package models
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- sealed abstract class AwsRegion extends AnyRef
AWS Region enum.
AWS Region enum. Can be used for both the v1 and v2 test kits
- final case class ConsumerArn(streamArn: StreamArn, consumerName: String, creationTime: Instant) extends Product with Serializable
Represents an AWS ARN for Kinesis Consumers
- sealed abstract class EncryptionType extends Product with Serializable
- final case class HashKeyRange(endingHashKey: BigInt, startingHashKey: BigInt) extends Product with Serializable
Helper class representing the hash key range for a shard
Helper class representing the hash key range for a shard
- endingHashKey
Max hash key for the shard
- startingHashKey
Min hash key for the shard
- final case class ShardId(shardId: String) extends Product with Serializable
Basic wrapper for Shard ID values
Basic wrapper for Shard ID values
- shardId
Underlying shardId string value
- final case class StreamArn(awsRegion: AwsRegion, streamName: String, awsAccountId: String) extends Product with Serializable
Helper class for constructing and representing Kinesis stream ARN values
Helper class for constructing and representing Kinesis stream ARN values
- awsRegion
- streamName
Name of stream
- awsAccountId
12 digit AWS account ID. For Localstack, this is all 0s
- sealed trait StreamNameOrArn extends AnyRef
Trait representing either a Stream name or ARN
Value Members
- object AwsRegion
- object ConsumerArn extends Serializable
- object EncryptionType extends Serializable
- object ShardId extends Serializable
- object StreamArn extends Serializable
- object StreamNameOrArn