See theQuartzH2Server companion object
class QuartzH2Server(HOST: String, PORT: Int, h2IdleTimeOutMs: Int, sslCtx: SSLContext, incomingWinSize: Int, onConnect: Long => IO[Unit], onDisconnect: Long => IO[Unit])
Quartz HTTP/2 server.
Value parameters
the host address of the server
the port number to bind to
- h2IdleTimeOutMs
the maximum idle time in milliseconds before a connection is closed
- incomingWinSize
the initial window size for incoming flow control
- onConnect
callback function that is called when a connection is established, provides connectionId : Long as an argument
- onDisconnect
callback function that is called when a connection is terminated, provides connectionId : Long as an argument
- sslCtx
the SSL context to use for secure connections, can be null for non-secure connections
- Companion
- object
- Graph
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Members list
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