
class EscapeCodes(out: OutputStream)
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def alternateBuffer(): Unit
def clear(): Unit
def clearLine(): Unit
def clearToEnd(): Unit
def cursorPosition(): (Int, Int)
def fullReset(): Unit
def getReport(csi: () => Unit, args: Int, terminator: Char): Array[Int]

Executes a request and parses the response report. Usually, they would start with a CSI but JLine seems to ignore them.

Executes a request and parses the response report. Usually, they would start with a CSI but JLine seems to ignore them.

Value parameters:

How many arguments are expected


CSI to execute


Terminator character of the report


Sequence of parsed integers

def hideCursor(): Unit
def maximizeWindow(): Unit
def minimizeWindow(): Unit
def move(y: Int, x: Int): Unit
def moveDown(n: Int): Unit
def moveLeft(n: Int): Unit
def moveRight(n: Int): Unit
def moveToBottom(): Unit
def moveToTop(): Unit
def moveUp(n: Int): Unit
def moveWindow(x: Int, y: Int): Unit
def normalBuffer(): Unit
def resetColors(): Unit
def resizeScreen(w: Int, h: Int): Unit
def resizeWindow(w: Int, h: Int): Unit
def restoreCursor(): Unit
def restoreWindow(): Unit
def saveCursor(): Unit
def screenSize(): (Int, Int)
def setBackground(color: Int): Unit
def setForeground(color: Int): Unit
def showCursor(): Unit
def startBold(): Unit
def startReverse(): Unit
def startUnderline(): Unit
def status(): Unit
def stopBackground(): Unit
def stopBold(): Unit
def stopForeground(): Unit
def stopReverse(): Unit
def stopUnderline(): Unit
def unminimizeWindow(): Unit
def windowPosition(): (Int, Int)
def windowSize(): (Int, Int)