransportType() - Method in class
getTransportType() - Method in interface
Retrieves the transportation type of session.
getUdpChannelManager() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Retrieves an Udp channel manager object which allows managing Udp related information.
getUdpChannelManager() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
getUdpConveyId() - Method in class
getUdpConveyId() - Method in interface
Retrieves the Udp channel convey ID, which is unique value generated by the server.
getUkcp() - Method in class
getUkcp() - Method in interface
Retrieves a KCP wrapper object that the session is able to use.
getUpdateInterval() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpProfile
The internal interval in milliseconds.
getUptime() - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
getUptime() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Retrieves the current uptime of server in milliseconds.
getUptime() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Retrieves the current uptime of server in milliseconds.
getUptime() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
getUsage() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.AbstractSystemCommandHandler
Retrieves the command usage (manual).
getUsedMemory() - Method in class com.tenio.core.monitoring.system.SystemMonitoring
Retrieves the currently using memory that the JVM allowed using.
getValue() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Retrieves a configuration type's value.
getValue() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
Retrieves flag's name.
getValue() - Method in enum class
Retrieves a numeric value of a request's priority.
getValue() - Method in enum class
Retrieves the response's priority in numeric value.
getValue() - Method in enum class
Retrieves the REST method in text value.
getValue() - Method in enum class
Retrieves the transportation type in text value.
getValue() - Method in enum class
Retrieves the value of a header type.
GetWaitSnd() - Method in class
Retrieves how many packet is waiting to be sent.
getWebSocketChannel() - Method in class
getWebSocketChannel() - Method in interface
Retrieves a WebSocket channel which is using for communication between the server and client sides via WebSocket.
getWriter() - Method in interface
Retrieves the writer which is using for real transmitting data.
getWriter() - Method in class
getWrittenBytes() - Method in class
getWrittenBytes() - Method in interface
Retrieves the total number of binaries which the session sends to client side.
getWrittenBytes() - Method in class
Retrieves the current number of sending bytes data to clients side.
getWrittenDroppedPackets() - Method in class
Retrieves the current number of dropped packets which are not able to send to clients side.
getWrittenDroppedPacketsByFull() - Method in class
Retrieves the current number of dropped packets which cannot append to the full queue and not be able to send to clients side.
getWrittenDroppedPacketsByPolicy() - Method in class
Retrieves the current number of dropped packets which violated policies and not be able to send to clients side.
getWrittenPackets() - Method in class
Retrieves the current number of sending packets to clients side.
GUARANTEED - Enum constant in enum class
The response should be guaranteed to be responded bases on the rule implementations logic.
GUARANTEED_QUICKEST - Enum constant in enum class
The response should be guaranteed to be responded in the highest priority bases on the rule implementations logic.


handle(double, long, long, long, int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventSystemMonitoring
Monitoring the system information on the server.
handle(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventFetchedCcuInfo
Fetches the CCU information on the server.The information should be frequently updated every interval time.
handle(long, long, long, long, long, long, long) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventFetchedBandwidthInfo
Fetches the bandwidth information on the server.
handle(DataCollection) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventAccessDatagramChannelRequestValidation
When a player attempts to connect to UDP channel to send and receive messages.
handle(Session, DataCollection) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventPlayerReconnectRequestHandle
When a player tried to reconnect to the server.
handle(Session, DataCollection, ConnectionEstablishedResult) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventConnectionEstablishedResult
When a connection requests to establish itself on the server, and the server returns a result.
handle(Session, Packet) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventWriteMessageToConnection
When the server sends a packet to a connection.
handle(Channel, RefusedConnectionAddressException) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventWebSocketConnectionRefused
When a connection is refused to establish itself on the server.
handle(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventServerTeardown
When the server is going to shut down.
handle(String, Configuration) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventServerInitialization
When the server finished initialization process.
handle(Throwable) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventServerException
Something went wrong on the server.
handle(SocketChannel, RefusedConnectionAddressException) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventSocketConnectionRefused
When a connection is refused to establish itself on the server.
handle(Optional<P>, int, int, AccessDatagramChannelResult) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventAccessDatagramChannelRequestValidationResult
When the server responds to the request from client side which requires using the UDP channel.
handle(Optional<R>, InitialRoomSetting, RoomCreatedResult) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventRoomCreatedResult
Retrieves the result when the server attempts to create a new room.
handle(P, DataCollection) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventReceivedMessageFromPlayer
When the server receives a message from a player.
handle(P, DataCollection) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventSendMessageToPlayer
When the server sends a message to a player.
handle(P, PlayerDisconnectMode) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventDisconnectPlayer
When a player is disconnected from the server, and it is also removed from the management list.
handle(P, PlayerLoggedInResult) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventPlayerLoggedinResult
When a player tried to log in the server.
handle(P, Session, PlayerReconnectedResult) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventPlayerReconnectedResult
When a player tried to reconnect to the server.
handle(P, Optional<R>, PlayerLeaveRoomMode) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventPlayerBeforeLeaveRoom
When a player is going to leave its current room.
handle(P, Optional<R>, PlayerLeaveRoomMode, PlayerLeftRoomResult) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventPlayerAfterLeftRoom
When a player has just left its current room.
handle(P, R, PlayerJoinedRoomResult) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventPlayerJoinedRoomResult
When a player tried to join a room.
handle(P, R, SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventSwitchParticipantToSpectatorResult
When a participant tries to change to be a spectator in its room.
handle(P, R, SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventSwitchSpectatorToParticipantResult
When a spectator tries to change to be a participant in its room.
handle(R, RoomRemoveMode) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.handler.event.EventRoomWillBeRemoved
When a room is going to be removed from the management list.
handleAcceptableChannels() - Method in class
handleAcceptableChannels() - Method in interface
Handles all coming acceptable channels.
hashCode() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
It is generally necessary to override the hashCode method whenever equals method is overridden, so as to maintain the general contract for the hashCode method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.
hashCode() - Method in class
It is generally necessary to override the hashCode method whenever equals method is overridden, so as to maintain the general contract for the hashCode method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.
hashCode() - Method in class
It is generally necessary to override the hashCode method whenever equals method is overridden, so as to maintain the general contract for the hashCode method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.
hashCode() - Method in class
It is generally necessary to override the hashCode method whenever equals method is overridden, so as to maintain the general contract for the hashCode method, which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes.
hasHeaderKey(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.utility.HttpUtility
Determines whether a header key is present in a request.
hasSubscriber(ServerEvent) - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventManager
Check if an event has any subscribers or not.
HelpCommand - Class in com.tenio.core.command.system.implement
Show all supporting commands.
HelpCommand() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.command.system.implement.HelpCommand
HTTP - Enum constant in enum class
HttpUtility - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.utility
The class provides utility methods to work with http request/response.


ID_COUNTER - Static variable in interface
The request counter to provide unique id for every single request.
IDLE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
When a connection falls in IDLE state for a long time enough to be disconnected.
IDLE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerDisconnectMode
When a player falls in IDLE state for a long time enough to be disconnected.
IDLE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerLeaveRoomMode
When a player falls in IDLE state then is removed from the server.
IllegalDefinedAccessControlException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
The method annotated by Bean annotation but is not defined as public access.
IllegalDefinedAccessControlException() - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.IllegalDefinedAccessControlException
IllegalReturnTypeException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
The method annotated by Bean annotation but returns primitive or void.
IllegalReturnTypeException() - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.IllegalReturnTypeException
increaseReadMessages() - Method in class
increaseReadMessages() - Method in interface
Increases the total number of read messages which the session receives from client side.
InfoCommand - Class in com.tenio.core.command.system.implement
Provides brief information about players and rooms on the server.
InfoCommand() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.command.system.implement.InfoCommand
initChannel(SocketChannel) - Method in class
initialDelay - Variable in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.AbstractSystemTask
The initial delay time.
initialize() - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
initialize() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement.DefaultRoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
initialize() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.RoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
Initializes default data if needed.
initialize() - Method in class
initialize() - Method in class
initialize() - Method in class
initialize() - Method in class
initialize() - Method in class
initialize() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
initialize() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
initialize() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.service.Service
Initializes a new service.
initialize(EventManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.handler.EventHandler
initialize(EventManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement.ConnectionEventHandler
initialize(EventManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement.MixinsEventHandler
initialize(EventManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement.PlayerEventHandler
initialize(EventManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement.RoomEventHandler
InitialRoomSetting - Class in com.tenio.core.entity.setting
The initialized information is for creating a new room.
InitialRoomSetting.Builder - Class in com.tenio.core.entity.setting
The builder class for collecting setups information.
Injector - Class in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.injector
The Injector class supports creating the mechanism for autowiring.
input(byte[]) - Method in class
Calls this method to put binaries data from the main channel into KCP.
Input(byte[]) - Method in class
When you received a low level packet (eg.
INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.utility.CommandUtility
Singleton instance.
INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.utility.HttpUtility
Singleton instance.
InternalProcessorService - Interface in com.tenio.core.server.service
The internal processor service, the heart of the server.
InternalProcessorServiceImpl - Class in com.tenio.core.server.service
The implementation for the processor service.
interval - Variable in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.AbstractSystemTask
The interval value.
interval - Variable in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.AbstractTask
The interval value.
INTERVAL_CCU_SCAN - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets an interval to frequently check the concurrent users activating on the server.
INTERVAL_DEADLOCK_SCAN - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets an interval to frequently check whether a deadlock occurred.
INTERVAL_DISCONNECTED_PLAYER_SCAN - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets an interval to frequently check disconnected players.
INTERVAL_REMOVED_ROOM_SCAN - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets an interval to frequently check removable rooms for removing them.
INTERVAL_SYSTEM_MONITORING - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets an interval to frequently monitoring the server information.
INTERVAL_TRAFFIC_COUNTER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets an interval to frequently report the current read and written number of packets on the server.
INVALID_CREDENTIALS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerJoinedRoomResult
Invalid password was provided.
INVALID_NAME_OR_PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.RoomCreatedResult
It fails to create a new room cause its name or password is in invalid format.
INVALID_PLAYER_FORMAT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerReconnectedResult
The player fails to reconnect to the server cause its request has invalid format.
INVALID_SESSION_PROTOCOL - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.AccessDatagramChannelResult
Accessing to a datagram channel is failed cause the session protocol is invalid.
invoke(Short, Player, DataCollection) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.client.ClientCommandManager
Invokes a command handler with given arguments.
invoke(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.SystemCommandManager
Invokes a command handler with given arguments.
isActivated() - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
isActivated() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
isActivated() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
isActivated() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Determines whether the player is activated.
isActivated() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Determines whether the room is activated.
isActivated() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting
Determines whether the room is active.
isActivated() - Method in class
isActivated() - Method in interface
Determines whether the session is activated (To be able to perform actions, such as reading or writing data).
isActivated() - Method in class
isActivated() - Method in class
isActivated() - Method in class
isActivated() - Method in class
isActivated() - Method in class
isActivated() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
isActivated() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.service.Service
Determines whether the service is activated.
isAssociatedToPlayer(Session.AssociatedState) - Method in class
isAssociatedToPlayer(Session.AssociatedState) - Method in interface
Determines whether the session connected to the server (It is ready to associate to a player).
isBackgroundRunning() - Element in annotation interface com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation.SystemCommand
Whether the command will be run in background.
isBigSized() - Method in class
Determines whether the data size is big.
isBinary() - Method in class
Determines whether the data is written by binary.
isCompressed() - Method in class
Determines whether the data is compressed.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Determines whether the room is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in interface
Determines whether the queue is empty.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting.Command
Checks whether this command is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting.Plugin
Checks whether this command is enabled.
isEnabledKcp() - Method in class
isEnabledKcp() - Method in interface
Determines if the client and server can use KCP for communication.
isEncrypted() - Method in class
isEncrypted() - Method in interface
Determines whether the packet data is encrypted.
isEncrypted() - Method in class
isEncrypted() - Method in interface
Determines whether the response's content is encrypted.
isEncrypted() - Method in class
Determines whether the data is encrypted.
isFragmented() - Method in class
isFragmented() - Method in interface
Determines whether the packet's data is fragmented.
isFull() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
isFull() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Determines whether the room is full.
isFull() - Method in class
isFull() - Method in interface
Determines whether the queue is full.
isIdle() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
isIdle() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Determines whether the player got in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data).
isIdle() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.RoomState
Determines whether the room state is in IDLE, this will be used in auto removing room mechanism.
isIdle() - Method in class
isIdle() - Method in interface
Determines whether the session got in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data).
isIdleNeverDeported() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
isIdleNeverDeported() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Determines whether the player got in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data) in case of never deported selection.
isInRoom() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
isInRoom() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Determines whether the player is in a room.
isLoggedIn() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
isLoggedIn() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Determines whether the player is logged in the server.
isMarkedAsLast() - Method in class
isMarkedAsLast() - Method in interface
Determines whether the packet is the last one or not.
isNeverDeported() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
isNeverDeported() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Ensures that the Player is never deported from the server even it gets timeout.
isOrphan() - Method in class
isOrphan() - Method in interface
In allowance period of time, if the session can not be associated to any player, it is considered as an orphan session and will be removed.
isPublic() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
isPublic() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Determines whether the room is public which means it does not contain any credential and allowed to freely get in.
isRunningBackground() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.AbstractSystemCommandHandler
Checks whether the command should be running in background.
isState(PlayerState) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
isState(PlayerState) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Determines whether the player is in a particular state.
isTcp() - Method in class
isTcp() - Method in interface
Determines whether the packet's transportation type is TCP.
isTcp() - Method in class
isTcp() - Method in interface
Determines whether the session is using the TCP transportation type.
isUdp() - Method in class
isUdp() - Method in interface
Determines whether the packet's transportation type is UDP.
isWebSocket() - Method in class
isWebSocket() - Method in interface
Determines whether the packet's transportation type is WebSocket.
isWebSocket() - Method in class
isWebSocket() - Method in interface
Determines whether the session is using the WebSocket transportation type.


JAVA_IO_TMPDIR - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
The Java IO temporary directory.
JAVA_VENDOR - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
The Java vendor.
JAVA_VENDOR_URL - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
The Java vendor URL.
JAVA_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
The Java version.
JAVA_VM_NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
The Java Virtual Machine name.
JAVA_VM_SPEC_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
The Java Virtual Machine specification version.
JAVA_VM_VENDOR - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
The Java Virtual Machine vendor.
JAVA_VM_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
The Java Virtual Machine version.
JettyHttpService - Class in
This class provides methods for creating HTTP service.
joinRoom(Player, Room) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Allows a player to join a particular room as the role of "participant" with the room's password is not present, and the player position in room is not considered.
joinRoom(Player, Room, String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Allows a player to join a particular room.
joinRoom(Player, Room, String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
joinRoom(Player, Room, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Allows a player to join a particular room.


Kcp - Class in
KCP abstract class.
Kcp(long) - Constructor for class
KcpConfiguration - Class in com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp
All related configuration when the server uses KCP transportation.
KcpIoHandler - Interface in
The KCP channel behaviours.
KcpIoHandlerImpl - Class in
The implementation of KcpIoHandler.
KcpProfile - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp
The profile mechanism allows configuring KCP behaviors by groups.
KcpUpdateTask - Class in com.tenio.core.schedule.task.kcp
This task takes responsibility to update every KCP channel frequently.
KcpWriter<T> - Interface in
The class provides interfaces to allow KCP channel sending data via its conveying channel.
KcpWriterHandler - Class in
The implementation of KcpWriter using on the server.
KcpWriterHandler(DatagramChannel, SocketAddress) - Constructor for class
Creates a writer.
KICK - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
When a connection is removed from the server in purpose.
KICK - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerDisconnectMode
When a player is removed from the server in purpose.
KICK - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerLeaveRoomMode
When a player is forced to remove from the server.
kickPlayer(Player, String, int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Removes a player manually from the server.


label() - Element in annotation interface com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation.SystemCommand
Retrieves the label of command, that should be unique, otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
leaveRoom(Player, PlayerLeaveRoomMode) - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
leaveRoom(Player, PlayerLeaveRoomMode) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Makes a player to leave its current room.
load(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.CoreConfiguration
Reads file content and converts it to configuration values.
LOG_OUT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerLeaveRoomMode
When a player logged out from the server.
logDiskInfo() - Method in class com.tenio.core.monitoring.system.SystemInfo
Logging the disk information.
login(Player) - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
login(Player) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Allows creating an instance of a player on the server which could be a custom one.
login(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
login(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Allows creating an instance of a player in the server.
login(String, Session) - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
login(String, Session) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Allows creating an instance of a player in the server.
logNetCardsInfo() - Method in class com.tenio.core.monitoring.system.SystemInfo
Logging the net card information.
logout(Player, ConnectionDisconnectMode, PlayerDisconnectMode) - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
logout(Player, ConnectionDisconnectMode, PlayerDisconnectMode) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Removes a player from the management list and from the server as well.
logSystemInfo() - Method in class com.tenio.core.monitoring.system.SystemInfo
Logging the system information.
LOST - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
When the connection is lost and its caused by the client side.
LOW - Enum constant in enum class
The low priority of a request waiting to be processed.
LOWEST - Enum constant in enum class
The lowest priority of a request waiting to be processed.


Manager - Interface in com.tenio.core.manager
The common APIs using for all managers.
map() - Method in class com.tenio.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Retrieves a zero map instance when the DataType in use is DataType.ZERO.
MixinsEventHandler - Class in com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement
Dispatching all events related to mixins.
MixinsEventHandler() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement.MixinsEventHandler
msgarray() - Method in class com.tenio.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Retrieves a msgpack array instance when the DataType in use is DataType.MSG_PACK.
msgmap() - Method in class com.tenio.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Retrieves a msgpack map instance when the DataType in use is DataType.MSG_PACK.
MultipleImplementedClassForInterfaceException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
This exception would be thrown when there are more than 1 Component annotation associated with classes that implement a same interface.
MultipleImplementedClassForInterfaceException(Class<?>) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.MultipleImplementedClassForInterfaceException
Creates a new instance.


name() - Element in annotation interface com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation.AutowiredQualifier
Declares the name should be used to distinguish implementations.
name() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the name record component.
NettyWebSocketService - Interface in
The websockets handler is provided by the Netty library.
NettyWebSocketServiceImpl - Class in
The implementation for the Netty's websockets services.
NettyWsHandler - Class in
Receive all messages sent from clients side.
NettyWsHandShake - Class in
WebSocket is distinct from HTTP.
NettyWsInitializer - Class in
An initialization for the Netty websockets.
NETWORK_HTTP - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
HTTP in the server configuration.
NETWORK_PROP_ENABLED_KCP - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Allows using KCP transportation in UDP channels.
NETWORK_PROP_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_IP - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets maximum number of connections each IP address can have.
NETWORK_PROP_PACKET_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD_BYTES - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets packet compression threshold in bytes at that the packet will be compressed.
NETWORK_PROP_SOCKET_ACCEPTOR_BUFFER_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets packet handling buffer size in bytes for the socket acceptor (Accepting new incoming client sockets).
NETWORK_PROP_SOCKET_READER_BUFFER_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets packet handling buffer size in bytes for the socket receiver.
NETWORK_PROP_SOCKET_WRITER_BUFFER_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets packet handling buffer size in bytes for the socket sender.
NETWORK_PROP_WEBSOCKET_RECEIVER_BUFFER_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets packet handling buffer size in bytes for the WebSocket receiver.
NETWORK_PROP_WEBSOCKET_SENDER_BUFFER_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets packet handling buffer size in bytes for the WebSocket sender.
NETWORK_PROP_WEBSOCKET_USING_SSL - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Determines whether the WebSocket connection could use SSL configuration.
NETWORK_SOCKET - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Socket in the server configuration.
NETWORK_WEBSOCKET - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
WebSocket in the server configuration.
networkReaderStatistic - Variable in class
The network reader statistic.
NetworkReaderStatistic - Class in
This class supports creating an instance for holding the network reading data from clients side.
NetworkService - Interface in
All designed APIs for the network services.
NetworkServiceImpl - Class in
The implementation for network service.
NetworkWriterStatistic - Class in
This class supports creating an instance for holding the network written data to clients side.
NEVER_REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.RoomRemoveMode
Condition: Room is never removed.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.Bootstrapper
Creates a new instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.injector.Injector
Returns an instance of the injector.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.core.controller.RequestComparator
Creates a new instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
Create a new instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting.Builder
Creates a new instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventManager
newInstance() - Static method in class com.tenio.core.monitoring.system.SystemMonitoring
newInstance() - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of packet.
newInstance() - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of a packet queue.
newInstance() - Static method in class
Creates a new request instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class
Creates a new response instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class
Creates a new request instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class
Creates a new session instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class
newInstance() - Static method in class
newInstance() - Static method in class
Create a new instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class
newInstance() - Static method in class
Creates a new UDP channel manager instance.
newInstance() - Static method in class
Retrieves a new instance of datagram writer handler.
newInstance() - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of the socket writer handler.
newInstance(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
newInstance(ServerEvent, Subscriber) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventSubscriber
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
Creates a new instance of the player manager.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
Retrieves a new room manager instance.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of the session manager.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of web socket service.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of the network service.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of acceptor engine.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of reader engine.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of the socket writer.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class
Retrieves a new instance of datagram handler.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of KCP handler.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of the socket handler.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of the socket service.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
Retrieves a new instance of schedule service.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.AutoCleanOrphanSessionTask
Creates a new task instance.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.AutoDisconnectPlayerTask
Creates a new task instance.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.AutoRemoveRoomTask
Creates a new task instance.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.CcuReportTask
Creates a new task instance.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.DeadlockScanTask
Creates a new task instance.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.SystemMonitoringTask
Creates a new task instance.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.TrafficCounterTask
Creates a new task instance.
newInstance(EventManager) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.kcp.KcpUpdateTask
Creates a new instance of KCP updater.
newInstance(EventManager, Configuration) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.server.setting.ConfigurationAssessment
Retrieves a new instance of configuration assessment.
newInstance(EventManager, ServerApi) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
Retrieves a new instance of internal processor.
newInstance(EventManager, SessionManager, ConnectionFilter, DataType, NetworkReaderStatistic) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of the websocket handler.
newInstance(EventManager, SessionManager, ConnectionFilter, DataType, NetworkReaderStatistic) - Static method in class
Creates a new instance of the websocket hand shaker.
newInstance(EventManager, SessionManager, ConnectionFilter, DataType, NetworkReaderStatistic, WebSocketSslContext, boolean) - Static method in class
newInstance(Server) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
newInstance(String) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
Create a new instance without session.
newInstance(String, Session) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
Create a new instance.
NIL_SLOT - Static variable in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
The value indicates that a player has no slot position value in the room.
noContent(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
Forms a response in case of non result.
NoContent - Class in
This class helps create an empty json object, and is most used while forming a new response.
NoContent() - Constructor for class
NoImplementedClassFoundException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
This exception should be thrown when there is no Component annotation associated class found for the corresponding declared field in a class.
NoImplementedClassFoundException(Class<?>) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.NoImplementedClassFoundException
Creates a new instance.
NON_GUARANTEED - Enum constant in enum class
The response may not be responded bases on the rule implementations logic.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
The session is not associated with any Player.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class
The regular priority of a request waiting to be processed.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class
The response is processed bases on the rule implementations logic.
NORMAL_MODE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpProfile
The normal mode, like TCP.
NotDefinedSubscribersException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When a declared event is in missing on defining its subscriber.
NotDefinedSubscribersException(Class<?>...) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.NotDefinedSubscribersException
Creates a new exception.


ok(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
Forms a response in case of success.
on(ServerEvent, Subscriber) - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventManager
Add a subscriber's handler.
onDestroyed() - Method in class
onDestroyed() - Method in class
onDestroyed() - Method in class
onDestroyed() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
onDestroyed() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.service.ServiceListener
When the corresponding service is finnally destroyed.
onInitialized() - Method in class
onInitialized() - Method in class
onInitialized() - Method in class
onInitialized() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
onInitialized() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.service.ServiceListener
When the corresponding service is finnally initialized.
onRunning() - Method in class
onRunning() - Method in class
onRunning() - Method in class
onRunning() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
onRunning() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.service.ServiceListener
When the corresponding service is running.
onShutdown() - Method in class
onShutdown() - Method in class
onShutdown() - Method in class
onShutdown() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
onShutdown() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.service.ServiceListener
When the corresponding service is finnally shutted down.
onStarted() - Method in class
onStarted() - Method in class
onStarted() - Method in class
onStarted() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
onStarted() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.service.ServiceListener
When the corresponding service is finnally started.
onUpdateListener(Consumer<Player.Field>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
onUpdateListener(Consumer<Player.Field>) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Observes all changes on the player.
ORPHAN - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
When the connection is orphan and is cleaned up by schedule tasks.
OS_ARCH - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
The OS architecture.
OS_NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
The OS name.
OS_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
The OS version.
Output(byte[], int) - Method in class
The output method in high level.
Output(byte[], int) - Method in class


Packet - Interface in
The smallest unit to hold and transfer data from the server to clients.
PacketCompressorException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When something went wrong with the packet compression processes.
PacketCompressorException(String) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.PacketCompressorException
Creates a new exception.
PacketDecoderResultListener - Interface in
The listener for receiving data from the packet decoder.
PacketEncryptorException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When something went wrong with the packet encryption processes.
PacketEncryptorException(String) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.PacketEncryptorException
Creates a new exception.
PacketHeader - Class in
The packet header contains all settings for a packet by combining some conditions.
PacketHeaderType - Enum Class in
The definition of all packet header setting flags.
PacketImpl - Class in
The implementation for packet.
PacketQueue - Interface in
The queue using for holding packets to send to clients side.
PacketQueueFullException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When the packet queue, which is using to send packet from the server to clients side, is full.
PacketQueueFullException(int) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.PacketQueueFullException
Creates a new exception.
PacketQueueImpl - Class in
The implementation for packet queue.
PacketQueuePolicy - Interface in
The packet queue policy.
PacketQueuePolicyViolationException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When the packet queue, which is using to send packet from the server to clients side, has any policy is violated.
PacketQueuePolicyViolationException(Packet, float) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.PacketQueuePolicyViolationException
Creates a new exception.
PacketReadState - Enum Class in
The definition of all reading packet states.
PARTICIPANT - Enum constant in enum class
When a player joins a room as a participant, it has full permission for all activities in the room.
peek() - Method in class
peek() - Method in interface
Retrieves the last-in packet in the queue.
PendingPacket - Class in
Holds a pending packet for the next steps.
PingController - Class in
The default servlet to let client checks if the HTTP server is available or not.
PingController() - Constructor for class
Player - Interface in com.tenio.core.entity
An abstract player entity used on the server.
PLAYER_AFTER_LEFT_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When a player has just left its room.
PLAYER_ALREADY_LEFT_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerLeftRoomResult
The player already left the room.
PLAYER_BEFORE_LEAVE_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When a player is going to leave its current room.
PLAYER_IS_IN_ANOTHER_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerJoinedRoomResult
The player fails to join room because it is in another room, it must leave its current room before joining a new one.
PLAYER_JOINED_ROOM_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server responds a request from player regarding joining a room.
PLAYER_LOGGEDIN_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server responds a player logged in request.
PLAYER_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.AccessDatagramChannelResult
Accessing to a datagram channel is failed cause the player was not found.
PLAYER_OR_ROOM_UNAVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerJoinedRoomResult
The player fails to join room cause the player or room is unavailable.
PLAYER_RECONNECT_REQUEST_HANDLE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server handles a reconnection request.
PLAYER_RECONNECTED_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server responds a player reconnected request.
PLAYER_WAS_NOT_IN_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult
The player fails to switch its role cause it is not in the room anymore.
Player.Field - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity
All the support fields that can be triggered as events.
PlayerBanMode - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode
All modes related to the banning players.
PlayerDisconnectMode - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode
All modes associated with the player disconnected phase.
PlayerEventHandler - Class in com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement
Dispatching all events related to players.
PlayerEventHandler() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement.PlayerEventHandler
PlayerImpl - Class in com.tenio.core.entity.implement
An implemented class is for a player using on the server.
PlayerImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
PlayerImpl(String, Session) - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
PlayerJoinedRoomException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
Something went wrong when a player tries to join a room.
PlayerJoinedRoomException(String, PlayerJoinedRoomResult) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.PlayerJoinedRoomException
Creates a new exception.
PlayerJoinedRoomResult - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.result
The results when a player tried to join a room.
PlayerLeaveRoomMode - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode
All modes associated with the player leaving room phase.
PlayerLeftRoomResult - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.result
The results when a player tried to leave its room.
PlayerLoggedInResult - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.result
The results when a player tried to log in the server.
PlayerManager - Interface in com.tenio.core.entity.manager
All supported APIs for the player management.
PlayerManagerImpl - Class in com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement
An implemented class is for player management.
PlayerReconnectedResult - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.result
The results when a player tried to reconnect to the server.
PlayerRoleInRoom - Enum Class in
Definitions of a player role when it is in a room.
PlayerState - Interface in com.tenio.core.entity
Definitions for player states.
Plugin() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting.Plugin
port() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the port record component.
POST - Enum constant in enum class
prioritizedUdp() - Method in class
prioritizedUdp() - Method in interface
Sets the higher priority for sending packets via the Datagram channel.
priority(ResponsePriority) - Method in class
priority(ResponsePriority) - Method in interface
Sets priority for the response.
ProcessedPacket - Class in
Holds the processed packet for the next steps.
processRequest(Request) - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
Processes a request.
processRequest(Request) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
PROFILE - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpConfiguration
The current profile setting.
PROP_KEEP_PLAYER_ON_DISCONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Determines whether a disconnected connection could be held for a while or be removed immediately.
PROP_MAX_NUMBER_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets the maximum number of players allowed to join the server.
PROP_MAX_NUMBER_ROOMS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets the maximum number of rooms could be created on the server.
PROP_MAX_PACKET_QUEUE_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets the maximum size of a packet queue.
PROP_MAX_PLAYER_IDLE_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets the maximum time in seconds a player can be in IDLE state (Without sending or receiving packets).
PROP_MAX_PLAYER_IDLE_TIME_NEVER_DEPORTED - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets the maximum time in seconds a player can be in IDLE state (Without sending or receiving packets) in case of never deported selection.
PROP_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Sets the maximum number of requesting packets in queue.
PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.Player.Field
The player map of properties.
put(Packet) - Method in class
put(Packet) - Method in interface
Puts a new packet into queue.
PUT - Enum constant in enum class


QUICKEST - Enum constant in enum class
The highest priority of a request waiting to be processed.


REACHED_MAX_CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
When the number of connection reaches limitation and the server decides to refuse a new one.
REACHED_MAX_CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.ConnectionEstablishedResult
Connection fails to connect to the server because the server reached maximum number of connections.
REACHED_MAX_ROOMS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.RoomCreatedResult
It fails to create a new room cause the number of room reaches the limitation.
receive() - Method in class
KCP does it internal processing and returns result through byte buffer array.
RECEIVED_MESSAGE_FROM_PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server receives a message from client side on behalf of its player.
RECONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
There is another session will connect to the player, so this session must be closed.
RECONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerDisconnectMode
Actually, the player will not get disconnected, it only changes its session
Recv(byte[]) - Method in class
User/Upper level recv: returns size, returns below zero for EAGAIN.
RefusedConnectionAddressException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When a refused connection try to connect to the server.
RefusedConnectionAddressException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.RefusedConnectionAddressException
Creates a new exception.
registerCommand(Short, AbstractClientCommandHandler) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.client.ClientCommandManager
Registers a command handler.
registerCommand(String, AbstractSystemCommandHandler) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.SystemCommandManager
Registers a command handler.
remove() - Method in class
remove() - Method in interface
Removes itself from management process.
removeAddress(String) - Method in interface
Removes an IP address from the verified list.
removeAddress(String) - Method in class
removeBannedAddress(String) - Method in interface
Removes an IP address from the banned list.
removeBannedAddress(String) - Method in class
RemovedNonExistentPlayerFromRoomException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When the server tries to eliminate a non-existing player from a room.
RemovedNonExistentPlayerFromRoomException(Room) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.RemovedNonExistentPlayerFromRoomException
RemovedNonExistentPlayerFromRoomException(Object, Room) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.RemovedNonExistentPlayerFromRoomException
removePlayer(Player) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
removePlayer(Player) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Removes a player from its current room.
removePlayerByName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
removePlayerByName(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Removes a player from the management list.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
removeProperty(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Removes a property which belongs to the player.
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Removes a property which belongs to the room.
removeRoom(Room, RoomRemoveMode) - Method in class com.tenio.core.api.implement.ServerApiImpl
removeRoom(Room, RoomRemoveMode) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Removes a room from the management list, server.
removeRoomById(long) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
removeRoomById(long) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Removes a room from the management list.
removeSession(Session) - Method in interface
Removes a session from its manager, this method should not be invoked directly.
removeSession(Session) - Method in class
removeSessionBySocket(SocketChannel) - Method in interface
Removes a socket (TCP) session from the management list.
removeSessionBySocket(SocketChannel) - Method in class
removeSessionByWebSocket(Channel) - Method in interface
Removes a WebSocket session from the management list.
removeSessionByWebSocket(Channel) - Method in class
Request - Interface in
A request created by the server when it received a message from a client.
RequestComparator - Class in com.tenio.core.controller
This class provides a comparator using for sort the requests bases on their priorities in the controller requests queue.
RequestPriority - Enum Class in
Definition the priority for an incoming request.
RequestQueueFullException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When the coming requests queue is full.
RequestQueueFullException(int) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.RequestQueueFullException
Creates a new exception.
response() - Method in class com.tenio.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Retrieves a response object which is using to send responses to clients side.
Response - Interface in
The response is created when the server wants to send a message to client side.
ResponseImpl - Class in
The implementation for response.
ResponsePriority - Enum Class in
Definition the priority for a response from server.
RestController - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
Declares a component as a Restful Controller.
RestMapping - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
Declares a component as a Restful Mapping.
RestMethod - Enum Class in
Definition for some supported REST methods on the server.
resultFrame(Session, byte[]) - Method in interface
The final binary data processed by the session.
resultFrame(Session, byte[]) - Method in class
ROLE_IN_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.Player.Field
The player role in his room.
Room - Interface in com.tenio.core.entity
The abstract room entity used on the server.
ROOM_CREATED_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server responds a room creation request.
ROOM_IS_FULL - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerJoinedRoomResult
The player fails to join room cause the room is full.
ROOM_REMOVED - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerLeaveRoomMode
When the player's room is removed.
ROOM_WILL_BE_REMOVED - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When a room is going to be removed from the management list.
RoomCreatedResult - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.result
The results when a new room was attempted to create.
RoomCredentialValidatedStrategy - Interface in com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy
The strategy is for validating a room's credentials.
RoomEventHandler - Class in com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement
Dispatching all events related to rooms.
RoomEventHandler() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.event.handler.implement.RoomEventHandler
RoomImpl - Class in com.tenio.core.entity.implement
An implemented class is for a room using in the server.
RoomImpl() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
RoomManager - Interface in com.tenio.core.entity.manager
All supported APIs for the room management.
RoomManagerImpl - Class in com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement
An implemented class is for room management.
RoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy - Interface in com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy
The strategy is for accomplish a room's slot of a participant.
RoomRemoveMode - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode
All modes associated with the removing room conditions.
roomSetting() - Method in class com.tenio.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Retrieves an initialized room setting.
RoomState - Interface in com.tenio.core.entity
Definitions for room states.
run() - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.AutoCleanOrphanSessionTask
run() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.AutoDisconnectPlayerTask
run() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.AutoRemoveRoomTask
run() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.CcuReportTask
run() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.DeadlockScanTask
run() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.SystemMonitoringTask
run() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.TrafficCounterTask
run() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.kcp.KcpUpdateTask
run(Class<?>, String[]) - Static method in class com.tenio.core.ApplicationLauncher
Run the application.
run(Class<?>, String...) - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.Bootstrapper
Start the bootstrapping.


scanPackages(Class<?>, String...) - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.injector.Injector
Scans all input packages to create classes' instances and put them into maps.
ScheduleService - Interface in com.tenio.core.schedule
All APIs designed to schedule tasks.
ScheduleServiceImpl - Class in com.tenio.core.schedule
The implementation for the schedule service.
send(byte[]) - Method in class
Calls this method to put binaries data from packets which needs to be sent.
send(byte[], int) - Method in interface
Sends packet to client.
send(byte[], int) - Method in class
send(PacketQueue, Session, Packet) - Method in class
send(PacketQueue, Session, Packet) - Method in class
send(PacketQueue, Session, Packet) - Method in interface
Sends a packet to a session.
Send(byte[]) - Method in class
User/Upper level send, returns below zero for error.
SEND_MESSAGE_TO_PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server sends a message to client side on behalf of its player.
sendPrivateMessage(Player, Player, DataCollection) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Sends a message from a player to another recipient.
sendPublicMessage(Player, Room, DataCollection) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Sends a message from a player to all recipients in a room.
sendResponseJson(HttpServletResponse, int, String) - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.utility.HttpUtility
Sends the request and gets the response.
Server - Interface in com.tenio.core.server
This class manages the workflow of the current server.
SERVER_ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
The server address.
SERVER_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When there is any exception occurs on the server.
SERVER_ID - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
The server ID (module name).
SERVER_INITIALIZATION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server finished initialization and is ready.
SERVER_NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
The server name.
SERVER_SETTING - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
This server's core setting file's path.
SERVER_TEARDOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server is going to shut down.
SERVER_VERSION_CODE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
This server version code in numeric type (It can be used to compare to other versions).
SERVER_VERSION_NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
This server version code in text type.
ServerApi - Interface in com.tenio.core.api
This class provides all supported APIs working with the server.
ServerApiImpl - Class in com.tenio.core.api.implement
An implementation for Server APIs.
ServerCommand - Class in com.tenio.core.command.system.implement
Allows stopping or restarting the server.
ServerCommand() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.command.system.implement.ServerCommand
ServerEvent - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.configuration.define
All supported events could be emitted on the server.
ServerImpl - Class in com.tenio.core.server
This class manages the workflow of the current server.
Service - Interface in com.tenio.core.service
All supported APIs that is necessary to form a service.
ServiceListener - Interface in com.tenio.core.service
The service listener.
ServiceRuntimeException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
Something went wrong with a running service.
ServiceRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.ServiceRuntimeException
Creates a new exception.
Session - Interface in
When a connection connected to the server, it is managed by a corresponding session.
SESSION_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.AccessDatagramChannelResult
Accessing to a datagram channel is failed cause the session was not found.
SESSION_OCCURRED_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When there is any issue occurs to a session.
SESSION_READ_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When a message from client side sent to a session.
SESSION_REQUEST_CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When a new session requests to connect to the server.
SESSION_WILL_BE_CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When a session is going to disconnect to the server.
SESSION_WRITE_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When a message sent to a session.
Session.AssociatedState - Enum Class in
The state values present the phase of associating between a session and a player.
sessionException(Session, Exception) - Method in interface
When any exception occurred on a session then this method is invoked.
sessionException(Session, Exception) - Method in class
sessionException(Session, Exception) - Method in class
sessionException(Session, Exception) - Method in class
SessionImpl - Class in
The implementation for session.
sessionManager - Variable in class
The session manager.
SessionManager - Interface in
A session manager.
SessionManagerImpl - Class in
The implementation for session manager.
sessionRead(Session, byte[]) - Method in class
sessionRead(Session, byte[]) - Method in interface
When a new message comes from a session then this method is invoked.
sessionRead(Session, DataCollection) - Method in interface
When a new message comes from a session then this method is invoked.
sessionRead(Session, DataCollection) - Method in class
sessionRead(Session, DataCollection) - Method in class
sessionRead(Session, DataCollection) - Method in interface
When a new message comes from a session then this method is invoked.
SessionRequestImpl - Class in
Request implementation for Sessions.
setAcceptorAmountUdpWorkers(int) - Method in interface
Declares the number of Udp channel will be opened on the server.
setAcceptorAmountUdpWorkers(int) - Method in class
setAcceptorBufferSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets size of ByteBuffer using for an acceptor worker to read/write binaries data from/down.
setAcceptorBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setAcceptorEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in interface
Determines if UDP channels can use KCP transportation for communication.
setAcceptorEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in class
setAcceptorServerAddress(String) - Method in interface
Declares the server IP address.
setAcceptorServerAddress(String) - Method in class
setAcceptorWorkerSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the number of acceptor workers for the socket (TCP) which are using to accept new coming clients.
setAcceptorWorkerSize(int) - Method in class
setActivated(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setActivated(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setActivated(boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Sets the current active state for the player.
setActivated(boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Updates the active state for the room.
setActivated(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting.Builder
Allows a room to be activated or not.
setAmountUdpWorkers(int) - Method in class
setAmountUdpWorkers(int) - Method in interface
Declares the number of Udp channel will be opened on the server.
setAssociatedToPlayer(Session.AssociatedState) - Method in class
setAssociatedToPlayer(Session.AssociatedState) - Method in interface
Sets connected state to the session on the server (whether it is ready to associate to a player).
setBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Sets a ByteBuffer instance to read/write packet's data.
setCapacity(int, int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setCapacity(int, int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Sets the limitation values for participants and spectators.
setCcuReportInterval(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Sets interval time to ask the server frequently provides CCU information.
setCcuReportInterval(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setClientCommandManager(ClientCommandManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.BootstrapHandler
Sets the client command manager.
setCommand(Setting.Command) - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting
Sets the command sections.
setCommandManager(ClientCommandManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.client.AbstractClientCommandHandler
Sets value for the client command manager.
setCommandManager(SystemCommandManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.AbstractSystemCommandHandler
Sets a value for system command manager.
setCompressionThresholdBytes(int) - Method in interface
Sets the limitation for compression threshold in bytes.
setCompressionThresholdBytes(int) - Method in class
setCompressor(BinaryPacketCompressor) - Method in interface
Sets the compressor for compressing/uncompressing packets.
setCompressor(BinaryPacketCompressor) - Method in class
setCompressor(BinaryPacketCompressor) - Method in interface
Sets the compressor for compressing/uncompressing packets.
setCompressor(BinaryPacketCompressor) - Method in class
setConnectionFilter(ConnectionFilter) - Method in class
setConnectionFilter(ConnectionFilter) - Method in interface
Sets an instance for the connection filter.
setConnectionFilter(ConnectionFilter) - Method in class
setConnectionFilter(ConnectionFilter) - Method in interface
Sets an instance for the connection filter.
setConnectionFilter(ConnectionFilter) - Method in interface
Sets an instance for the connection filter.
setConnectionFilter(ConnectionFilter) - Method in class
setConnectionFilter(ConnectionFilter) - Method in class
setConnectionFilter(ConnectionFilter) - Method in interface
Sets an instance for the connection filter.
setConnectionFilter(ConnectionFilter) - Method in interface
Sets an instance for the connection filter.
setConnectionFilter(ConnectionFilter) - Method in class
setConnectionFilterClass(Class<? extends ConnectionFilter>, int) - Method in interface
Sets an implementation class for the connection filter.
setConnectionFilterClass(Class<? extends ConnectionFilter>, int) - Method in class
setConsumerWorkerSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the number of consumer workers for the WebSocket.
setConsumerWorkerSize(int) - Method in class
setContent(byte[]) - Method in class
setContent(byte[]) - Method in interface
Sets content for the response.
setCreatedTime(long) - Method in class
setCreatedTime(long) - Method in interface
Sets creation time to the session.
setCurrentRoom(Room) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setCurrentRoom(Room) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Sets associated room to the player.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class
setData(byte[]) - Method in interface
Puts data of binaries into the packet.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the current processing data in the packet.
setData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Sets the response content in case of success.
setDatagramChannel(DatagramChannel, int) - Method in class
setDatagramChannel(DatagramChannel, int) - Method in interface
Declares a UDP channel that the session is able to use.
setDatagramIoHandler(DatagramIoHandler) - Method in class
setDatagramIoHandler(DatagramIoHandler) - Method in interface
Sets a Datagram IO handler.
setDatagramRemoteSocketAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class
setDatagramRemoteSocketAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in interface
Updates the remote address associating to the client side whenever the server receives message from him.
setDataType(DataType) - Method in interface
Set the data serialization type.
setDataType(DataType) - Method in class
setDataType(DataType) - Method in interface
Set the data serialization type.
setDataType(DataType) - Method in class
setDataType(DataType) - Method in class
setDataType(DataType) - Method in interface
Set the data serialization type.
setDataType(DataType) - Method in interface
Set the data serialization type.
setDataType(DataType) - Method in class
Set the data serialization type.
setDataType(DataType) - Method in interface
Sets the data serialization type.
setDataType(DataType) - Method in interface
Set the data serialization type.
setDataType(DataType) - Method in interface
Set the data serialization type.
setDataType(DataType) - Method in class
setDataType(DataType) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorService
Set the data serialization type.
setDataType(DataType) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
setDeadlockScanInterval(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Sets interval time to ask the server frequently checks all deadlock occurring on it.
setDeadlockScanInterval(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setDisconnectedPlayerScanInterval(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Sets interval time to ask the server frequently checks all players for finding out removable ones and remove them from the management list.
setDisconnectedPlayerScanInterval(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting.Command
Setups the command.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting.Plugin
Setups the command.
setEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in class
setEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in interface
Determines if UDP channels can use KCP transportation for communication.
setEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in class
setEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in interface
Allows using the KCP transportation via UDP channels.
setEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in class
setEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in interface
Determines if UDP channels can use KCP transportation for communication.
setEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Determines if UDP channels can use KCP transportation for communication.
setEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorService
Determines if UDP channels can use KCP transportation for communication.
setEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
setEnabledUdp(boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorService
Determines if UDP channels can be in use for communication.
setEnabledUdp(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
setEncrypted(boolean) - Method in class
setEncrypted(boolean) - Method in interface
Marks the packet data is encrypted or not.
setEncryptor(BinaryPacketEncryptor) - Method in interface
Sets the encryptor for encrypting/encrypting packets.
setEncryptor(BinaryPacketEncryptor) - Method in class
setEncryptor(BinaryPacketEncryptor) - Method in interface
Sets the encryptor for encrypting/encrypting packets.
setEncryptor(BinaryPacketEncryptor) - Method in class
setError(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Sets the response content in case of error.
setEvent(ServerEvent) - Method in class
setEvent(ServerEvent) - Method in class
setEvent(ServerEvent) - Method in interface
Sets a server event associating to the request.
setExpectedLength(int) - Method in class
Sets the expected length for the packet's data.
setFragmentBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class
setFragmentBuffer(byte[]) - Method in interface
Updates the rest of sending binaries from the packet's data.
setHttpConfiguration(int, int, Map<String, HttpServlet>) - Method in interface
Declares a collection of path configurations for the HTTP service.
setHttpConfiguration(int, int, Map<String, HttpServlet>) - Method in class
setInterval(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.AbstractSystemTask
Set the interval.
setInterval(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.AbstractTask
Set the interval.
SetInterval(int) - Method in class
Sets the interval value.
setKeepPlayerOnDisconnection(boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorService
Determines if a player could be kept its connection when it is disconnected from the server for a while.
setKeepPlayerOnDisconnection(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
setLastActivityTime(long) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setLastActivityTime(long) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Sets the last activity time for the player.
setLastActivityTime(long) - Method in class
setLastActivityTime(long) - Method in interface
Sets the last activity time for the session.
setLastReadTime(long) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setLastReadTime(long) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Sets the last time when the player receives the last byte of data.
setLastReadTime(long) - Method in class
setLastReadTime(long) - Method in interface
Sets the last time when the session receives the last byte of data from client side.
setLastWriteTime(long) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setLastWriteTime(long) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Sets the last time when the player sends the last byte of data.
setLastWriteTime(long) - Method in class
setLastWriteTime(long) - Method in interface
Sets the last time when the session sends the last byte of data to client side.
setLoggedIn(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setLoggedIn(boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Sets the current logged in state for the player.
setMarkedAsLast(boolean) - Method in class
setMarkedAsLast(boolean) - Method in interface
Marks this packet as the last one.
setMaxBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setMaxBufferSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum value of buffer size.
setMaxConnectionsPerIp(int) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum number of connection allowed in a particular IP address.
setMaxConnectionsPerIp(int) - Method in class
setMaxIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setMaxIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
setMaxIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Sets the maximum time in seconds which allows the player to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data).
setMaxIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Sets the maximum time in seconds which allows the player to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data).
setMaxIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in class
setMaxIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum time in seconds which allows the session to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data).
setMaxIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in class
setMaxIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum time in seconds which allows the session to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data).
setMaxIdleTimeNeverDeportedInSeconds(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setMaxIdleTimeNeverDeportedInSeconds(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
setMaxIdleTimeNeverDeportedInSeconds(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Sets the maximum time in seconds which allows the player to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data) in case of never deported selection.
setMaxIdleTimeNeverDeportedInSeconds(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Sets the maximum time in seconds which allows the player to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data) in case of never deported selection.
setMaxNumberPlayers(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorService
Sets the maximum number of players allowed participating on the server.
setMaxNumberPlayers(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
setMaxParticipants(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setMaxParticipants(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Sets the maximum number of participants allowing in the room.
setMaxParticipants(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting.Builder
Sets the room's maximum number of participants.
setMaxRequestQueueSize(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
setMaxRequestQueueSize(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.controller.Controller
Sets the maximum value size for the request queue.
setMaxRooms(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.RoomManagerImpl
setMaxRooms(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.RoomManager
Sets the maximum number of room on the server.
setMaxSize(int) - Method in class
setMaxSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum allowed size of queue.
setMaxSpectators(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setMaxSpectators(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Sets the maximum number of spectators allowing in the room.
setMaxSpectators(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting.Builder
Sets the room's maximum number of spectators.
setMessage(DataCollection) - Method in class
setMessage(DataCollection) - Method in class
setMessage(DataCollection) - Method in interface
Sets the request message.
SetMtu(int) - Method in class
Change MTU size, default is 1400.
setName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
setName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setName(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Sets the room's name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting.Builder
Sets the room's name.
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in interface
Sets value for the session's name.
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setName(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.service.Service
Set the service's name.
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in interface
Sets a network reader statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the receiving data from clients.
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in class
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in class
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in interface
Sets a network reader statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the receiving data from clients.
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in interface
Sets a network reader statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the receiving data from clients.
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in class
Set the network reader statistic.
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in interface
Sets a network reader statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the receiving data from clients.
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in class
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Sets an object for recording all activities regarding receiving data from client sides.
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.TrafficCounterTask
Sets the network reader statistic.
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorService
Sets a network reader statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the receiving data from clients.
setNetworkReaderStatistic(NetworkReaderStatistic) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in interface
Sets a network writer statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the sending data from the network.
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in class
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in class
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in class
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in interface
Sets a network writer statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the sending data from the network.
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in interface
Sets a network writer statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the sending data from the network.
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in interface
Sets a network writer statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the sending data from the network.
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in class
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Sets an object for recording all activities regarding sending data to client sides.
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.TrafficCounterTask
Sets the network writer statistic.
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorService
Sets a network writer statistic instance which takes responsibility recording the sending data from the network.
setNetworkWriterStatistic(NetworkWriterStatistic) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
setNeverDeported(boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setNeverDeported(boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Allows making a Player not to be deported from the server.
SetNoDelay(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Sets no delay configuration: fastest: ikcp_nodelay(kcp, 1, 20, 2, 1).
setOwner(Player) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setOwner(Player) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Updates the room's owner.
setOwnerRoom(Room) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.manager.implement.PlayerManagerImpl
setOwnerRoom(Room) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.manager.PlayerManager
Adds the management list to a room.
setPacketDecoder(BinaryPacketDecoder) - Method in interface
Sets an instance of packet decoder to decode packets sent from clients side via the socket (TCP).
setPacketDecoder(BinaryPacketDecoder) - Method in class
setPacketDecoder(BinaryPacketDecoder) - Method in class
setPacketDecoder(BinaryPacketDecoder) - Method in interface
Sets the packet decoder for the socket (TCP), every packet should be decoded for the following steps.
setPacketDecoder(BinaryPacketDecoder) - Method in interface
Sets an instance of packet decoder to decode packets sent from clients side via the socket (TCP).
setPacketDecoder(BinaryPacketDecoder) - Method in class
setPacketEncoder(BinaryPacketEncoder) - Method in interface
Sets an instance of packet encoder to encode packets for sending to clients side via the socket (TCP).
setPacketEncoder(BinaryPacketEncoder) - Method in class
setPacketEncoder(BinaryPacketEncoder) - Method in class
setPacketEncoder(BinaryPacketEncoder) - Method in interface
Sets an instance of packet encoder to encode packets for sending to clients side via the socket (TCP).
setPacketEncoder(BinaryPacketEncoder) - Method in interface
Sets an instance of packet encoder to encode packets for sending to clients side via the socket (TCP).
setPacketEncoder(BinaryPacketEncoder) - Method in class
setPacketHeader(PacketHeader) - Method in class
Sets a packetHeader for a packet.
setPacketQueue(PacketQueue) - Method in class
setPacketQueue(PacketQueue) - Method in interface
Sets a packet queue to session which is using to send messages to clients side.
setPacketQueuePolicy(PacketQueuePolicy) - Method in class
setPacketQueuePolicy(PacketQueuePolicy) - Method in interface
Sets a set of rules for managing packets in queue.
setPacketQueuePolicy(Class<? extends PacketQueuePolicy>) - Method in interface
Sets a packet queue policy class for the session manager.
setPacketQueuePolicy(Class<? extends PacketQueuePolicy>) - Method in class
setPacketQueuePolicy(Class<? extends PacketQueuePolicy>) - Method in interface
Sets a packet queue policy class for the network.
setPacketQueuePolicy(Class<? extends PacketQueuePolicy>) - Method in class
setPacketQueueSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the packet queue size.
setPacketQueueSize(int) - Method in class
setPacketQueueSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the packet queue size.
setPacketQueueSize(int) - Method in class
setPacketReadState(PacketReadState) - Method in class
setPacketReadState(PacketReadState) - Method in interface
Updates the current processing state on a packet.
setPacketReadState(PacketReadState) - Method in class
Sets the current reading state for a processing packet.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setPassword(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Sets the room's password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting.Builder
Sets the room's password.
setPath(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting.Plugin
Sets the plugin executable file's path.
setPlayerManager(PlayerManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setPlayerManager(PlayerManager) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Sets a new player manager for the room.
setPlayerManager(PlayerManager) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Sets an instance of player manager to the service.
setPlayerManager(PlayerManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setPlayerManager(PlayerManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.AutoDisconnectPlayerTask
Set the player manager.
setPlayerManager(PlayerManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.CcuReportTask
Sets the player manager instance.
setPlayerManager(PlayerManager) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorService
Sets a player manager for the server which is used to manage all players.
setPlayerManager(PlayerManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
setPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy(RoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy(RoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Sets a strategy to generate slot positions in the room.
setPlayerSlotInCurrentRoom(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setPlayerSlotInCurrentRoom(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Set a slot value for the player in its room.
setPlugin(Setting.Plugin) - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting
Sets the plugin sections.
setPort(int) - Method in class
Sets the port number.
setPriority(RequestPriority) - Method in class
setPriority(RequestPriority) - Method in class
setPriority(RequestPriority) - Method in interface
Sets priority for the request.
setPriority(ResponsePriority) - Method in class
setPriority(ResponsePriority) - Method in interface
Sets priority of the packet.
setProducerWorkerSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the number of producer workers for the WebSocket.
setProducerWorkerSize(int) - Method in class
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting.Builder
Sets default properties for room.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Sets a property belongs to the player.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Sets a property belongs to the room.
setReaderBufferSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets size of ByteBuffer using for a reader worker to read/write binaries data from/down.
setReaderBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setReaderWorkerSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the number of reader workers for the socket (TCP) which are using to read coming packets from clients side.
setReaderWorkerSize(int) - Method in class
setReceiverBufferSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets size of ByteBuffer using for the WebSocket to read binaries data from.
setReceiverBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setRecipientPlayer(Player) - Method in class
setRecipientPlayer(Player) - Method in interface
Sets a recipient player.
setRecipientPlayers(Collection<Player>) - Method in class
setRecipientPlayers(Collection<Player>) - Method in interface
Sets a collection of recipient players.
setRecipients(Collection<Session>) - Method in class
setRecipients(Collection<Session>) - Method in interface
Sets a collection of sessions which play roles as recipients.
setRecipientSession(Session) - Method in class
setRecipientSession(Session) - Method in interface
Sets a recipient session.
setRecipientSessions(Collection<Session>) - Method in class
setRecipientSessions(Collection<Session>) - Method in interface
Sets a collection of recipient sessions.
setRemoteSocketAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class
setRemoteSocketAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class
setRemoteSocketAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in interface
Sets the remote address associating to the client side whenever the server receives message from him.
setRemovedRoomScanInterval(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Sets interval time to ask the server frequently checks all rooms for finding out removable ones and remove them from the management list.
setRemovedRoomScanInterval(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setResultListener(PacketDecoderResultListener) - Method in interface
Sets the listener for packet decoder handler.
setResultListener(PacketDecoderResultListener) - Method in class
setRoleInRoom(PlayerRoleInRoom) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setRoleInRoom(PlayerRoleInRoom) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Sets a player role when the player joins room.
setRoom(Room) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement.DefaultRoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
setRoom(Room) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.RoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
Sets a room that applies the strategy.
setRoomCredentialValidatedStrategy(RoomCredentialValidatedStrategy) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setRoomCredentialValidatedStrategy(RoomCredentialValidatedStrategy) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Sets a strategy to validate credentials used to allow players get in the room.
setRoomCredentialValidatedStrategy(Class<? extends RoomCredentialValidatedStrategy>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting.Builder
Sets a strategy for validating credentials using for get in the room.
setRoomManager(RoomManager) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Sets an instance of room manager to the service.
setRoomManager(RoomManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setRoomManager(RoomManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.AutoRemoveRoomTask
Set the room manager.
setRoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy(Class<? extends RoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting.Builder
Sets a strategy for generating participant's slots in the room.
setRoomRemoveMode(RoomRemoveMode) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setRoomRemoveMode(RoomRemoveMode) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Sets the rule applied to room to remove it.
setRoomRemoveMode(RoomRemoveMode) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting.Builder
Sets removed mode for the room.
setSelectionKey(SelectionKey) - Method in class
setSelectionKey(SelectionKey) - Method in interface
Sets a selection key for socket (TCP) channel, which is using to switch between channels.
setSender(Object) - Method in class
setSender(Object) - Method in class
setSender(Object) - Method in interface
Sets the sender of request.
setSenderBufferSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets size of ByteBuffer using for the WebSocket to write binaries data down.
setSenderBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setServerAddress(String) - Method in class
setServerAddress(String) - Method in interface
Declares the server IP address.
setServletMap(Map<String, HttpServlet>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.BootstrapHandler
Sets servlet configuration.
setServletMap(Map<String, HttpServlet>) - Method in class
Sets the servlet configuration.
setSession(Session) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setSession(Session) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Associates a session with the player.
setSessionEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in interface
Determines if UDP channels can use KCP transportation for communication.
setSessionEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in class
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in class
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in interface
Sets a session manager instance.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in interface
Sets a session manager instance.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in class
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in class
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in interface
Sets a Session Manager.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in interface
Set a session manager.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in class
Set the session manager.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in interface
Set a session manager.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in class
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Sets an instance of session manager to the service.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal.AutoCleanOrphanSessionTask
Set the session manager.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.task.kcp.KcpUpdateTask
Sets a session manager to be able to update all managed sessions.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorService
Sets a session manager instance.
setSessionManager(SessionManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
setSessionMaxIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum time in seconds which allows the session to get in IDLE state (Do not perform any action, such as reading or writing data).
setSessionMaxIdleTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in class
setSessionTicketsQueue(BlockingQueue<Session>) - Method in class
setSessionTicketsQueue(BlockingQueue<Session>) - Method in interface
Sets a blocking queue of sessions.
setSocketAcceptorAmountUdpWorkers(int) - Method in interface
Declares the number of Udp channel will be opened on the server.
setSocketAcceptorAmountUdpWorkers(int) - Method in class
setSocketAcceptorBufferSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets size of ByteBuffer using for an acceptor worker to read/write binaries data from/down.
setSocketAcceptorBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setSocketAcceptorEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in interface
Determines if UDP channels can use KCP transportation for communication.
setSocketAcceptorEnabledKcp(boolean) - Method in class
setSocketAcceptorServerAddress(String) - Method in interface
Declares the server IP address.
setSocketAcceptorServerAddress(String) - Method in class
setSocketAcceptorWorkers(int) - Method in interface
Sets the number of acceptor workers for the socket (TCP) which are using to accept new coming clients.
setSocketAcceptorWorkers(int) - Method in class
setSocketChannel(SocketChannel) - Method in class
setSocketChannel(SocketChannel) - Method in interface
Sets a socket (TCP) channel, which is using to communicate via TCP protocol.
setSocketConfig(SocketConfiguration) - Method in class
setSocketConfig(SocketConfiguration) - Method in interface
Declares socket (TCP) configurations for the network.
setSocketConfig(SocketConfiguration) - Method in interface
Declares socket (TCP) configuration for the network.
setSocketConfig(SocketConfiguration) - Method in class
setSocketConfiguration(SocketConfiguration, SocketConfiguration) - Method in interface
Declares socket configurations for the network.
setSocketConfiguration(SocketConfiguration, SocketConfiguration) - Method in class
setSocketIoHandler(SocketIoHandler) - Method in class
setSocketIoHandler(SocketIoHandler) - Method in interface
Sets the socket IO handler.
setSocketReaderBufferSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets size of ByteBuffer using for a reader worker to read/write binaries data from/down.
setSocketReaderBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setSocketReaderWorkers(int) - Method in interface
Sets the number of reader workers for the socket (TCP) which are using to read coming packets from clients side.
setSocketReaderWorkers(int) - Method in class
setSocketWriterBufferSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets size of ByteBuffer using for a writer worker to read/write binaries data from/down.
setSocketWriterBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setSocketWriterWorkers(int) - Method in interface
Sets the number of writer workers for the socket (TCP) which are using to send packets to clients side.
setSocketWriterWorkers(int) - Method in class
setState(PlayerState) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
setState(PlayerState) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Player
Sets current state value for the player.
setState(RoomState) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
setState(RoomState) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Sets a new state for the room.
setStatus(String) - Method in class
Sets the response status.
setSystemCommandManager(SystemCommandManager) - Method in class com.tenio.core.bootstrap.BootstrapHandler
Sets the system command manager.
setSystemMonitoringInterval(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Sets interval time to ask the server frequently provides system information.
setSystemMonitoringInterval(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setThreadPoolSize(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
setThreadPoolSize(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.controller.Controller
Set the thread pool size using for processes.
setThreadPoolSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the thread pool size.
setThreadPoolSize(int) - Method in class
setThreadPoolSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the thread pool size.
Setting - Class in com.tenio.core.configuration.setting
A mapping class which references to this setting.json file.
Setting - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
This annotation is specific to server' configuration, it is also considered as a candidate for the auto-detection when using annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning.
Setting() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting
Setting.Command - Class in com.tenio.core.configuration.setting
A mapping class which references to this setting.json file.
Setting.Plugin - Class in com.tenio.core.configuration.setting
A mapping class which references to this setting.json file.
setTrafficCounterInterval(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleService
Sets interval time to ask the server frequently provides traffic information.
setTrafficCounterInterval(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
setTransportType(TransportType) - Method in class
setTransportType(TransportType) - Method in interface
Sets transportation type of the packet.
setUkcp(Ukcp) - Method in class
setUkcp(Ukcp) - Method in interface
Declares a KCP wrapper object that the session is able to use.
setUsingSsl(boolean) - Method in interface
Determines whether the WebSocket is able to use the SSL.
setUsingSsl(boolean) - Method in class
setWebSocketChannel(Channel) - Method in class
setWebSocketChannel(Channel) - Method in interface
Sets a WebSocket channel which is using for communication between the server and client sides via WebSocket.
setWebSocketConfig(SocketConfiguration) - Method in interface
Declares a socket configurations for the WebSocket.
setWebSocketConfig(SocketConfiguration) - Method in class
setWebSocketConsumerWorkers(int) - Method in interface
Sets the number of consumer workers for the WebSocket.
setWebSocketConsumerWorkers(int) - Method in class
setWebSocketProducerWorkers(int) - Method in interface
Sets the number of producer workers for the WebSocket.
setWebSocketProducerWorkers(int) - Method in class
setWebSocketReceiverBufferSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets size of ByteBuffer using for the WebSocket to read binaries data from.
setWebSocketReceiverBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setWebSocketSenderBufferSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets size of ByteBuffer using for the WebSocket to write binaries data down.
setWebSocketSenderBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setWebSocketUsingSsl(boolean) - Method in interface
Determines whether the WebSocket is able to use the SSL.
setWebSocketUsingSsl(boolean) - Method in class
SetWndSize(int, int) - Method in class
Set maximum window size: sndwnd=32, rcvwnd=32 by default.
setWriterBufferSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets size of ByteBuffer using for a writer worker to read/write binaries data from/down.
setWriterBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setWriterWorkerSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the number of writer workers for the socket (TCP) which are using to send packets to clients side.
setWriterWorkerSize(int) - Method in class
setZeroAcceptorListener(ZeroAcceptorListener) - Method in class
setZeroAcceptorListener(ZeroAcceptorListener) - Method in interface
Sets a listener for the acceptor engine which is using for communication between two engines.
setZeroReaderListener(ZeroReaderListener) - Method in class
setZeroReaderListener(ZeroReaderListener) - Method in interface
Sets a listener for the reader engine which is using for communication between two engines.
setZeroWriterListener(ZeroWriterListener) - Method in class
setZeroWriterListener(ZeroWriterListener) - Method in interface
Sets a listener for the writer engine which is using for communication between two engines.
showConsoleMessage(String) - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.utility.CommandUtility
Displays text on console.
shutdown() - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
shutdown() - Method in class
shutdown() - Method in class
shutdown() - Method in class
shutdown() - Method in class
shutdown() - Method in class
shutdown() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
shutdown() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Shuts down the server and closes all services.
shutdown() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
shutdown() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.service.Service
Shutdown the service.
SLOT_IN_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.Player.Field
The player slot position in his room.
SLOT_UNAVAILABLE_IN_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerJoinedRoomResult
The player fails to join room cause it try to occupy an invalid slot in the room.
SLOT_UNAVAILABLE_IN_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult
The player fails to switch to spectator cause it try to occupy an invalid slot in the room.
SOCKET_CONNECTION_REFUSED - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When an incoming connection is refused to establish a session on the server.
SocketConfiguration - Record Class in
A configuration for a socket.
SocketConfiguration(String, TransportType, int) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a SocketConfiguration record class.
SocketIoHandler - Interface in
The Socket IO handler.
SocketIoHandlerImpl - Class in
The implementation for socket IO handler.
SocketWriterHandler - Class in
The Socket writing handler.
SPECTATOR - Enum constant in enum class
When a player joins a room as a spectator, it can only be allowed to observe others' activities.
start() - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class com.tenio.core.schedule.ScheduleServiceImpl
start() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.service.Service
Start the service.
start(BootstrapHandler, String[]) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Starts the server bases on the configurations.
start(BootstrapHandler, String[]) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
start(Class<?>, String[]) - Method in class com.tenio.core.ApplicationLauncher
Start the game server with DI mechanism.
STATE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.Player.Field
The player state.
subscribe() - Method in class com.tenio.core.controller.AbstractController
Subscribe all events for handling.
subscribe() - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventManager
Collect all subscribers and these corresponding events.
subscribe() - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorService
Subscribes all events on the server.
subscribe() - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.service.InternalProcessorServiceImpl
subscribe(ServerEvent, Emitter<T>) - Method in class com.tenio.core.event.implement.EventHandler
Create a link between an event and its list of event handlers.
Subscriber - Interface in com.tenio.core.event
This function interface provides one method for dispatching the results from an event.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.AccessDatagramChannelResult
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.ConnectionEstablishedResult
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerJoinedRoomResult
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerLeftRoomResult
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerLoggedInResult
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerReconnectedResult
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.RoomCreatedResult
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult
SWITCH_NO_PARTICIPANT_SLOTS_AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult
The spectator fails to switch to be a participant cause there is no slot available in the room.
SWITCH_NO_SPECTATOR_SLOTS_AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult
The player fails to switch to be a spectator cause there is no slot available in the room.
SWITCH_PARTICIPANT_TO_SPECTATOR - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When a player attempts to change its role from 'participant' to 'spectator'.
SWITCH_SPECTATOR_TO_PARTICIPANT - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When a player attempts to change its role from 'spectator' to 'participant'.
SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When a participant tries to change its role to be a spectator and vice versa.
SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomException(String, SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomException
Creates a new exception.
SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.entity.define.result
The results when a player tried to switch to a spectator and vice versa.
switchParticipantToSpectator(Player) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
switchParticipantToSpectator(Player) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Changes a player's role from "participant" to "spectator" in the room.
switchParticipantToSpectator(Player, Room) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Changes the role of a player in its room, from "participant" to "spectator".
switchSpectatorToParticipant(Player) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Changes a player's role from "spectator" to "participant" without consideration of its slot position in the room.
switchSpectatorToParticipant(Player, int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
switchSpectatorToParticipant(Player, int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.Room
Changes a player's role from "spectator" to "participant" in the room.
switchSpectatorToParticipant(Player, Room, int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.api.ServerApi
Changes the role of a player in its room, from "spectator" to "participant".
SYSTEM_MONITORING - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When the server provides information regarding system.
SystemCommand - Annotation Interface in com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation
A class annotated by this annotation will allow modifying the server's behavior.
SystemCommandManager - Class in com.tenio.core.command.system
The commands' management class.
SystemCommandManager() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.command.system.SystemCommandManager
SystemInfo - Class in com.tenio.core.monitoring.system
For logging the OS system information.
SystemInfo() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.monitoring.system.SystemInfo
SystemInfoType - Enum Class in com.tenio.core.monitoring.define
All OS system and Java environment information flags.
SystemMonitoring - Class in com.tenio.core.monitoring.system
For showing the system information.
SystemMonitoringTask - Class in com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal
To retrieve the current system information in period time.


take() - Method in class
take() - Method in interface
Retrieves the last-in packet in the queue and removes it as well.
TCP - Enum constant in enum class
toString() - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.AbstractSystemCommandHandler
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
toString() - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting.Command
toString() - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting.Plugin
toString() - Method in class com.tenio.core.configuration.setting.Setting
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerBanMode
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerDisconnectMode
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerLeaveRoomMode
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.RoomRemoveMode
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.AccessDatagramChannelResult
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.ConnectionEstablishedResult
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerJoinedRoomResult
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerLeftRoomResult
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerLoggedInResult
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerReconnectedResult
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.RoomCreatedResult
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.PlayerImpl
toString() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.implement.RoomImpl
toString() - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.InitialRoomSetting
toString() - Method in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Trademark - Class in com.tenio.core.configuration.constant
The class holds values for printing out the logo, version, etc.
TrafficCounterTask - Class in com.tenio.core.schedule.task.internal
Collecting the traffic data like the amount of reader and writer binary.
TransportType - Enum Class in
The definitions of all supported transportation types on the server.
tryTakeSlot(int) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement.DefaultRoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
tryTakeSlot(int) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.RoomPlayerSlotGeneratedStrategy
When a new player wants to join the room, and it tries to acquire a slot.
type() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the type record component.


UDP - Enum constant in enum class
UdpChannelManager - Class in
This class takes responsibility to provide an available UDP channel port when required.
Ukcp - Class in
The KCP wrapper class, it is using for better adapting to the project's structure.
Ukcp(long, KcpProfile, Session, KcpIoHandler, KcpWriter<?>, NetworkWriterStatistic) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new KCP channel.
UnBanAddressCommand - Class in com.tenio.core.command.system.implement
Allows removing banned Ip addresses from the ban list.
UnBanAddressCommand() - Constructor for class com.tenio.core.command.system.implement.UnBanAddressCommand
uncompress(byte[]) - Method in interface
Uncompressed an array of binary and reverts it to the original one.
uncompress(byte[]) - Method in class
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
Disconnected by other reasons.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerDisconnectMode
Disconnected by other reasons.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerLeaveRoomMode
For other reasons.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
unregisterCommand(Short) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.client.ClientCommandManager
Removes a registered command handler.
unregisterCommand(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.command.system.SystemCommandManager
Removes a registered command handler.
UnsupportedDataTypeInUseException - Exception in com.tenio.core.exception
When wrong data serialization type is attempting to be called.
UnsupportedDataTypeInUseException(DataType) - Constructor for exception com.tenio.core.exception.UnsupportedDataTypeInUseException
When wrong data serialization type is attempting to be called.
update() - Method in class
Every some time, such as 10ms, call this method to update the status of KCP.
Update(long) - Method in class
Update state (call it repeatedly, every 10ms-100ms), or you can ask ikcp_check when to call it again (without ikcp_input/_send calling).
updateReadBytes(long) - Method in class
Updates the current number of received bytes from clients side.
updateReadDroppedPackets(long) - Method in class
Updates the current number of refused packets from clients side which violated the policies.
updateReadDroppedPackets(long) - Method in interface
Updates the current number of refused packets from clients side which violated the policies.
updateReadDroppedPackets(long) - Method in class
updateReadPackets(long) - Method in class
Updates the current number of received packets from clients side.
updateReadPackets(long) - Method in interface
Updates the current number of received packets from clients side.
updateReadPackets(long) - Method in class
updateWrittenBytes(long) - Method in class
Updates the number of sent bytes data to clients side.
updateWrittenDroppedPacketsByFull(long) - Method in class
Updates the number of dropped packets which cannot append to a full queue and not be able to send to clients side.
updateWrittenDroppedPacketsByPolicy(long) - Method in class
Updates the number of dropped packets which violated policies and not be able to send to clients side.
updateWrittenPackets(long) - Method in class
Updates the number of sent packets to clients side.
usage() - Element in annotation interface com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation.SystemCommand
Retrieves a list of usage for the command.
UTF_8 - Static variable in class com.tenio.core.configuration.constant.CoreConstant
The HTTP response with UTF-8 encoding.


validateAndAddAddress(String) - Method in interface
Validates an IP address and adds it into the verified list if applicable.
validateAndAddAddress(String) - Method in class
validateName(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement.DefaultRoomCredentialValidatedStrategy
validateName(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.RoomCredentialValidatedStrategy
Validates a room's name.
validatePassword(String) - Method in class com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.implement.DefaultRoomCredentialValidatedStrategy
validatePassword(String) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.entity.setting.strategy.RoomCredentialValidatedStrategy
Validates the room's password.
value() - Element in annotation interface com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation.Bean
Supports the bean's name.
value() - Element in annotation interface com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation.ClientCommand
The client command operation code.
value() - Element in annotation interface com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation.RestController
Retrieves a Restful Controller path.
value() - Element in annotation interface com.tenio.core.bootstrap.annotation.RestMapping
Retrieves a Restful Mapping path.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpProfile
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerBanMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerDisconnectMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerLeaveRoomMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.RoomRemoveMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.AccessDatagramChannelResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.ConnectionEstablishedResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerJoinedRoomResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerLeftRoomResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerLoggedInResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerReconnectedResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.RoomCreatedResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.Player.Field
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.utility.CommandUtility
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.utility.HttpUtility
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.kcp.KcpProfile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.ConnectionDisconnectMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerBanMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerDisconnectMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.PlayerLeaveRoomMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.RoomRemoveMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.AccessDatagramChannelResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.ConnectionEstablishedResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerJoinedRoomResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerLeftRoomResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerLoggedInResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.PlayerReconnectedResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.RoomCreatedResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.result.SwitchedPlayerRoleInRoomResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.Player.Field
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.monitoring.define.SystemInfoType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.utility.CommandUtility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.tenio.core.utility.HttpUtility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


WAIT_DATA - Enum constant in enum class
Waits for the data to process.
WAIT_DATA_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class
Waits for the data's size.
WAIT_DATA_SIZE_FRAGMENT - Enum constant in enum class
Waits for the data size of a fragment packet.
WAIT_NEW_PACKET - Enum constant in enum class
Waits for a new packet to handle.
wakeup() - Method in class
wakeup() - Method in interface
Wakes up the reader selector in the reader engine for channels handling
WEB_SOCKET - Enum constant in enum class
WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION_REFUSED - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.ServerEvent
When an incoming connection is refused to establish a session on the server.
WebSocketSslContext - Class in
The SSL configuration for the WebSocket.
WebSocketSslContext() - Constructor for class
WHEN_EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.entity.define.mode.RoomRemoveMode
Condition: Room is empty.
WORKER_HTTP_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
The thread pool size configured for Jetty server.
WORKER_INTERNAL_PROCESSOR - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
The number of threads using for handlers to manage internal processes on the server.
WORKER_SOCKET_ACCEPTOR - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
The number of threads using for handlers to accept new incoming client socket on the server.
WORKER_SOCKET_READER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
The number of threads using for handlers to read new messages from client sockets on the server.
WORKER_SOCKET_WRITER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
The number of threads using for handlers to write new messages to client sockets on the server.
WORKER_UDP_WORKER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
The number of UDP channel will be opened on the server.
WORKER_WEBSOCKET_CONSUMER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
The number of threads using for handlers of WebSocket consumers on the server.
WORKER_WEBSOCKET_PRODUCER - Enum constant in enum class com.tenio.core.configuration.define.CoreConfigurationType
The number of threads using for handlers of WebSocket producers on the server.
write() - Method in class
write() - Method in interface
Writes down the content data to sessions for sending to client sides.
write(Packet) - Method in interface
Writes down (binaries) data to socket/channel in order to send them to client side.
write(Packet) - Method in class
write(Packet) - Method in interface
Writes down (binaries) data to socket/channel in order to send them to client side.
write(Packet) - Method in class
write(Response, boolean) - Method in interface
Writes down (binaries) data to socket/channel in order to send them to clients side.
write(Response, boolean) - Method in class
write(Response, boolean) - Method in interface com.tenio.core.server.Server
Writes down data to socket/channel to send them to client sides.
write(Response, boolean) - Method in class com.tenio.core.server.ServerImpl
writeInDelay(long) - Method in class
writeInDelay(long) - Method in interface
Writes down the content data to sessions for sending to client sides.
WriterHandler - Interface in
The APIs designed for writing binaries data to sockets.
writeThenClose() - Method in class
writeThenClose() - Method in interface
Writes down the content data to sessions for sending to client sides then disconnect them (close sessions).


ZeroAcceptor - Interface in
The engine supports working with new coming socket connections.
ZeroAcceptorImpl - Class in
The implementation for acceptor engine.
ZeroAcceptorListener - Interface in
The acceptor engine listener.
ZeroEngine - Interface in
The common APIs for a zero engine.
ZeroReader - Interface in
The engine supports reading binaries data from sockets.
ZeroReaderImpl - Class in
The implementation for the reader engine.
ZeroReaderListener - Interface in
The reader engine listener.
ZeroSocketService - Interface in
All APIs designed for working with sockets (TCP/UDP).
ZeroSocketServiceImpl - Class in
The implementation for the socket service manager.
ZeroWriter - Interface in
The engine supports writing binaries data to sockets.
ZeroWriterImpl - Class in
The implementation for writer engine.
ZeroWriterListener - Interface in
The writer engine listener.
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