Class DynamicNGramDictionary

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DynamicNGramDictionary
    extends TrainingNGramDictionary
    Represent a TrainingNGramDictionary that can also be opened to be trained again.
    This type of dictionary is useful when using a dynamic user model : the dynamic user dictionary is loaded and trained during each session, and then saved to be used in the next sessions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DynamicNGramDictionary

        public DynamicNGramDictionary​(int maxOrderP)
    • Method Detail

      • load

        public static DynamicNGramDictionary load​(File dictionaryFile)
                                           throws IOException
        Create and open a existing dynamic ngram dictionary.
        dictionaryFile - file containing the dynamic ngram dictionary
        the loaded dynamic dictionary
        IOException - if dictionary can't be loaded
      • getRootBlockSize

        protected long getRootBlockSize()
        getRootBlockSize in class TrainingNGramDictionary
        should return the byte count needed to save the root block (useful to shift data in file to save the root in first position in file)
      • computeD

        public double[] computeD​(TrainingConfiguration configuration)
        Description copied from class: AbstractNGramDictionary
        Compute the optimal value for d (absolute discounting parameter).
        Usually d is computed with formula :
        D = C1 / (C1 + 2 * C2)
        Where C1 = number of ngram with count == 1, and C2 = number of ngram with count == 2. Theses values are computed for each order (0 index = unigram, 1 index = bigram, etc.)
        computeD in class TrainingNGramDictionary
        configuration - configuration to use to compute D (can set min/max values and a D value)
        computed d value for this dictionary