

No need to use this trait directly, because it's inherited by Handler's companion object.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object Handler.type

Members list



extension [S, L, N](thiz: Handler[Tuple2, L, N])(thiz: Handler[Tuple2, L, N])
def ***![S2, S3, L2, N2](that: Handler[Tuple2, L2, N2])(using ET: ExtendTuple[S, S2, S3]): Handler[Tuple2, L & L2, N & N2]

Composes 2 independent handlers, also flattening their nested Tuple2 results.

Composes 2 independent handlers, also flattening their nested Tuple2 results.

((_, S1), S2) ~> (_, (S1, S2))
((_, S1, S2), S3) ~> (_, (S1, S2, S3))
((_, S1, S2, S3), S4) ~> (_, (S1, S2, S3, S4))


def dropState: Id[L, N]

Transforms this handler, by dropping the second element of its Tuple2 result.

Transforms this handler, by dropping the second element of its Tuple2 result.


def eval: Id[L, N]

Alias for dropState.

Alias for dropState.


def exec: Const[S, L, N]

Alias for justState.

Alias for justState.


def flatMapState[S2, U](f: S => Computation[S2, U]): Handler[Tuple2, L, N & U]

Like mapState, but the mapping function is effectful.

Like mapState, but the mapping function is effectful.


def flatTapState[S2, U](f: S => Computation[Unit, U]): Handler[Tuple2, L, N & U]

Like flatMapState, but the mapping is executed for its effects only.

Like flatMapState, but the mapping is executed for its effects only.


def justState: Const[S, L, N]

Transforms this handler, by dropping the first element of its Tuple2 result.

Transforms this handler, by dropping the first element of its Tuple2 result.


def mapState[S2](f: S => S2): Handler[Tuple2, L, N]

Transforms this handler, by mapping the second element of its Tuple2 result.

Transforms this handler, by mapping the second element of its Tuple2 result.


extension [L, N](thiz: Handler[Option, L, N])(thiz: Handler[Option, L, N])
def getOrDie(message: => String): Id[L, N]

Transforms this handler, by deconstructing its Option result.

Transforms this handler, by deconstructing its Option result.


def getOrElse(default: => Nothing): Id[L, N]

Transforms this handler, by deconstructing its Option result.

Transforms this handler, by deconstructing its Option result.


def toEither[E](e: => E): Handler[[_] =>> Either[E, _$8], L, N]

Transforms this handler, by mapping its Option result to Either.

Transforms this handler, by mapping its Option result to Either.


def toTry(e: => Throwable): Handler[Try, L, N]

Transforms this handler, by mapping its Option result to Try.

Transforms this handler, by mapping its Option result to Try.


def toVector: Handler[Vector, L, N]

Transforms this handler, by mapping its Option result to Vector.

Transforms this handler, by mapping its Option result to Vector.


def unsafeGet: Id[L, N]

Transforms this handler, by deconstructing its Option result.

Transforms this handler, by deconstructing its Option result.


def |||![L2, N2](that: Handler[Option, L2, N2]): Handler[Option, L & L2, N & N2]

Composes 2 independent handlers, also flattening their nested Option results.

Composes 2 independent handlers, also flattening their nested Option results.

Option[Option[_]] ~> Option[_]


extension [E, L, N](thiz: Handler[[_] =>> Either[E, _$10], L, N])(thiz: Handler[[_] =>> Either[E, _$10], L, N])
def flatMapLeft[E2, U](f: E => Computation[E2, U]): Handler[[_] =>> Either[E2, _$12], L, N & U]

Like mapLeft, but the mapping function is effectful.

Like mapLeft, but the mapping function is effectful.


def flatTapLeft[U](f: E => Computation[Unit, U]): Handler[[_] =>> Either[E, _$14], L, N & U]

Like flatMapLeft, but the mapping is executed for its effects only.

Like flatMapLeft, but the mapping is executed for its effects only.


def getOrDie(message: E => String): Id[L, N]

Transforms this handler, by deconstructing its Either result.

Transforms this handler, by deconstructing its Either result.


def getOrElse(default: E => Nothing): Id[L, N]

Transforms this handler, by deconstructing its Either result.

Transforms this handler, by deconstructing its Either result.


def mapLeft[E2](f: E => E2): Handler[[_] =>> Either[E2, _$11], L, N]

Transforms this handler, by mapping the Left branch of its Either result.

Transforms this handler, by mapping the Left branch of its Either result.


def toOption: Handler[Option, L, N]

Transforms this handler, by mapping its Either result to Option.

Transforms this handler, by mapping its Either result to Option.


def toTry(implicit ev: E <:< Throwable): Handler[Try, L, N]

Transforms this handler, by mapping its Either result to Try.

Transforms this handler, by mapping its Either result to Try.


def |||![E2, L2, N2](that: Handler[[_] =>> Either[E2, _$15], L2, N2]): Handler[[_] =>> Either[E | E2, _$16], L & L2, N & N2]

Composes 2 independent handlers, also flattening their nested Either results.

Composes 2 independent handlers, also flattening their nested Either results.

Either[E2, Either[E1, _]] ~> Either[E1 | E2, _]
