Klasse UserSession


@Generated("io.github.primelib.primecodegen.javafeign.JavaFeignGenerator") public class UserSession extends Object
  • Felddetails

    • id

      protected String id
    • userId

      protected String userId
    • createdAt

      protected OffsetDateTime createdAt
      The date/time the user session was first created.
    • type

      protected UserSession.TypeEnum type
      The type of the session
    • summary

      protected String summary
      The summary of the session
  • Konstruktordetails

    • UserSession

      public UserSession(Consumer<UserSession> spec)
      Constructs a validated instance of UserSession.
      spec - the specification to process
    • UserSession

      @Internal public UserSession(String id, String userId, OffsetDateTime createdAt, UserSession.TypeEnum type, String summary)
      Constructs a validated instance of UserSession.

      NOTE: This constructor is not considered stable and may change if the model is updated. Consider using UserSession(Consumer) instead.

      id - id
      userId - userId
      createdAt - The date/time the user session was first created.
      type - The type of the session
      summary - The summary of the session
    • UserSession

      protected UserSession()
  • Methodendetails