Klasse AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody


@Generated("io.github.primelib.primecodegen.javafeign.JavaFeignGenerator") public class AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody extends Object
  • Felddetails

    • name

      protected String name
    • description

      protected String description
    • runbookBaseUri

      protected String runbookBaseUri
      The base URI of the Runbook server to connect to. May only contain alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores and dashes. Specified as the subdomain portion of an RBA host, as in <runbook_base_uri>.runbook.pagerduty.cloud
    • runbookApiKey

      protected String runbookApiKey
      The API key to connect to the Runbook server with. If omitted, the previously stored value will remain unchanged
  • Konstruktordetails

    • AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody

      public AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody(Consumer<AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody> spec)
      Constructs a validated instance of AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody.
      spec - the specification to process
    • AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody

      @Internal public AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody(String name, String description, String runbookBaseUri, String runbookApiKey)
      Constructs a validated instance of AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody.

      NOTE: This constructor is not considered stable and may change if the model is updated. Consider using AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody(Consumer) instead.

      name - name
      description - description
      runbookBaseUri - The base URI of the Runbook server to connect to. May only contain alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores and dashes. Specified as the subdomain portion of an RBA host, as in &lt;runbook_base_uri&gt;.runbook.pagerduty.cloud
      runbookApiKey - The API key to connect to the Runbook server with. If omitted, the previously stored value will remain unchanged
    • AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody

      protected AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody()
  • Methodendetails

    • builder

    • name

      public String name()
    • description

      public String description()
    • runbookBaseUri

      public String runbookBaseUri()
      The base URI of the Runbook server to connect to. May only contain alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores and dashes. Specified as the subdomain portion of an RBA host, as in &lt;runbook_base_uri&gt;.runbook.pagerduty.cloud
    • runbookApiKey

      public String runbookApiKey()
      The API key to connect to the Runbook server with. If omitted, the previously stored value will remain unchanged
    • name

      Gibt zurück:
    • description

      public AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody description(String description)
      Gibt zurück:
    • runbookBaseUri

      public AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody runbookBaseUri(String runbookBaseUri)
      The base URI of the Runbook server to connect to. May only contain alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores and dashes. Specified as the subdomain portion of an RBA host, as in &lt;runbook_base_uri&gt;.runbook.pagerduty.cloud
      Gibt zurück:
    • runbookApiKey

      public AutomationActionsRunnerRunbookBody runbookApiKey(String runbookApiKey)
      The API key to connect to the Runbook server with. If omitted, the previously stored value will remain unchanged
      Gibt zurück:
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      equals in Klasse Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      hashCode in Klasse Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse Object