Class Result

  • public class Result
    extends Object
    A data object containing the results of running RAKE on a single document. results
    • Constructor Detail

      • Result

        public Result​(String[] fullKeywords,
                      String[] stemmedKeywords,
                      float[] scores)
        fullKeywords - the keywords that RAKE found in the document
        stemmedKeywords - the stemmed versions of fullKeywords
        scores - the scores assigned to the keywords
    • Method Detail

      • getFullKeywords

        public String[] getFullKeywords()
      • getStemmedKeywords

        public String[] getStemmedKeywords()
      • getScores

        public float[] getScores()
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a description of the Result. The Result is shown in the following format: [keyword1 (score of keyword1), keyword2 (score of keyword2)].
        toString in class Object
      • distinct

        public Result distinct()
        Remove duplicate keywords.
        a Result object with duplicate keywords removed