
See theHttpCode companion object
sealed abstract class HttpCode(val code: Int, val name: String)


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object Accepted.type
object AlreadyReported.type
object BadGateway.type
object BadRequest.type
object Conflict.type
object Continue.type
object Created.type
object ExpectationFailed.type
object FailedDependency.type
object Forbidden.type
object Found.type
object GatewayTimeout.type
object Gone.type
object ImATeapot.type
object ImUsed.type
object InsufficientStorage.type
object InternalServerError.type
object LengthRequired.type
object Locked.type
object LoopDetected.type
object MethodNotAllowed.type
object MisdirectedRequest.type
object MovedPermanently.type
object MultiStatus.type
object MultipleChoices.type
object NoContent.type
object NotAcceptable.type
object NotExtended.type
object NotFound.type
object NotImplemented.type
object NotModified.type
class NotStandard
object Ok.type
object PartialContent.type
object PayloadTooLarge.type
object PaymentRequired.type
object PermanentRedirect.type
object PreconditionFailed.type
object PreconditionRequired.type
object Processing.type
object RangeNotSatisfiable.type
object RequestTimeout.type
object ResetContent.type
object SeeOther.type
object ServiceUnavailable.type
object SwitchingProtocols.type
object TemporaryRedirect.type
object TooEarly.type
object TooManyRequests.type
object Unauthorized.type
object UnprocessableEntity.type
object UnsupportedMediaType.type
object UpgradeRequired.type
object UriTooLong.type
object UseProxy.type
object VariantAlsoNegotiates.type
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Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

final def is1xx: Boolean
final def is2xx: Boolean
final def is3xx: Boolean
final def is4xx: Boolean
final def is4xxOr5xx: Boolean
final def is5xx: Boolean
override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes

Concrete fields

val code: Int
val name: String