
object Database extends DatabaseModuleBase[Connection, ServiceOps[Connection], DbContext], DatabaseModuleTestOps[Connection, DbContext]

Database for the Doobie wrapper


trait DatabaseModuleTestOps[Connection, DbContext]
class DatabaseModuleBase[Connection, ServiceOps[Connection], DbContext]
trait ModuleOps[Connection, ServiceOps[Connection]]
trait DatabaseOps[Connection, ServiceOps[Connection]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Self type

Members list

Type members

Inherited types

type AnyDatabase = ServiceOps[Connection]


Inherited from:
type Service = ServiceOps[Connection]


Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

final override def fromConnectionSource(implicit dbContext: DbContext, trace: Trace): ZLayer[ConnectionSource, Nothing, Database]

Creates a Database Layer which requires an existing ConnectionSource.

Creates a Database Layer which requires an existing ConnectionSource.


Definition Classes
override def noConnection(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Transactor[Task]]

A Connection which is incapable of running anything, to use when unit testing (and the queries are actually stubbed, so they do not need a Database). Trying to run actual queries against it will fail.

A Connection which is incapable of running anything, to use when unit testing (and the queries are actually stubbed, so they do not need a Database). Trying to run actual queries against it will fail.


Definition Classes

Inherited methods

override def autoCommit[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A])(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[Database & R, Either[DbException, E], A]

Provides that ZIO with a Connection. All DB action in the ZIO will be auto-committed. Failures in the initial ZIO will be wrapped in a Right in the error case of the resulting ZIO, with connection errors resulting in a failure with the exception wrapped in a Left.

Provides that ZIO with a Connection. All DB action in the ZIO will be auto-committed. Failures in the initial ZIO will be wrapped in a Right in the error case of the resulting ZIO, with connection errors resulting in a failure with the exception wrapped in a Left.

This method should be implemented by subclasses, to provide the connection.


Definition Classes
DatabaseModuleBase -> DatabaseOps
Inherited from:
final def autoCommitOrDie[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A])(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R0, E, A]

As autoCommit, but errors when handling the connections are treated as defects instead of failures.

As autoCommit, but errors when handling the connections are treated as defects instead of failures.


Inherited from:
final def autoCommitOrWiden[R, E >: DbException, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A])(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R0, E, A]

As autoCommit, but exceptions are simply widened to a common failure type. The resulting failure type is a superclass of both DbException and the error type of the inital ZIO.

As autoCommit, but exceptions are simply widened to a common failure type. The resulting failure type is a superclass of both DbException and the error type of the inital ZIO.


Inherited from:
final def fromDatasource(errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef)(implicit dbContext: DbContext, trace: Trace): ZLayer[DataSource, Nothing, Database]

As fromDatasource, but provides a default ErrorStrategiesRef. When a method is called with no available implicit ErrorStrategiesRef, the ErrorStrategiesRef in argument will be used.

As fromDatasource, but provides a default ErrorStrategiesRef. When a method is called with no available implicit ErrorStrategiesRef, the ErrorStrategiesRef in argument will be used.


Inherited from:
final def fromDatasource(implicit dbContext: DbContext, trace: Trace): ZLayer[DataSource, Nothing, Database]

Commodity method: creates a Database Layer which includes its own ConnectionSource based on a DataSource. Most connection pool implementations should be able to provide you a DataSource.

Commodity method: creates a Database Layer which includes its own ConnectionSource based on a DataSource. Most connection pool implementations should be able to provide you a DataSource.

When no implicit ErrorStrategies is available, the default ErrorStrategies will be used.


Inherited from:
final def fromDatasourceAndErrorStrategies(implicit dbContext: DbContext, trace: Trace): ZLayer[DataSource & ErrorStrategies, Nothing, Database]

As fromDatasource(ErrorStrategiesRef), but an ErrorStrategies is provided through a layer instead of as a parameter.

As fromDatasource(ErrorStrategiesRef), but an ErrorStrategies is provided through a layer instead of as a parameter.


Inherited from:
def none(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, AnyDatabase]

A Database which is incapable of running anything, to use when unit testing (and the queries are actually stubbed, so they do not need a Database). Trying to run actual queries against it will fail.

A Database which is incapable of running anything, to use when unit testing (and the queries are actually stubbed, so they do not need a Database). Trying to run actual queries against it will fail.


Inherited from:
override def transaction[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A], commitOnFailure: => Boolean)(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[Database & R, Either[DbException, E], A]

Provides that ZIO with a Connection. A transaction will be opened before any actions in the ZIO, and closed after. It will commit only if the ZIO succeeds, and rollback otherwise. Failures in the initial ZIO will be wrapped in a Right in the error case of the resulting ZIO, with connection errors resulting in a failure with the exception wrapped in a Left.

Provides that ZIO with a Connection. A transaction will be opened before any actions in the ZIO, and closed after. It will commit only if the ZIO succeeds, and rollback otherwise. Failures in the initial ZIO will be wrapped in a Right in the error case of the resulting ZIO, with connection errors resulting in a failure with the exception wrapped in a Left.

This method should be implemented by subclasses, to provide the connection.


Definition Classes
DatabaseModuleBase -> DatabaseOps
Inherited from:
final def transactionOrDie[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A], commitOnFailure: => Boolean)(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R0, E, A]

As transaction, but errors when handling the connections are treated as defects instead of failures.

As transaction, but errors when handling the connections are treated as defects instead of failures.


Inherited from:
final def transactionOrWiden[R, E >: DbException, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A], commitOnFailure: => Boolean)(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R0, E, A]

As transaction, but exceptions are simply widened to a common failure type. The resulting failure type is a superclass of both DbException and the error type of the inital ZIO.

As transaction, but exceptions are simply widened to a common failure type. The resulting failure type is a superclass of both DbException and the error type of the inital ZIO.


Inherited from:

Deprecated and Inherited methods

final def autoCommitOrDieR[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A])(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R0, E, A]


[Since version 4.0.0]
Inherited from:
final def autoCommitOrWidenR[R, E >: DbException, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A])(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R0, E, A]


[Since version 4.0.0]
Inherited from:
final def autoCommitR[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A])(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R0, Either[DbException, E], A]


[Since version 4.0.0]
Inherited from:
final def transactionOrDieR[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A], commitOnFailure: => Boolean)(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R0, E, A]


[Since version 4.0.0]
Inherited from:
final def transactionOrWidenR[R, E >: DbException, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A], commitOnFailure: => Boolean)(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R0, E, A]


[Since version 4.0.0]
Inherited from:
final def transactionR[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[Connection & R, E, A], commitOnFailure: => Boolean)(implicit errorStrategies: ErrorStrategiesRef, trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R0, Either[DbException, E], A]


[Since version 0.4.0]
Inherited from: