
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package lamp

    Lamp provides utilities to build state of the art machine learning applications

    Lamp provides utilities to build state of the art machine learning applications


    Notable types and packages:

    • lamp.STen is a memory managed wrapper around aten.ATen, an off the heap, native n-dimensionl array backed by libtorch.
    • lamp.autograd implements reverse mode automatic differentiation.
    • lamp.nn contains neural network building blocks, see e.g. lamp.nn.Linear.
    • implements a training loop and other data related abstractions.
    • lamp.knn implements k-nearest neighbor search on the CPU and GPU
    • lamp.umap.Umap implements the UMAP dimension reduction algorithm
    • lamp.onnx implements serialization of computation graphs into ONNX format
    • contains CSV and NPY readers
    How to get data into lamp

    Use one of the file readers in or one of the factories in lamp.STen$.

    How to define a custom neural network layer

    See the documentation on lamp.nn.GenericModule

    How to compose neural network layers

    See the documentation on lamp.nn

    How to train models

    See the training loops in

    Definition Classes
  • package data
    Definition Classes
  • CPU
  • CudaDevice
  • Device
  • DoublePrecision
  • FloatingPointPrecision
  • Movable
  • STen
  • STenOptions
  • Scope
  • SinglePrecision
  • TensorHelpers

object STen extends Serializable

Companion object of lamp.STen

- STen.fromDoubleArray, STen.fromLongArray, STen.fromFloatArray factory methods copy data from JVM arrays into off heap memory and create an STen instance

  • There are similar factories which take SADDLE data structures
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. STen
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. implicit class OwnedSyntax extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def addOut(out: STen, self: STen, other: STen, alpha: Double): Unit
  5. def addcmulOut(out: STen, self: STen, tensor1: STen, tensor2: STen, alpha: Double): Unit
  6. def addmmOut(out: STen, self: STen, mat1: STen, mat2: STen, beta: Double, alpha: Double): Unit
  7. def apply[S](vs: Double*)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a 1D tensor containing the given values

  8. def arange[S](start: Double, end: Double, step: Double, tensorOptions: STenOptions = STen.dOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  9. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  10. def bmmOut(out: STen, self: STen, other: STen): Unit
  11. def cat[S](tensors: Seq[STen], dim: Long)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  12. def catOut(out: STen, tensors: Seq[STen], dim: Int): Unit
  13. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  14. val dOptions: STenOptions

    A tensor option specifying CPU and double

  15. def divOut(out: STen, self: STen, other: STen): Unit
  16. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  17. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  18. def eye[S](n: Int, m: Int, tensorOptions: STenOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  19. def eye[S](n: Int, tensorOptions: STenOptions = STen.dOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  20. val fOptions: STenOptions

    A tensor option specifying CPU and float

  21. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  22. def free(value: Tensor): STen

    Wraps a tensor without registering it to any scope.

    Wraps a tensor without registering it to any scope.

    Memory may leak.

  23. def fromDoubleArray[S](ar: Array[Double], dim: Seq[Long], device: Device, precision: FloatingPointPrecision)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  24. def fromFloatArray[S](ar: Array[Float], dim: Seq[Long], device: Device)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  25. def fromFloatMat[S](m: Mat[Float], device: Device)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  26. def fromLongArray[S](ar: Array[Long], dim: Seq[Long], device: Device)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  27. def fromLongMat[S](m: Mat[Long], cuda: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  28. def fromLongMat[S](m: Mat[Long], device: Device)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  29. def fromLongVec[S](m: Vec[Long], cuda: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  30. def fromLongVec[S](m: Vec[Long], device: Device)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  31. def fromMat[S](m: Mat[Double], device: Device, precision: FloatingPointPrecision)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  32. def fromMat[S](m: Mat[Double], cuda: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  33. def fromVec[S](m: Vec[Double], device: Device, precision: FloatingPointPrecision)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  34. def fromVec[S](m: Vec[Double], cuda: Boolean = false)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

    Returns a tensor with the given content and shape on the given device

  35. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  36. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  37. def indexSelectOut(out: STen, self: STen, dim: Int, index: STen): Unit
  38. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  39. def l1_loss_backward[S](gradOutput: STen, self: STen, target: STen, reduction: Long)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  40. val lOptions: STenOptions

    A tensor option specifying CPU and long

  41. def linspace[S](start: Double, end: Double, steps: Long, tensorOptions: STenOptions = STen.dOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  42. def meanOut(out: STen, self: STen, dim: Seq[Int], keepDim: Boolean): Unit
  43. def mmOut(out: STen, self: STen, other: STen): Unit
  44. def mse_loss[S](self: STen, target: STen, reduction: Long)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  45. def mse_loss_backward[S](gradOutput: STen, self: STen, target: STen, reduction: Long)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  46. def mulOut(out: STen, self: STen, other: STen): Unit
  47. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  48. def normal[S](mean: Double, std: Double, size: Seq[Long], options: STenOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  49. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  50. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  51. def ones[S](size: Seq[Long], tensorOptions: STenOptions = STen.dOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  52. def onesLike[S](tensor: STen)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  53. def onesLike[S](tensor: Tensor)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  54. def owned(value: Tensor)(implicit scope: Scope): STen

    Wraps an aten.Tensor and registering it to the given scope

  55. def powOut(out: STen, self: STen, other: STen): Unit
  56. def powOut(out: STen, self: STen, other: Double): Unit
  57. def rand[S](size: Seq[Long], tensorOptions: STenOptions = STen.dOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  58. def randint[S](low: Long, high: Long, size: Seq[Long], tensorOptions: STenOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  59. def randint[S](high: Long, size: Seq[Long], tensorOptions: STenOptions = STen.dOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  60. def randn[S](size: Seq[Long], tensorOptions: STenOptions = STen.dOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  61. def randperm[S](n: Long, tensorOptions: STenOptions = STen.dOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  62. def remainderOut(out: STen, self: STen, other: Double): Unit
  63. def remainderOut(out: STen, self: STen, other: STen): Unit
  64. def scalarDouble[S](value: Double, options: STenOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  65. def scalarLong(value: Long, options: STenOptions)(implicit scope: Scope): STen
  66. def sparse_coo[S](indices: STen, values: STen, dim: Seq[Long], tensorOptions: STenOptions = STen.dOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  67. def stack[S](tensors: Seq[STen], dim: Long)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  68. def subOut(out: STen, self: STen, other: STen, alpha: Double): Unit
  69. def sumOut(out: STen, self: STen, dim: Seq[Int], keepDim: Boolean): Unit
  70. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  71. def tanh_backward[S](gradOutput: STen, output: STen)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  72. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  73. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  74. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  75. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  76. def where[S](condition: Tensor, self: STen, other: STen)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  77. def where[S](condition: STen, self: STen, other: STen)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  78. def zeros[S](size: Seq[Long], tensorOptions: STenOptions = STen.dOptions)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  79. def zerosLike[S](tensor: STen)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen
  80. def zerosLike[S](tensor: Tensor)(implicit arg0: Sc[S]): STen

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
