Interface NlsMessage

All Superinterfaces:
io.github.mmm.base.i18n.Localizable, io.github.mmm.base.i18n.LocalizableObject

public interface NlsMessage extends io.github.mmm.base.i18n.Localizable
This is the interface for an internationalized message. It stores an internationalized-message separated from language independent arguments. This approach ensures that the message is always available in the internationalized language (should be English) while it still allows to translate the message to a native language. For an introduction first read here
The format of the internationalized-message is similar to MessageFormat. This allows to migrate existing code from MessageFormat to NlsMessage easily. However, there are some advanced features available. While using numbers to identify the arguments is a maintenance-hell for large messages, this solution is using named arguments (keys) that should be self-explanatory. Further, there is also support for additional styles as well as Justification. See NlsVariable for the specification of the argument syntax.
To specify NlsMessages you create an NlsBundle per module. For the term internationalization usually the shortcut i18n is used.
See Also: