
package server

Server interpreters backed by Akka HTTP

Linear Supertypes

Type Members

  1. trait BasicAuthentication extends algebra.BasicAuthentication with Endpoints

  2. trait Endpoints extends algebra.Endpoints with Urls with Methods with StatusCodes

    Interpreter for algebra.Endpoints that performs routing using akka-http.

  3. trait JsonEntities extends algebra.JsonEntities with Endpoints

    Interpreter for algebra.JsonEntities

    Interpreter for algebra.JsonEntities

    To use it mix in support for your favourite Json library You can use one of hseeberger/akka-http-json modules

  4. trait JsonEntitiesFromCodec extends Endpoints with algebra.JsonEntitiesFromCodec

    Interpreter for endpoints.algebra.JsonEntitiesFromCodec that decodes JSON requests and encodes JSON responses using Akka HTTP.

  5. trait Methods extends algebra.Methods

    algebra.Methods interpreter that decodes and encodes methods.

  6. trait MuxEndpoints extends algebra.MuxEndpoints with Endpoints

    Extends the Endpoints interpreter with algebra.MuxEndpoints support.

  7. trait MuxHandler[Req <: MuxRequest, Resp] extends AnyRef

    A function whose return type depends on the type of the given req.

    A function whose return type depends on the type of the given req.


    Request base type


    Response base type

  8. trait MuxHandlerAsync[Req <: MuxRequest, Resp] extends AnyRef

    A function whose return type depends on the type of the given req.

    A function whose return type depends on the type of the given req.


    Request base type


    Response base type

  9. trait StatusCodes extends algebra.StatusCodes

    algebra.StatusCodes interpreter that decodes and encodes methods.

  10. trait Urls extends algebra.Urls with StatusCodes

    algebra.Urls interpreter that decodes and encodes URLs.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

