Klasse PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec


@Generated("io.github.primelib.primecodegen.javafeign.JavaFeignGenerator") public class PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec extends Object

Specification for the PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholds operation.

Set the Account-level priority threshold for Business Service impact.

  • Felddetails


      @Experimental public static Boolean VALIDATION_ENABLED
      allows to disable validation of the spec, use with care!
  • Konstruktordetails

    • PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec

      @Internal public PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec(Consumer<PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec> spec)
      Constructs a validated instance of PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec.
      spec - the specification to process
    • PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec

      @Internal public PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec(PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsRequest putBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsRequest)
      Constructs a validated instance of PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec.

      NOTE: This constructor is not considered stable and may change if the operation is updated.

      putBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsRequest - Set the id and order of the global Priority Threshold. These values can be obtained by calling the /priorities endpoint. Once set, Incidents must be at or above the specified level in order to impact Business Services. An exception to this rule is if the Incident has been added to the incident directly using the PUT /incidents/{id}/business_services/{business_service_id}/impacts endpoint.
    • PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec

      protected PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec()
  • Methodendetails

    • validate

      public void validate()
      Validates the Spec, will throw a exception if required parameters are missing
      Löst aus:
    • builder

    • putBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsRequest

      @Nullable public @Nullable PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsRequest putBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsRequest()
      Set the id and order of the global Priority Threshold. These values can be obtained by calling the /priorities endpoint. Once set, Incidents must be at or above the specified level in order to impact Business Services. An exception to this rule is if the Incident has been added to the incident directly using the PUT /incidents/{id}/business_services/{business_service_id}/impacts endpoint.
    • putBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsRequest

      public PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsOperationSpec putBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsRequest(@Nullable @Nullable PutBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsRequest putBusinessServicePriorityThresholdsRequest)
      Set the id and order of the global Priority Threshold. These values can be obtained by calling the /priorities endpoint. Once set, Incidents must be at or above the specified level in order to impact Business Services. An exception to this rule is if the Incident has been added to the incident directly using the PUT /incidents/{id}/business_services/{business_service_id}/impacts endpoint.
      Gibt zurück:
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      equals in Klasse Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      hashCode in Klasse Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse Object