Class SimpleVirtualFlow<T,C extends Cell<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of objects to represent
C - the type of Cell to use
All Implemented Interfaces:
VirtualFlow<T,C>, Styleable, EventTarget

public class SimpleVirtualFlow<T,C extends Cell<T>> extends Region implements VirtualFlow<T,C>
Simple implementation of VirtualFlow.

This VirtualFlow creates Cells of type Cell, it's features are:

- The items list is managed automatically (insertions, removals or updates to the items)

- The cell factory can be changed any time

- Can show the cells from TOP to BOTTOM or from LEFT to RIGHT, this is the orientation property

- It's possible to change the orientation event at runtime (but it's also recommended resizing both the VirtualFlow and the cells)

- It's not necessary to wrap the flow in a scroll pane as it already includes both the scroll bars

- It's possible to set the speed of both the scroll bars

- It's possible to scroll manually by pixels or to cell index

- It's possible to get the currently shown/built cells or a specific cell by index

To build a SimpleVirtualFlow use the SimpleVirtualFlow.Builder class.

The cells are contained in a Group which is a SimpleVirtualFlowContainer.