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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


CODE - Static variable in exception class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.TechnicalErrorUserException
Conclusion - Search tag in module io.github.mmm.nls
convert(Throwable) - Static method in exception class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.TechnicalErrorUserException
Gets the given Throwable as user ApplicationException or converts it to such.
create(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsMessageFormatterFactory
This method creates a new NlsMessageFormatter for the given message.
create(String, String) - Method in class io.github.mmm.nls.NlsBundle
create(String, String, NlsArguments) - Method in class io.github.mmm.nls.NlsBundle
create(String, String, String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.NlsMessageFactory
create(String, String, String, NlsArguments) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.NlsMessageFactory
createBundleName() - Method in class io.github.mmm.nls.NlsBundle
Determines the static bundle name.


END_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.variable.NlsVariableParser
The character used to end a variable expression: '}'
errObjectNotFound(Object) - Method in class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.NlsBundleException
errObjectNotFound(Object, Object) - Method in class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.NlsBundleException
errTechnical() - Method in class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.NlsBundleException


format(Void, Locale, NlsArguments, Appendable) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsMessageFormatter
This method formats the underlying pattern by filling in the given arguments and writing the result into the given buffer.
format(V, Locale, NlsArguments) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatter
This method formats the given object according to the given locale.
format(V, Locale, NlsArguments, Appendable) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatter
This method formats the given object according to the given locale.
FORMAT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.variable.NlsVariableParser
The character used to separate format type and style: ','


get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsMessageFormatterFactory
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsVariableFormatter
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.NlsMessageFactory
get() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.variable.NlsVariableParser
get(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
getArgument(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.NlsMessage
getArguments() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.NlsMessage
getBundleName() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.descriptor.NlsBundleDescriptor
getBundleName() - Method in class io.github.mmm.nls.NlsBundle
getCode() - Method in exception class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.TechnicalErrorUserException
getDescriptor() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.NlsMessage
getFormatter() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
getFormatter() - Method in class io.github.mmm.nls.variable.NlsVariable
Is the formatter used to format the argument.
getFormatter(String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
getFormatter(String, CharSequenceScanner) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
This method is like NlsFormatterManager.getFormatter(String, String) but reads the style from the given scanner.
getFormatter(String, String) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
This method gets the NlsFormatter for the given formatType and formatStyle.
getInternationalizedMessage() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.NlsMessage
This method gets the internationalized message what is the actual message template for the root locale without resolving its arguments.
getJustification() - Method in class io.github.mmm.nls.variable.NlsVariable
This method gets the optional Justification.
getKey() - Method in class io.github.mmm.nls.variable.NlsVariable
This method gets the key of the argument to format.
getKey(int) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
getLocalizedMessage(Locale) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.NlsMessage
This method gets the resolved and localized message.
First it will translate the internationalized message to the given Locale.
getMessageKey() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.descriptor.NlsMessageDescriptor
getStyle() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterPlugin
This method gets the style of this formatter.
getType() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterPlugin
This method gets the type of this formatter.


INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.NlsBundleException
io.github.mmm.nls - module io.github.mmm.nls
Provides advanced native language support.
io.github.mmm.nls - package io.github.mmm.nls
Provides the main API for the native language support (NLS).
io.github.mmm.nls.argument - package io.github.mmm.nls.argument
Contains the API for the dynamic arguments of a NlsMessage.
io.github.mmm.nls.descriptor - package io.github.mmm.nls.descriptor
Contains descriptors providing meta-information for bundle and key.
io.github.mmm.nls.exception - package io.github.mmm.nls.exception
io.github.mmm.nls.formatter - package io.github.mmm.nls.formatter
Contains formatters to format NLS messages.
io.github.mmm.nls.template - package io.github.mmm.nls.template
io.github.mmm.nls.variable - package io.github.mmm.nls.variable
Contains types for parsed variable placeholders of a NLS message.
isEmpty() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
isForUser() - Method in exception class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.ObjectNotFoundUserException
isForUser() - Method in exception class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.TechnicalErrorUserException
isTechnical() - Method in exception class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.TechnicalErrorUserException


KEY_ANNOTATION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "annotation".
KEY_ARGUMENT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "argument".
KEY_CAPACITY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "capacity".
KEY_CONTAINER - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "container".
KEY_DATE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "date".
KEY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "default".
KEY_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "directory".
KEY_ERROR - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "error".
KEY_EXISTING - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "existing".
KEY_EXPECTED - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "expected".
KEY_FILE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "file".
KEY_FORMAT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "format".
KEY_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "function".
KEY_ID - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "id".
KEY_KEY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "key".
KEY_LOCATION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "location".
KEY_MAX - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "max".
KEY_MIN - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "min".
KEY_MODE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "mode".
KEY_NAME - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "name".
KEY_OBJECT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "object".
KEY_OPERATION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "operation".
KEY_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "option".
KEY_PATH - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "path".
KEY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "property".
KEY_QUERY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "query".
KEY_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "resource".
KEY_SIZE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "size".
KEY_SOURCE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "source".
KEY_TARGET_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "targetType".
KEY_TITLE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "title".
KEY_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "type".
KEY_URI - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "uri".
KEY_USER - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "user".
KEY_VALUE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArgumentsKeys
Key for the argument "value".


LOCALIZATION_FAILURE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.NlsMessage
The prefix appended to the message if the localization (translation) failed.


Native Language Support (NLS) - Search tag in module io.github.mmm.nls
NlsArguments - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.argument
A simple container for arguments used as dynamic arguments of a NlsMessage.
NlsArgumentsKeys - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.argument
Defines KEY_* constants for NlsArguments.
NlsBundle - Search tag in module io.github.mmm.nls
NlsBundle - Class in io.github.mmm.nls
Abstract base class for all "resource-bundles" using this native language support (NLS) module.
NlsBundle() - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.nls.NlsBundle
The constructor.
NlsBundle(String) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.nls.NlsBundle
The constructor.
NlsBundleDescriptor - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.descriptor
Descriptor for a ResourceBundle or NlsBundle.
NlsBundleException - Class in io.github.mmm.nls.exception
NlsBundle for standard exceptions with NLS support.
NlsFormatter<V> - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.formatter
This is the interface for a formatter of an arbitrary object in a localized way.
NlsFormatterManager - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.formatter
This is the interface for a manager of NlsFormatters.
NlsFormatterPlugin - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.formatter
This interface extends NlsFormatter with the methods required to register this automatically as plugin.
NlsMessage - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls
This is the interface for an internationalized message.
NlsMessageDescriptor - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.descriptor
Descriptor for a NlsMessage or NlsTemplate.
NlsMessageFactory - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls
This is the interface for a factory used to create instances of NlsMessage.
NlsMessageFormatter - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.formatter
This is the interface for a formatter of a message-text.
NlsMessageFormatterFactory - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.formatter
This is the interface to create an NlsFormatter.
NlsTemplate - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.template
This interface represents the template for an internationalized text that can be translated to a given Locale.
NlsVariable - Class in io.github.mmm.nls.variable
A variable is a placeholder for an argument an argument of an NlsMessage.
NlsVariable(String, NlsFormatterPlugin, Justification) - Constructor for class io.github.mmm.nls.variable.NlsVariable
The constructor.
NlsVariableFormatter - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.formatter
NlsVariableParser - Interface in io.github.mmm.nls.variable


ObjectNotFoundUserException - Exception Class in io.github.mmm.nls.exception
ObjectNotFoundException for user with NLS support.
ObjectNotFoundUserException(Object) - Constructor for exception class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.ObjectNotFoundUserException
The constructor.
ObjectNotFoundUserException(Object, Object) - Constructor for exception class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.ObjectNotFoundUserException
The constructor.
ObjectNotFoundUserException(Object, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.ObjectNotFoundUserException
The constructor.
of() - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
of(String, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
of(String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
of(String, Object, String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
of(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofArgument(Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofDate(Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofDefault(Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofFile(Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofFormat(Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofKey(Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofKeyValue(Object, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofMinMax(Object, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofName(Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofObject(Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofObjectKey(Object, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofType(Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofValue(Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
ofValueMinMax(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments


parse(CharSequenceScanner) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.variable.NlsVariableParser
This method parses the internationalized message given as CharSequenceScanner pointing the beginning of an argument (immediately after START_EXPRESSION).


size() - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
START_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.variable.NlsVariableParser
The character used to start a variable expression: '{'
STYLE_CURRENCY - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
STYLE_FULL - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
STYLE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
STYLE_ISO_8601 - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
ISO-8601 date/time format
STYLE_LONG - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
STYLE_MEDIUM - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
STYLE_PERCENT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
STYLE_SHORT - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager


TechnicalErrorUserException - Exception Class in io.github.mmm.nls.exception
A TechnicalErrorUserException is wrapping an arbitrary technical error to a generic exception for end-users or clients.
TechnicalErrorUserException(NlsMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.TechnicalErrorUserException
The constructor for the very special case that you want to define a custom message.
TechnicalErrorUserException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class io.github.mmm.nls.exception.TechnicalErrorUserException
The constructor.
The Problem - Search tag in module io.github.mmm.nls
The Solution - Search tag in module io.github.mmm.nls
toString() - Method in class io.github.mmm.nls.variable.NlsVariable
translate(Locale) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.template.NlsTemplate
This method translates the represented string for the given locale.
translate(Locale, NlsArguments, Appendable) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.template.NlsTemplate
This method behaves like NlsTemplate.translate(Locale) but additionally fills the given arguments into the translated message writing into the given buffer.
TYPE_CHOICE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
TYPE_DATE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
TYPE_DATETIME - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
TYPE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
TYPE_TIME - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
TYPE_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.github.mmm.nls.formatter.NlsFormatterManager
Format for Type


with(String, Object) - Method in interface io.github.mmm.nls.argument.NlsArguments
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form