
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package lamp

    Lamp provides utilities to build state of the art machine learning applications

    Lamp provides utilities to build state of the art machine learning applications


    Notable types and packages:

    • lamp.STen is a memory managed wrapper around aten.ATen, an off the heap, native n-dimensionl array backed by libtorch.
    • lamp.autograd implements reverse mode automatic differentiation.
    • lamp.nn contains neural network building blocks, see e.g. lamp.nn.Linear.
    • implements a training loop and other data related abstractions.
    • lamp.knn implements k-nearest neighbor search on the CPU and GPU
    • lamp.umap.Umap implements the UMAP dimension reduction algorithm
    • lamp.onnx implements serialization of computation graphs into ONNX format
    • contains CSV and NPY readers
    How to get data into lamp

    Use one of the file readers in or one of the factories in lamp.STen$.

    How to define a custom neural network layer

    See the documentation on lamp.nn.GenericModule

    How to compose neural network layers

    See the documentation on lamp.nn

    How to train models

    See the training loops in

    Definition Classes
  • package data
  • CPU
  • CudaDevice
  • Device
  • DoublePrecision
  • FloatingPointPrecision
  • HalfPrecision
  • Movable
  • STen
  • STenOptions
  • Scope
  • SinglePrecision
  • TensorHelpers


package lamp

Lamp provides utilities to build state of the art machine learning applications


Notable types and packages:

  • lamp.STen is a memory managed wrapper around aten.ATen, an off the heap, native n-dimensionl array backed by libtorch.
  • lamp.autograd implements reverse mode automatic differentiation.
  • lamp.nn contains neural network building blocks, see e.g. lamp.nn.Linear.
  • implements a training loop and other data related abstractions.
  • lamp.knn implements k-nearest neighbor search on the CPU and GPU
  • lamp.umap.Umap implements the UMAP dimension reduction algorithm
  • lamp.onnx implements serialization of computation graphs into ONNX format
  • contains CSV and NPY readers
How to get data into lamp

Use one of the file readers in or one of the factories in lamp.STen$.

How to define a custom neural network layer

See the documentation on lamp.nn.GenericModule

How to compose neural network layers

See the documentation on lamp.nn

How to train models

See the training loops in

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. lamp
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CudaDevice(i: Int) extends Device with Product with Serializable
  2. sealed trait Device extends AnyRef

    Represents a device where tensors are stored and tensor operations are executed

  3. sealed trait FloatingPointPrecision extends AnyRef
  4. trait Movable[-R] extends AnyRef
  5. case class STen extends Product with Serializable

    Memory managed, off-heap N-dimensional array.

    Memory managed, off-heap N-dimensional array.

    This class is a wrapper around aten.Tensor providing a more convenient API. All allocating operations require an implicit lamp.Scope.

    STen instances are associated with a device which determines where the memory is allocated, and where the operations are performed. Operations on multiple tensors expect that all the arguments reside on the same device.

    lamp.STen.options returns a lamp.STenOptions which describes the device, shape, data type and storage layout of a tensor. Most factory methods in the companion object in turn require a lamp.STenOptions to specify the device, data types and storage layout.

    Naming convention of most operations follows libtorch. Operations return their result in a copy, i.e. not in place. These operations need a lamp.Scope. Operations whose name ends with an underscore are in place. Operations whose name contains out will write their results into the specified output tensor, these are in the companion object. Some operations are exempt from this naming rule, e.g. +=, -=, *= etc.

    Semantics of operations follow those of libtorch with the same name. Many of the operations broadcasts. See for broadcasting rules. In short:

    1. shapes are aligned from the right, extending with ones to the left as needed. 2. If two aligned dimensions are not matching but one of them is 1, then it is expanded to the size of the other dimension, pretending a copy of all its values. If two aligned dimension are not matching and neither of them is 1, then the operation fails.


    Scope.root { implicit scope =>
        val sum = Scope { implicit scope =>
        val ident = STen.eye(3, STenOptions.d)
        val ones = STen.ones(List(3, 3), STenOptions.d)
        ident + ones
        assert(sum.toMat == mat.ones(3, 3) + mat.ident(3))
    Broadcasting examples
    // successful
    3 x 4 x 6 A
        4 x 6 B
    3 x 4 x 6 Result // B is repeated 3 times first dimensions
    // successful
    3 x 4 x 6 A
    3 x 1 x 6 B
    3 x 4 x 6 Result // B's second dimension is repeated 4 times
    // fail
    3 x 4 x 6 A
    3 x 2 x 6 B
    3 x 4 x 6 Result // 2 != 4

    The companion object contains various factories which copy data from the JVM memory to STen tensors.

  6. case class STenOptions(value: TensorOptions) extends Product with Serializable
  7. type Sc[_] = Scope
  8. final class Scope extends AnyRef

    Faciliates memory management of off-heap data structures.

    Faciliates memory management of off-heap data structures.

    Tracks allocations of aten.Tensor and aten.TensorOption instances.

    aten.Tensor and aten.TensorOption instances are not freed up by the garbage collector. Lamp implements zoned memory management around these object. The managed counterpart of aten.Tensor is lamp.STen, while for aten.TensorOption it is lamp.STenOptions.

    One can only create a lamp.STen instance with a lamp.Scope in implicit scope.

    Create new scopes with lamp.Scope.root, lamp.Scope.apply or lamp.Scope.leak.


    // Scope.root returns Unit
    Scope.root { implicit scope =>
        val sum = Scope { implicit scope =>
        // Intermediate values allocated in this block (`ident` and `ones`) are freed when
        // this block returns
        // The return value (`ident + ones`) of this block is moved to the outer scope
        val ident = STen.eye(3, STenOptions.d)
        val ones = STen.ones(List(3, 3), STenOptions.d)
        ident + ones
        assert(sum.toMat == mat.ones(3, 3) + mat.ident(3))
        // `sum` is freed once this block exits

Value Members

  1. def scope(implicit s: Scope): Scope
  2. def scoped(r: Tensor)(implicit s: Scope): Tensor
  3. object CPU extends Device with Product with Serializable
  4. object Device
  5. object DoublePrecision extends FloatingPointPrecision with Product with Serializable
  6. object HalfPrecision extends FloatingPointPrecision with Product with Serializable
  7. object Movable
  8. object STen extends Serializable

    Companion object of lamp.STen

    Companion object of lamp.STen

  9. object STenOptions extends Serializable
  10. object Scope
  11. object SinglePrecision extends FloatingPointPrecision with Product with Serializable
  12. object TensorHelpers

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
