
See theRouteMatcher companion object
trait RouteMatcher[I]


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Abstract methods

def routeInternal(i: I, path: List[String], params: Map[String, String], rParsedPath: List[String], rParsedParams: List[(String, String)]): Result

Concrete methods

final def /:(str: String): RouteMatcher[I]

Will consume a string from the path

Will consume a string from the path


final def /:[O](ra: **.type)(implicit zip: Out[O, List[String], I]): RouteMatcher[O]

Will consume all strings from the path

Will consume all strings from the path


final def /:[A, O](arg: *[A])(implicit zip: Out[O, A, I]): RouteMatcher[O]

Will consume a string from the path, and that string must be decoded

Will consume a string from the path, and that string must be decoded


final def ?*:[A, O](arg: ParamArg[A])(implicit zip: Out[O, A, I]): RouteMatcher[O]

Will attempt to parse a string from query-params.
Will return NotFound if not present.
Will return NotFound if unable to parse.

Will attempt to parse a string from query-params.
Will return NotFound if not present.
Will return NotFound if unable to parse.


final def ?:[A, O](arg: ParamArg[A])(implicit zip: Out[O, A, I]): RouteMatcher[O]

Will attempt to parse a string from query-params.
Will return Fail if not present.
Will return Fail if unable to parse.

Will attempt to parse a string from query-params.
Will return Fail if not present.
Will return Fail if unable to parse.


final def ??*:[A, O](arg: ParamArg[A])(implicit zip: Out[O, Option[A], I]): RouteMatcher[O]

Will attempt to parse a string from query-params.
Will yield None if not present.
Will return NotFound if unable to parse.

Will attempt to parse a string from query-params.
Will yield None if not present.
Will return NotFound if unable to parse.


final def ??:[A, O](arg: ParamArg[A])(implicit zip: Out[O, Option[A], I]): RouteMatcher[O]

Will attempt to parse a string from query-params.
Will yield None if not present.
Will return Fail if unable to parse.

Will attempt to parse a string from query-params.
Will yield None if not present.
Will return Fail if unable to parse.


final def apply(path: List[String], params: Map[String, String])(implicit ev: Unit <:< I): Result
final def apply(url: Url)(implicit ev: Unit <:< I): Result
final def imap[I2](f: I2 => I): RouteMatcher[I2]