
final class TransposeView[OrigR <: Int, OrigC <: Int, T](orig: Matrix[OrigR, OrigC, T])(using `x$2`: OrigC > 0 && OrigR > 0 =:= true)(using `x$3`: ValueOf[OrigR], `x$4`: ValueOf[OrigC]) extends Matrix[OrigC, OrigR, T]
trait Matrix[OrigC, OrigR, T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type This = Matrix[R, C, T]

Convenience type alias for this Matrix.

Convenience type alias for this Matrix.

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

override def apply(rowIdx: Int, colIdx: Int): T
Definition Classes
override def toString(): String
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

final def +(rhs: This)(using ma: MatrixAddition[OrigC, OrigR, T]): This

Performs a Matrix Addition.

Performs a Matrix Addition.

Inherited from
final def -(rhs: This)(using ms: MatrixSubtraction[OrigC, OrigR, T]): This

Performs a Matrix Subtraction.

Performs a Matrix Subtraction.

Inherited from
final def ===(rhs: This)(using me: MatrixEquality[OrigC, OrigR, T]): Boolean

Checks the equality of this and the other Matrix by performing element-wise comparision.

Checks the equality of this and the other Matrix by performing element-wise comparision.


true if both Matrices are equal

Inherited from
def apply[RowIdx <: Int, ColIdx <: Int](using RowIdx < R =:= true, ColIdx < C =:= true)(using vri: ValueOf[RowIdx], vci: ValueOf[ColIdx]): T

Returns the element at the index specified at compile-time.

Returns the element at the index specified at compile-time.

Type Params

column index


row index

Inherited from
final def colDim: Int

Returns the column dimension.

Returns the column dimension.

Inherited from
def combine[U, V](rhs: Matrix[OrigC, OrigR, U])(op: (T, U) => V)(using mf: MatrixFactory[OrigC, OrigR, V]): Matrix[OrigC, OrigR, V]

Combines this Matrix and the other Matrix by applying the specified operation on the respective corresponding elements.

Combines this Matrix and the other Matrix by applying the specified operation on the respective corresponding elements.

Inherited from
final def dot[L <: Int, U](rhs: Matrix[OrigR, L, U])(using mm: MatrixMultiplication[OrigC, OrigR, L, T, U]): Out

Performs a Matrix Multiplication by calculating the dot product.

Performs a Matrix Multiplication by calculating the dot product.

Inherited from
def fold[S](start: S)(op: (S, Int, Int) => S): S

Folds over the elements of this Matrix by invoking the specified operation with each element's index and the result of the previous invocation.

Folds over the elements of this Matrix by invoking the specified operation with each element's index and the result of the previous invocation.

Value Params

operation applied to each element (index)


value provided to the first invocation


result of the last invocation of the specified operation

Inherited from
def iterate(op: (Int, Int) => Unit): Unit

Iterates over this Matrix by invoking the specified operation with each element's index.

Iterates over this Matrix by invoking the specified operation with each element's index.

Inherited from
def map[U](op: T => U)(using mf: MatrixFactory[OrigC, OrigR, U]): Matrix[OrigC, OrigR, U]

Maps this Matrix to a new Matrix by applying the specified operation element-wise.

Maps this Matrix to a new Matrix by applying the specified operation element-wise.

Inherited from
def mkString(elemToString: T => String): String

Renders this Matrix to a String using the specified function.

Renders this Matrix to a String using the specified function.

Inherited from
def mkString: String

Renders this Matrix to a String using the elements' toString method.

Renders this Matrix to a String using the elements' toString method.

Inherited from
def modify(using mf: MatrixFactory[OrigC, OrigR, T]): Builder[OrigC, OrigR, T]

Allows to easily "modify" this Matrix by creating a Builder initialized with the values of this Matrix.

Allows to easily "modify" this Matrix by creating a Builder initialized with the values of this Matrix.

Inherited from
final def rowDim: Int

Returns the row dimension.

Returns the row dimension.

Inherited from
final def submatrix[RowIdxTL <: Int, ColIdxTL <: Int, RowIdxBR <: Int, ColIdxBR <: Int](using sub: Submatrix[RowIdxTL, ColIdxTL, RowIdxBR, ColIdxBR, OrigC, OrigR, T]): Matrix[RowIdxBR - RowIdxTL + 1, ColIdxBR - ColIdxTL + 1, T]

Returns the submatrix with the specified bounds.

Returns the submatrix with the specified bounds.

Type Params

column index of the bottom-right vertex


column index of the top-left vertex


row index of the bottom-right vertex


row index of the top-left vertex

Inherited from
final def transpose(using mt: Transpose[OrigC, OrigR, T]): Matrix[OrigR, OrigC, T]

Returns the transposed Matrix.

Returns the transposed Matrix.

Inherited from