
Public API for generating BigQuery Schemas. Any type implementing SqlTypeToBigQuery or SqlInstanceToBigQuery can be converted into a BigQuery Schema If multiple types are given, the resulting schema will be the concatenation of them.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def schema[A : SqlTypeToBigQuery]: Schema

Given any type that implements SqlTypeToBigQuery returns the BigQuery Schema for that type

Given any type that implements SqlTypeToBigQuery returns the BigQuery Schema for that type

Type Params

is any type implementing SqlTypeToBigQuery


Schema ready to be used in BigQuery

def schema[A <: Product](value: A)(implicit a: SqlTypeToBigQuery[A]): Schema

Given an instance of a Product, extracts the BQ Schema from its type

Given an instance of a Product, extracts the BQ Schema from its type

Type Params

is any Product type

Value Params

an instance of any Product


Schema with the same structure as the given input