Class SpectrumPage<T extends SpectrumPage<T,Data>,Data>


public abstract class SpectrumPage<T extends SpectrumPage<T,Data>,Data> extends SpectrumEntity<T,Data>
  • Constructor Details

    • SpectrumPage

      public SpectrumPage()
  • Method Details

    • open

      public T open()
      Opens the web page at the URL made by the concatenation of the baseUrl provided in the configuration.yaml and the value of the @Endpoint annotation on the calling SpectrumPage. It also calls the waitForPageLoading() waitForPageLoading} before returning
      the calling SpectrumPage instance
    • waitForPageLoading

      public T waitForPageLoading()
      This is a method that by default just logs a warning. If you need to check for custom conditions before considering a page fully loaded, you should override this method, so that calling open on pages will call your implementation automatically
      the calling SpectrumPage instance
    • isLoaded

      public boolean isLoaded()
      Checks whether the SpectrumPage instance on which this is called is fully loaded
      true if the SpectrumPage is loaded