Klasse AuditRecordMethod


@Generated("io.github.primelib.primecodegen.javafeign.JavaFeignGenerator") public class AuditRecordMethod extends Object
  • Felddetails

    • description

      protected String description
    • truncatedToken

      protected String truncatedToken
      Truncated token containing the last 4 chars of the token's actual value.
    • type

      Describes the method used to perform the action: browser -- authenticated user session. Session value is not returned in the truncated_token field. oauth -- access token obtained via the OAuth flow. Truncated token value is returned in the truncated_token field. api_token -- Pagerduty API token. Truncated token value is returned in the truncated_token field. identity_provider -- action performed by an Identity provider on behalf of a user. No value is returned in the truncated_token field. other -- Method that does not fall in the predefined categories. Truncated token value MAY be returned in the truncated_token field.
  • Konstruktordetails

    • AuditRecordMethod

      public AuditRecordMethod(Consumer<AuditRecordMethod> spec)
      Constructs a validated instance of AuditRecordMethod.
      spec - the specification to process
    • AuditRecordMethod

      @Internal public AuditRecordMethod(String description, String truncatedToken, AuditRecordMethod.TypeEnum type)
      Constructs a validated instance of AuditRecordMethod.

      NOTE: This constructor is not considered stable and may change if the model is updated. Consider using AuditRecordMethod(Consumer) instead.

      description - description
      truncatedToken - Truncated token containing the last 4 chars of the token's actual value.
      type - Describes the method used to perform the action: browser -- authenticated user session. Session value is not returned in the truncated_token field. oauth -- access token obtained via the OAuth flow. Truncated token value is returned in the truncated_token field. api_token -- Pagerduty API token. Truncated token value is returned in the truncated_token field. identity_provider -- action performed by an Identity provider on behalf of a user. No value is returned in the truncated_token field. other -- Method that does not fall in the predefined categories. Truncated token value MAY be returned in the truncated_token field.
    • AuditRecordMethod

      protected AuditRecordMethod()
  • Methodendetails

    • builder

    • description

      public String description()
    • truncatedToken

      public String truncatedToken()
      Truncated token containing the last 4 chars of the token's actual value.
    • type

      Describes the method used to perform the action: browser -- authenticated user session. Session value is not returned in the truncated_token field. oauth -- access token obtained via the OAuth flow. Truncated token value is returned in the truncated_token field. api_token -- Pagerduty API token. Truncated token value is returned in the truncated_token field. identity_provider -- action performed by an Identity provider on behalf of a user. No value is returned in the truncated_token field. other -- Method that does not fall in the predefined categories. Truncated token value MAY be returned in the truncated_token field.
    • description

      public AuditRecordMethod description(String description)
      Gibt zurück:
    • truncatedToken

      public AuditRecordMethod truncatedToken(String truncatedToken)
      Truncated token containing the last 4 chars of the token's actual value.
      Gibt zurück:
    • type

      Describes the method used to perform the action: browser -- authenticated user session. Session value is not returned in the truncated_token field. oauth -- access token obtained via the OAuth flow. Truncated token value is returned in the truncated_token field. api_token -- Pagerduty API token. Truncated token value is returned in the truncated_token field. identity_provider -- action performed by an Identity provider on behalf of a user. No value is returned in the truncated_token field. other -- Method that does not fall in the predefined categories. Truncated token value MAY be returned in the truncated_token field.
      Gibt zurück:
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      equals in Klasse Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      hashCode in Klasse Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse Object