
package org.saddle


Saddle is a '''S'''cala '''D'''ata '''L'''ibrary.

Saddle provides array-backed, indexed one- and two-dimensional data structures.

These data structures are specialized on JVM primitives. With them one can often avoid the overhead of boxing and unboxing.

Basic operations also aim to be robust to missing values (NA's)

The building blocks are intended to be easily composed.

The foundational building blocks are:

Inspiration for Saddle comes from many sources, including the R programming language, the pandas data analysis library for Python, and the Scala collections library.

Type members


implicit implicit class ArrToVec[@specialized(Boolean, Int, Long, Double) T](s: Array[T])(implicit evidence$2: ScalarTag[T])
final class Buffer[@specialized V](var array: Array[V], var length: Int)(implicit val ctV: ClassTag[V])
object Buffer
case object FillBackward extends FillMethod
case object FillForward extends FillMethod
abstract class FillMethod

Filling method for NA values. Non-sealed because could add more variants in the future.

Filling method for NA values. Non-sealed because could add more variants in the future.

class Frame[RX, CX, @specialized(Int, Long, Double) T](val values: MatCols[T], val rowIx: Index[RX], val colIx: Index[CX], var cachedMat: Option[Mat[T]])(implicit evidence$1: ScalarTag[RX], evidence$2: Order[RX], evidence$3: ScalarTag[CX], evidence$4: Order[CX], st: ScalarTag[T]) extends NumericOps[Frame[RX, CX, T]]

Frame is an immutable container for 2D data which is indexed along both axes (rows, columns) by associated keys (i.e., indexes).

Frame is an immutable container for 2D data which is indexed along both axes (rows, columns) by associated keys (i.e., indexes).

The primary use case is homogeneous data, but a secondary concern is to support heterogeneous data that is homogeneous ony within any given column.

The row index, column index, and constituent value data are all backed ultimately by arrays.

Frame is effectively a doubly-indexed associative map whose row keys and col keys each have an ordering provided by the natural (provided) order of their backing arrays.

Several factory and access methods are provided. In the following examples, assume that:

 val f = Frame('a'->Vec(1,2,3), 'b'->Vec(4,5,6))

The apply method takes a row and col key returns a slice of the original Frame:

 f(0,'a') == Frame('a'->Vec(1))

apply also accepts a org.saddle.index.Slice:

 f(0->1, 'b') == Frame('b'->Vec(4,5))
 f(0, *) == Frame('a'->Vec(1), 'b'->Vec(4))

You may slice using the col and row methods respectively, as follows:

 f.col('a') == Frame('a'->Vec(1,2,3))
 f.row(0) == Frame('a'->Vec(1), 'b'->Vec(4))
 f.row(0->1) == Frame('a'->Vec(1,2), 'b'->Vec(4,5))

You can achieve a similar effect with rowSliceBy and colSliceBy

The colAt and rowAt methods take an integer offset i into the Frame, and return a Series indexed by the opposing axis:

 f.rowAt(0) == Series('a'->1, 'b'->4)

If there is a one-to-one relationship between offset i and key (ie, no duplicate keys in the index), you may achieve the same effect via key as follows:

 f.first(0) == Series('a'->1, 'b'->4)
 f.firstCol('a') == Series(1,2,3)

The at method returns an instance of a org.saddle.scalar.Scalar, which behaves much like an Option; it can be either an instance of org.saddle.scalar.NA or a org.saddle.scalar.Value case class:, 0) == scalar.Scalar(1)

The rowSlice and colSlice methods allows slicing the Frame for locations in [i, j) irrespective of the value of the keys at those locations.

 f.rowSlice(0,1) == Frame('a'->Vec(1), 'b'->Vec(4))

Finally, the method raw accesses a value directly, which may reveal the underlying representation of a missing value (so be careful).

 f.raw(0,0) == 1

Frame may be used in arithmetic expressions which operate on two Frames or on a Frame and a scalar value. In the former case, the two Frames will automatically align along their indexes:

 f + f.shift(1) == Frame('a'->Vec(NA,3,5), 'b'->Vec(NA,9,11))
Type parameters:

The type of column keys


The type of row keys


The type of entries in the frame

Value parameters:

An index for the columns


An index for the rows


A sequence of Vecs which comprise the columns of the Frame

object Frame extends BinOpFrame
trait Index[@specialized(Boolean, Int, Long, Double) T]

Index provides a constant-time look-up of a value within array-backed storage, as well as operations to support joining and slicing.

Index provides a constant-time look-up of a value within array-backed storage, as well as operations to support joining and slicing.

object Index
final class Mat[@specialized(Boolean, Int, Long, Double) T](val numRows: Int, val numCols: Int, values: Array[T], val scalarTag: ScalarTag[T]) extends NumericOps[Mat[T]]

Mat is an immutable container for 2D homogeneous data (a "matrix"). It is backed by a single array. Data is stored in row-major order.

Mat is an immutable container for 2D homogeneous data (a "matrix"). It is backed by a single array. Data is stored in row-major order.

Several element access methods are provided.

The at method returns an instance of a org.saddle.scalar.Scalar, which behaves much like an Option in that it can be either an instance of org.saddle.scalar.NA or a org.saddle.scalar.Value case class:

 val m = Mat(2,2,Array(1,2,3,4)),0) == Value(1)

The method raw accesses the underlying value directly.

 val m = Mat(2,2,Array(1,2,3,4))
 m.raw(0,0) == 1d

Mat may be used in arithmetic expressions which operate on two Mats or on a Mat and a primitive value. A fe examples:

 val m = Mat(2,2,Array(1,2,3,4))
 m * m == Mat(2,2,Array(1,4,9,16))
 m dot m == Mat(2,2,Array(7d,10,15,22))
 m * 3 == Mat(2, 2, Array(3,6,9,12))

Note, Mat is generally compatible with EJML's DenseMatrix. It may be convenient to induce this conversion to do more complex linear algebra, or to work with a mutable data structure.

Type parameters:

Type of elements within the Mat

object Mat
trait Numeric[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) T] extends Order[T]
implicit implicit class OptionToScalar[@specialized(Boolean, Int, Long, Float, Double) T](p: Option[T])(implicit st: ScalarTag[T])
object Panel

Convenience constructors for a Frame[RX, CX, Any] that accept arbitrarily-typed Vectors and Series as constructor parameters, leaving their internal representations unchanged.

Convenience constructors for a Frame[RX, CX, Any] that accept arbitrarily-typed Vectors and Series as constructor parameters, leaving their internal representations unchanged.

sealed trait PctMethod

Trait which specifies what percentile method to use

Trait which specifies what percentile method to use

object PctMethod
implicit implicit class PrimitiveToScalar[@specialized(Boolean, Int, Long, Float, Double) T](p: T)(implicit st: ScalarTag[T])
sealed trait RankTie

Trait which specifies how to break a rank tie

Trait which specifies how to break a rank tie

object RankTie
implicit implicit class SeqToFrame[RX, CX, T](s: Seq[(RX, CX, T)])(implicit evidence$9: ScalarTag[RX], evidence$10: Order[RX], evidence$11: ScalarTag[CX], evidence$12: Order[CX], evidence$13: ScalarTag[T])

Augments Seq with a toFrame method that returns a new Frame instance.

Augments Seq with a toFrame method that returns a new Frame instance.

For example,

 val t = IndexedSeq(("a", "x", 3), ("b", "y", 4))
 val f = t.toFrame

 res0: org.saddle.Frame[java.lang.String,java.lang.String,Int] =
 [2 x 2]
       x  y
       -- --
 a ->  3 NA
 b -> NA  4
Type parameters:

Type of col index elements of Frame


Type of row index elements of Frame


Type of data elements of Frame

Value parameters:

A value of type Seq[(RX, CX, T)]

implicit implicit class SeqToFrame2[RX, CX, T](s: Seq[(CX, Series[RX, T])])(implicit evidence$14: ScalarTag[RX], evidence$15: Order[RX], evidence$16: ScalarTag[CX], evidence$17: Order[CX], evidence$18: ScalarTag[T])
implicit implicit class SeqToIndex[X](ix: Seq[X])(implicit evidence$4: ScalarTag[X], evidence$5: Order[X])

Augments Seq with a toIndex method that returns a new Index instance.

Augments Seq with a toIndex method that returns a new Index instance.

For example,

 val i = IndexedSeq(1,2,3)
 val s = i.toIndex
Type parameters:

Type of index elements

Value parameters:

A value of type Seq[X]

implicit implicit class SeqToMat[T](s: Seq[Vec[T]])(implicit evidence$3: ScalarTag[T])
implicit implicit class SeqToSeries[T, X](s: Seq[(X, T)])(implicit evidence$6: ScalarTag[T], evidence$7: ScalarTag[X], evidence$8: Order[X])

Augments Seq with a toSeries method that returns a new Series instance.

Augments Seq with a toSeries method that returns a new Series instance.

For example,

 val p = IndexedSeq(1,2,3) zip IndexedSeq(4,5,6)
 val s = p.toSeries
Type parameters:

Type of data elements of Series


Type of index elements of Series

Value parameters:

A value of type Seq[(X, T)]

implicit implicit class SeqToVec[T](s: Seq[T])(implicit evidence$1: ScalarTag[T])

Augments Seq with a toVec method that returns a new Vec instance.

Augments Seq with a toVec method that returns a new Vec instance.

For example,

 val s = IndexedSeq(1,2,3)
 val v = s.toVec
Type parameters:

Type of elements of Vec

Value parameters:

A value of type Seq[T]

class Series[X, @specialized(Int, Long, Double) T](val values: Vec[T], val index: Index[X])(implicit evidence$1: ScalarTag[X], evidence$2: Order[X], evidence$3: ScalarTag[T]) extends NumericOps[Series[X, T]]

Series is an immutable container for 1D homogeneous data which is indexed by a an associated sequence of keys.

Series is an immutable container for 1D homogeneous data which is indexed by a an associated sequence of keys.

Both the index and value data are backed by arrays.

Series is effectively an associative map whose keys have an ordering provided by the natural (provided) order of the backing array.

Several element access methods are provided.

The apply method returns a slice of the original Series:

 val s = Series(Vec(1,2,3,4), Index('a','b','b','c'))
 s('a') == Series('a'->1)
 s('b') == Series('b'->2, 'b'->3)

Other ways to slice a series involve implicitly constructing an org.saddle.index.Slice object and passing it to the Series apply method:

 s('a'->'b') == Series('a'->1, 'b'->2, 'b'->3)
 s(* -> 'b') == Series('a'->1, 'b'->2, 'b'->3)
 s('b' -> *) == Series('b'->2, 'b'->3, 'c'->4)
 s(*) == s

The at method returns an instance of a org.saddle.scalar.Scalar, which behaves much like an Option in that it can be either an instance of org.saddle.scalar.NA or a org.saddle.scalar.Value case class: == Scalar(1)

The slice method allows slicing the Series for locations in [i, j) irrespective of the value of the keys at those locations.

 s.slice(2,4) == Series('b'->3, 'c'->4)

To slice explicitly by labels, use the sliceBy method, which is inclusive of the key boundaries:

 s.sliceBy('b','c') == Series('b'->3, 'c'->4)

The method raw accesses the value directly, which may reveal the underlying representation of a missing value (so be careful).

 s.raw(0) == 1

Series may be used in arithmetic expressions which operate on two Series or on a Series and a scalar value. In the former case, the two Series will automatically align along their indexes. A few examples:

 s * 2 == Series('a'->2, 'b'->4, ... )
 s + s.shift(1) == Series('a'->NA, 'b'->3, 'b'->5, ...)
Type parameters:

Type of elements in the values array, for which there must be an implicit ST


Type of elements in the index, for which there must be an implicit Ordering and ST

Value parameters:

Index backing the keys in the Series


Vec backing the values in the Series

object Series extends BinOpSeries
object Vec
trait Vec[@specialized(Boolean, Int, Long, Double) T] extends NumericOps[Vec[T]]

Vec is an immutable container for 1D homogeneous data (a "vector"). It is backed by an array and indexed from 0 to length - 1.

Vec is an immutable container for 1D homogeneous data (a "vector"). It is backed by an array and indexed from 0 to length - 1.

Several element access methods are provided.

The apply() method returns a slice of the original vector:

 val v = Vec(1,2,3,4)
 v(0) == Vec(1)
 v(1, 2) == Vec(2,3)

The at method returns an instance of a org.saddle.scalar.Scalar, which behaves much like an Option in that it can be either an instance of org.saddle.scalar.NA or a org.saddle.scalar.Value case class:

 Vec[Int](1,2,3,na).at(0) == Scalar(1)
 Vec[Int](1,2,3,na).at(3) == NA

The method raw accesses the underlying value directly.

 Vec(1d,2,3).raw(0) == 1d

Vec may be used in arithmetic expressions which operate on two Vecs or on a Vec and a scalar value. A few examples:

 Vec(1,2,3,4) + Vec(2,3,4,5) == Vec(3,5,7,9)
 Vec(1,2,3,4) * 2 == Vec(2,4,6,8)

Note, Vec is implicitly convertible to an array for convenience; this could be abused to mutate the contents of the Vec. Try to avoid this!

Type parameters:

Type of elements within the Vec

implicit implicit class VecDoubleOps(self: Vec[Double])

Specialized methods for Vec[Double]

Specialized methods for Vec[Double]

Methods in this class do not filter out NAs, e.g. Vec(NA,1d).max2 == NA rather than 1d

object doubleIsNumeric extends Numeric[Double] with DoubleTotalOrderTrait
object floatIsNumeric extends Numeric[Float] with FloatTotalOrderTrait
object intIsNumeric extends Numeric[Int]
object longIsNumeric extends Numeric[Long]
object na

na provides syntactic sugar for constructing primitives recognized as NA. A use case is be:

na provides syntactic sugar for constructing primitives recognized as NA. A use case is be:


na will implicitly convert to a primitive having the designated missing value bit pattern. That pattern is as follows:

  1. byte => Byte.MinValue
  2. char => Char.MinValue
  3. short => Short.Minvalue
  4. int => Int.MinValue
  5. long => Long.MinValue
  6. float => Float.NaN
  7. double => Double.NaN

The NA bit pattern for integral types is MinValue because it induces a symmetry on the remaining bound of values; e.g. the remaining Byte bound is (-127, +127).

Note since Booleans can only take on two values, it has no na primitive bit pattern.

object order extends OrderInstances


type CLM[C] = ClassTag[C]

Shorthand for class manifest typeclass

Shorthand for class manifest typeclass

type NUM[C] = Numeric[C]

Shorthand for numeric typeclass

Shorthand for numeric typeclass

type ORD[C] = Order[C]

Shorthand for ordering typeclass

Shorthand for ordering typeclass

type ST[C] = ScalarTag[C]

Shorthand for scalar tag typeclass

Shorthand for scalar tag typeclass

Value members

Concrete methods

def *: SliceAll

Syntactic sugar, placeholder for 'slice-all'

Syntactic sugar, placeholder for 'slice-all'

 val v = Vec(1,2,3, 4)
 val u = v(*)
def clock[T](op: => T): (Double, T)

Allow timing of an operation

Allow timing of an operation

 clock { bigMat.T dot bigMat }

Concrete fields

val UTF8: String

Constant used in string byte-level manipulation

Constant used in string byte-level manipulation



final implicit def ArrToVec[T : ScalarTag](s: Array[T]): ArrToVec[T]
final implicit def OptionToScalar[T](p: Option[T])(implicit st: ScalarTag[T]): OptionToScalar[T]
final implicit def PrimitiveToScalar[T](p: T)(implicit st: ScalarTag[T]): PrimitiveToScalar[T]
final implicit def SeqToFrame[RX : Order, CX : Order, T : ScalarTag](s: Seq[(RX, CX, T)]): SeqToFrame[RX, CX, T]

Augments Seq with a toFrame method that returns a new Frame instance.

Augments Seq with a toFrame method that returns a new Frame instance.

For example,

 val t = IndexedSeq(("a", "x", 3), ("b", "y", 4))
 val f = t.toFrame

 res0: org.saddle.Frame[java.lang.String,java.lang.String,Int] =
 [2 x 2]
       x  y
       -- --
 a ->  3 NA
 b -> NA  4
Type parameters:

Type of col index elements of Frame


Type of row index elements of Frame


Type of data elements of Frame

Value parameters:

A value of type Seq[(RX, CX, T)]

final implicit def SeqToFrame2[RX : ScalarTag, CX : ScalarTag, T : ScalarTag](s: Seq[(CX, Series[RX, T])]): SeqToFrame2[RX, CX, T]
final implicit def SeqToIndex[X : Order](ix: Seq[X]): SeqToIndex[X]

Augments Seq with a toIndex method that returns a new Index instance.

Augments Seq with a toIndex method that returns a new Index instance.

For example,

 val i = IndexedSeq(1,2,3)
 val s = i.toIndex
Type parameters:

Type of index elements

Value parameters:

A value of type Seq[X]

final implicit def SeqToMat[T : ScalarTag](s: Seq[Vec[T]]): SeqToMat[T]
final implicit def SeqToSeries[T : ScalarTag, X : Order](s: Seq[(X, T)]): SeqToSeries[T, X]

Augments Seq with a toSeries method that returns a new Series instance.

Augments Seq with a toSeries method that returns a new Series instance.

For example,

 val p = IndexedSeq(1,2,3) zip IndexedSeq(4,5,6)
 val s = p.toSeries
Type parameters:

Type of data elements of Series


Type of index elements of Series

Value parameters:

A value of type Seq[(X, T)]

final implicit def SeqToVec[T : ScalarTag](s: Seq[T]): SeqToVec[T]

Augments Seq with a toVec method that returns a new Vec instance.

Augments Seq with a toVec method that returns a new Vec instance.

For example,

 val s = IndexedSeq(1,2,3)
 val v = s.toVec
Type parameters:

Type of elements of Vec

Value parameters:

A value of type Seq[T]

final implicit def VecDoubleOps(self: Vec[Double]): VecDoubleOps

Specialized methods for Vec[Double]

Specialized methods for Vec[Double]

Methods in this class do not filter out NAs, e.g. Vec(NA,1d).max2 == NA rather than 1d

implicit def any2Slice[T](p: T): SliceDefault[T]
implicit val doubleOrd: doubleIsNumeric.type
implicit val floatOrd: floatIsNumeric.type
implicit val intOrd: intIsNumeric.type
implicit val longOrd: longIsNumeric.type
implicit def pair2Slice[T](p: (T, T)): SliceDefault[T]

Syntactic sugar, allow '->' to generate an (inclusive) index slice

Syntactic sugar, allow '->' to generate an (inclusive) index slice

 val v = Vec(1,2,3,4)
 val u = v(0 -> 2)
implicit def pair2SliceFrom[T](p: (T, SliceAll)): SliceFrom[T]

Syntactic sugar, allow ' -> *' to generate an (inclusive) index slice, open on right

Syntactic sugar, allow ' -> *' to generate an (inclusive) index slice, open on right

 val v = Vec(1,2,3,4)
 val u = v(1 -> *)
implicit def pair2SliceTo[T](p: (SliceAll, T)): SliceTo[T]

Syntactic sugar, allow '* -> ' to generate an (inclusive) index slice, open on left

Syntactic sugar, allow '* -> ' to generate an (inclusive) index slice, open on left

 val v = Vec(1,2,3,4)
 val u = v(* -> 2)