
Type members


trait APICreator extends ProcessReferenceCreator with App
trait ApiEndpoint[In <: Product, PIn <: Product, Out <: Product, T <: ApiEndpoint[In, PIn, Out, T]](implicit evidence$8: Encoder[In], evidence$9: Decoder[In], evidence$10: Schema[In], evidence$11: Encoder[PIn], evidence$12: Decoder[PIn], evidence$13: Schema[PIn], evidence$14: Encoder[Out], evidence$15: Decoder[Out], evidence$16: Schema[Out], evidence$17: ClassTag[Out]) extends Product
case class ApiEndpoints(tag: String, endpoints: Seq[ApiEndpoint[_, _, _, _]])
case class CamundaAuthError(`type`: String, message: String, userId: String, permissionName: String, resourceName: String, resourceId: String)
case class CamundaError(`type`: String, message: String)
case class CamundaProperty(key: String, value: CamundaVariable)
case class CamundaRestApi[In <: Product, Out <: Product](name: String, tag: String, descr: Option[String] | String, requestInput: RequestInput[In], requestOutput: RequestOutput[Out], requestErrorOutputs: List[RequestErrorOutput])(implicit evidence$1: Encoder[In], evidence$2: Decoder[In], evidence$3: Schema[In], evidence$4: Encoder[Out], evidence$5: Decoder[Out], evidence$6: Schema[Out], evidence$7: ClassTag[Out])
sealed trait CamundaVariable
case class CompleteTask[In <: Product](restApi: CamundaRestApi[In, NoOutput])(implicit evidence$30: Encoder[In], evidence$31: Decoder[In], evidence$32: Schema[In]) extends ApiEndpoint[In, CompleteTaskIn, NoOutput, CompleteTask[In]]
@Schema$$annotations$$description("A JSON object with the following properties: (at least an empty JSON object {} or an empty request body)")
case class CompleteTaskIn(variables: Map[ExampleName, CamundaVariable], @Schema$$annotations$$description("Set to false will not return the Process Variables and the Result Status is 204.") withVariablesInReturn: Boolean)
case class CompleteTaskOut(@Schema$$annotations$$description("The Process Variables - Be aware that returns everything stored in the Process.") variables: Map[ExampleName, CamundaVariable])
case class CorrelateMessage[In <: Product](event: ReceiveMessageEvent[In], restApi: CamundaRestApi[In, NoOutput])(implicit evidence$1: Encoder[In], evidence$2: Decoder[In], evidence$3: Schema[In], evidence$4: ClassTag[In]) extends ApiEndpoint[In, CorrelateMessageIn, NoOutput, CorrelateMessage[In]]
case class CorrelateMessageIn(messageName: String, businessKey: Option[String], tenantId: Option[String], withoutTenantId: Option[Boolean], processInstanceId: Option[String], correlationKeys: Option[Map[String, CamundaVariable]], localCorrelationKeys: Option[Map[String, CamundaVariable]], processVariables: Option[Map[String, CamundaVariable]], processVariablesLocal: Option[Map[String, CamundaVariable]], all: Boolean, resultEnabled: Boolean, variablesInResultEnabled: Boolean)
case class EvaluateDecision[In <: Product, Out <: Product](decisionDmn: DecisionDmn[In, Out], restApi: CamundaRestApi[In, Out])(implicit evidence$1: Encoder[In], evidence$2: Decoder[In], evidence$3: Schema[In], evidence$4: ClassTag[In], evidence$5: Encoder[Out], evidence$6: Decoder[Out], evidence$7: Schema[Out], evidence$8: ClassTag[Out]) extends ApiEndpoint[In, EvaluateDecisionIn, Out, EvaluateDecision[In, Out]]
@Schema$$annotations$$description("A JSON object with the following properties:")
case class EvaluateDecisionIn(variables: Map[ExampleName, CamundaVariable])
@Schema$$annotations$$description("A JSON object with the following properties")
case class GetActiveTaskIn(@Schema$$annotations$$description("\n |The id of the process - you want to get the active tasks.\n |> This is the result id of the `StartProcessOut`\n |") processInstanceId: String, @Schema$$annotations$$description("We are only interested in the active Task(s)") active: Boolean)
case class GetActiveTaskOut(@Schema$$annotations$$description id: String)
case class GetTaskFormVariables[Out <: Product](restApi: CamundaRestApi[NoInput, Out])(implicit evidence$26: Encoder[Out], evidence$27: Decoder[Out], evidence$28: Schema[Out], evidence$29: ClassTag[Out]) extends ApiEndpoint[NoInput, NoInput, Out, GetTaskFormVariables[Out]]

Checks all BPMNs if a process is used in another process. As result a list is created that can be included in the Documentation.

Checks all BPMNs if a process is used in another process. As result a list is created that can be included in the Documentation.

case class RequestErrorOutput(statusCode: StatusCode, examples: Map[ExampleName, CamundaError])
case class RequestInput[T](examples: Map[ExampleName, T])
case class RequestOutput[T](statusCode: StatusCode, examples: Map[ExampleName, T])
case class SendSignal[In <: Product](event: ReceiveSignalEvent[In], restApi: CamundaRestApi[In, NoOutput])(implicit evidence$1: Encoder[In], evidence$2: Decoder[In], evidence$3: Schema[In], evidence$4: ClassTag[In]) extends ApiEndpoint[In, SendSignalIn, NoOutput, SendSignal[In]]
case class SendSignalIn(@Schema$$annotations$$description("The name of the signal to deliver.") name: String, @Schema$$annotations$$description("\nSpecifies a tenant to deliver the signal. The signal can only be received on executions or process definitions which belongs to the given tenant.\n\nNote: Cannot be used in combination with executionId.\n") tenantId: Option[String], withoutTenantId: Option[Boolean], @Schema$$annotations$$description("\nOptionally specifies a single execution which is notified by the signal.\n\nNote: If no execution id is defined the signal is broadcasted to all subscribed handlers.\n") executionId: Option[String], @Schema$$annotations$$description("A JSON object containing variable key-value pairs. Each key is a variable name and each value a JSON variable value object.") variables: Option[Map[String, CamundaVariable]])
@Schema$$annotations$$description("A JSON object with the following properties: (at least an empty JSON object {} or an empty request body)")
case class StartProcessIn(variables: Map[String, CamundaVariable], @Schema$$annotations$$description("The business key of the process instance.") businessKey: Option[String], @Schema$$annotations$$description("Set to false will not return the Process Variables.") withVariablesInReturn: Boolean)
case class StartProcessInstance[In <: Product, Out <: Product](processDefinitionKey: String, restApi: CamundaRestApi[In, Out], usedInDescr: Option[String])(implicit evidence$18: Encoder[In], evidence$19: Decoder[In], evidence$20: Schema[In], evidence$21: ClassTag[In], evidence$22: Encoder[Out], evidence$23: Decoder[Out], evidence$24: Schema[Out], evidence$25: ClassTag[Out]) extends ApiEndpoint[In, StartProcessIn, Out, StartProcessInstance[In, Out]]
case class StartProcessOut(@Schema$$annotations$$description("The Process Variables - Be aware that returns everything stored in the Process.") variables: Map[ExampleName, CamundaVariable], @Schema$$annotations$$description id: String, @Schema$$annotations$$description("The id of the process definition.") definitionId: String, @Schema$$annotations$$description("The business key of the process instance.") businessKey: Option[String])
case class UserTaskEndpoint[In <: Product, Out <: Product](restApi: CamundaRestApi[In, Out], getActiveTask: GetActiveTask, getTaskFormVariables: GetTaskFormVariables[In], completeTask: CompleteTask[Out])(implicit evidence$33: Encoder[In], evidence$34: Decoder[In], evidence$35: Schema[In], evidence$36: ClassTag[In], evidence$37: Encoder[Out], evidence$38: Decoder[Out], evidence$39: Schema[Out], evidence$40: ClassTag[Out]) extends ApiEndpoint[In, NoInput, Out, UserTaskEndpoint[In, Out]]


type ExampleName = String
type FormVariables = Map[String, CamundaVariable]

Value members

Concrete methods

def badRequest(msg: String): RequestErrorOutput
def cawemoDescr(descr: String, cawemoLink: String): String
def forbidden(msg: String): RequestErrorOutput
def notFound(msg: String): RequestErrorOutput



extension (request: RequestErrorOutput)
def example(`type`: String, message: String): RequestErrorOutput



implicit lazy val CamundaAuthErrorSchema: Schema[CamundaAuthError]
implicit lazy val CamundaErrorSchema: Schema[CamundaError]
implicit lazy val CompleteTaskInSchema: Schema[CompleteTaskIn]
implicit lazy val CompleteTaskOutSchema: Schema[CompleteTaskOut]
implicit lazy val EvaluateDecisionInDecoder: Decoder[EvaluateDecisionIn]
implicit lazy val EvaluateDecisionInEncoder: Encoder[EvaluateDecisionIn]
implicit lazy val EvaluateDecisionInSchema: Schema[EvaluateDecisionIn]
implicit lazy val GetActiveTaskInSchema: Schema[GetActiveTaskIn]
implicit lazy val RequestErrorOutputSchema: Schema[RequestErrorOutput]
implicit lazy val SendSignalInSchema: Schema[SendSignalIn]
implicit lazy val StartProcessInSchema: Schema[StartProcessIn]
implicit lazy val StatusCodeDecoder: Decoder[StatusCode]
implicit lazy val StatusCodeEncoder: Encoder[StatusCode]
implicit lazy val StatusCodeSchema: Schema[StatusCode]