
class Props extends PropTypes


trait PropTypes
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Type members


object placement extends Prop[String]

Determines where to place the popup relative to the trigger element.

Determines where to place the popup relative to the trigger element.


See also
class Prop[String]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object strategy extends Prop[String]

The type of CSS position property to use (absolute or fixed).

The type of CSS position property to use (absolute or fixed).


See also
class Prop[String]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Inherited classlikes

object dyn extends Dynamic


Inherited from:
trait Dynamic
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def anchor: Prop[Any | Object | Any => Any]

An HTML element, virtual element, or a function that returns either. It's used to set the position of the popup.

An HTML element, virtual element, or a function that returns either. It's used to set the position of the popup.


def container: Prop[Any | Any => Any]

An HTML element or function that returns one. The container will have the portal children appended to it. By default, it uses the body of the top-level document object, so it's document.body in these cases.

An HTML element or function that returns one. The container will have the portal children appended to it. By default, it uses the body of the top-level document object, so it's document.body in these cases.


def disablePortal: Prop[Boolean]

If true, the popup will be rendered where it is defined, without the use of portals.

If true, the popup will be rendered where it is defined, without the use of portals.


def keepMounted: Prop[Boolean]

If true, the popup will exist in the DOM even if it's closed. Its visibility will be controlled by the display CSS property.

If true, the popup will exist in the DOM even if it's closed. Its visibility will be controlled by the display CSS property.

Otherwise, a closed popup will be removed from the DOM.


def middleware: Prop[Seq[Any | Object]]

Collection of Floating UI middleware to use when positioning the popup. If not provided, the offset and flip functions will be used.

Collection of Floating UI middleware to use when positioning the popup. If not provided, the offset and flip functions will be used.


See also
def offset: Prop[Any => Any | Double | Object]

Distance between a popup and the trigger element. This prop is ignored when custom middleware is provided.

Distance between a popup and the trigger element. This prop is ignored when custom middleware is provided.


See also
def onClick: Prop[ReactMouseEventFromHtml => Callback]
def open: Prop[Boolean]

If true, the popup is visible.

If true, the popup is visible.


def slotProps: Prop[Object]

The props used for each slot inside the Popup.

The props used for each slot inside the Popup.


def slots: Prop[Object]

The components used for each slot inside the Popup. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.

The components used for each slot inside the Popup. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.


def style: Prop[Object]
def withTransition: Prop[Boolean]

If true, the popup will not disappear immediately when it needs to be closed but wait until the exit transition has finished. In such a case, a function form of children must be used and onExited callback function must be called when the transition or animation finish.

If true, the popup will not disappear immediately when it needs to be closed but wait until the exit transition has finished. In such a case, a function form of children must be used and onExited callback function must be called when the transition or animation finish.


Inherited methods

def of[A : Writer](implicit evidence$1: Writer[A], name: Name): Prop[A]


Inherited from:

Inherited fields

val key: Prop[Key]


Inherited from: