
object CamundaHelper


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def extractSeqFromArrayOrString(varKey: String | InputParams): () ?=> Either[BadVariableError, Seq[String]]
def extractSeqFromArrayOrString(varKey: String | InputParams, defaultSeq: Seq[String | ErrorCodes]): () ?=> Either[BadVariableError, Seq[String]]
def extractValue(typedValue: TypedValue): Either[BadVariableError, Json]
def jsonVariableOpt(varKey: String | InputParams): () ?=> Either[BadVariableError, Option[Json]]
def topicName: () ?=> String
def variable[A : Decoder](varKey: String | InputParams, defaultObj: A): () ?=> Either[BadVariableError, A]

Analog variable(String vari). You can define a Value that is returned if there is no Variable with this name.

Analog variable(String vari). You can define a Value that is returned if there is no Variable with this name.


def variable[T : Decoder](varKey: String | InputParams): () ?=> Either[BadVariableError, T]

Returns the Variable in the Bag. B if there is no Variable with that identifier.

Returns the Variable in the Bag. B if there is no Variable with that identifier.


def variableOpt[A : Decoder](varKey: String | InputParams)(implicit evidence$1: Decoder[A], ExternalTask): Either[BadVariableError, Option[A]]

Returns the Variable in the Bag. If there is none it return null. It returns whatever datatype the variable contains.

Returns the Variable in the Bag. If there is none it return null. It returns whatever datatype the variable contains.


def variableTypedOpt(varKey: String | InputParams): () ?=> Option[TypedValue]



extension [T](option: Option[T])
def toEither(msg: String): () ?=> Either[BadVariableError, T]
def toEither[E <: CamundalaWorkerError](error: E): () ?=> Either[E, T]