Class SwerveModule

  • public class SwerveModule
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents a single swerve module that is composed of a PIDMotor for wheel control, a PIDMotor for azimuth control, and a PositionVelocitySensor for absolute azimuth sensing.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SwerveModule

        public SwerveModule​(SwerveMotor[] motors,
                            PositionSensor azimuthSensor,
                            SwerveModuleConfiguration config)
        motors - The 2 motors on this module, with units of rotations per second.
        azimuthSensor - The sensor for absolute azimuth angle, in degrees.
        config - The configuration data for this module.
    • Method Detail

      • set

        public void set​(double wheelSpeed,
                        WrappedAngle azimuthPosition)
        Sets the wheel speed and azimuth position. The azimuth velocity is assumed to be 0.
        wheelSpeed - The wheel speed to set, in feet per second.
        azimuthPosition - The azimuth position to set, in degrees.
      • set

        public void set​(double wheelSpeed,
                        WrappedAngle azimuthPosition,
                        double azimuthVelocity)
        Sets the wheel speed and azimuth position/velocity.
        wheelSpeed - The wheel speed to set, in feet per second.
        azimuthPosition - The azimuth position to set, ignoring potential wheel reversal, in degrees.
        azimuthVelocity - The azimuth velocity to target when the position is reached, in degrees per second.
      • setRawWheelVelocities

        public void setRawWheelVelocities​(double wheelVelocity,
                                          double azimuthVelocity)
        Sets the raw velocity values for the wheel and azimuth.
        wheelVelocity - The wheel velocity to set, in feet per second.
        azimuthVelocity - The azimuth velocity to set, in degrees per second.
      • setCoast

        public void setCoast()
        Sets both motors on this module to coast mode.
      • setBrake

        public void setBrake()
        Sets both motors on this module to brake mode.
      • getWheelVelocity

        public double getWheelVelocity()
        Gets the current velocity of the wheel.
        The velocity of the wheel, in feet per second.
      • getAzimuthPosition

        public WrappedAngle getAzimuthPosition()
        Gets the current azimuth position.
        The current azimuth position, in degrees.
      • getAzimuthPositionFlipped

        public WrappedAngle getAzimuthPositionFlipped()
        Gets the current azimuth position, accounting for wheel reversal.
        The current azimuth position, in degrees.
      • getAzimuthVelocity

        public double getAzimuthVelocity()
        Gets the current azimuth velocity.
        The current azimuth velocity, in degrees per second.
      • getCommandedWheelVelocity

        public double getCommandedWheelVelocity()
        Gets the current commanded wheel velocity output by the PID controller.
        The commanded wheel velocity, in feet per second.
      • getCommandedAzimuthPosition

        public WrappedAngle getCommandedAzimuthPosition()
        Gets the current commanded azimuth position from the trapezoidal profile.
        The current commanded azimuth position, in degrees.
      • getCommandedAzimuthVelocity

        public double getCommandedAzimuthVelocity()
        Gets the current commanded azimuth velocity from the trapezoidal controller.
        The commanded azimuth velocity, in degrees per second.
      • getTargetWheelVelocity

        public double getTargetWheelVelocity()
        Gets the wheel velocity set as the target for the wheel controller.
        The target wheel velocity, in feet per second.
      • getTargetAzimuthPosition

        public WrappedAngle getTargetAzimuthPosition()
        Gets the azimuth position set as the target for the azimuth controller.
        The target azimuth position, in degrees.
      • getTargetAzimuthVelocity

        public double getTargetAzimuthVelocity()
        Gets the azimuth velocity set as the target for the azimuth controller.
        The target azimuth velocity, in degrees per second.
      • getLocation

        public Vector2D getLocation()
        Gets the location of this module.
        A position vector from the robot's origin to the location of this module, in feet. The positive x-axis points forwards, and the positive y-axis points left.
      • getMotors

        public SwerveMotor[] getMotors()
        Gets the motors used by this module.
        The motors used by this module.
      • getMaxWheelSpeed

        public double getMaxWheelSpeed()
        Gets the maximum speed that can be commanded to the wheel within the limits of the motor.
        The max speed, in feet per second.